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Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
Lately, I've been feeling like there's an unusually large amount of psychedelic elitism floating around The Nexus. I've seen a number of topics and posts that convey a general theme that the modern world (and everyone else in it) is 'disgusting,' and that as psychedelic users on the DMT-Nexus, we have achieved some kind of moral high ground, simply by virtue of messing with the chemistry of our brains.

There's talk of 'fake people' (as if we are somehow more 'real' ), and sweeping judgements made about other people's internal lives, wants and desires that (unless you're telepathic), we really have no business making. Where do people get off on the idea that we are in a position to pass judgement on the behaviors of others, let alone psychoanalyze their motives?

Lord knows, there are a TON of people who pass judgement on us simply because they oversimplify us down to a single, poorly understood behavior (drug use). When they do it, we scoff at how little they understand (which is true), but then we turn around and do the *exact same thing* to another group of people.

You may look down at a lady for spending her free time at the mall ("she's too materialistic" ), but maybe she's lacking social supports and doesn't know what else to do. You may look down on the guy who comes home very night and watches TV ("he's being brainwashed by The Media" ), but maybe he's working so hard in his day job that he doesn't have the emotional energy for other things. You may look down on the 'fake' spiritual person ("He's so fake, it's all an act" ), but maybe he really believes and his rituals are just as legitimate as yours.

What's more likely:

1) That you (and a small group of people who happen to have a lot of thoughts and behaviors in common with you), have achieved some kind of transcendental elevation that has simply missed the other six billion people on Earth


2) You, me, and everyone else are all basically average, not particularly special in any way and we're all running around with heads full of idea, trying to find patterns in the world and holding on to them.

Even if these people are all fake, brainwashed goons and you really do have access to some ultimate truth, why on Earth would you spend your time sh*tting on those people, instead of working to dismantle the system that made them that way?

The point of the Fake People thread was not to shit on anyone. It was not to pass judgement and make ourselves feel better because we may or may not fit the definition of "fake". It was to explore the concept of vanity and what that means. I don't look down on anyone, including the example person I used in that thread. I'm just observing things, and inciting a discussion based on those observations. Observations that I'm pretty sure other people have made as well. Looking down on people to validate ones existence is counter-intuitive to the whole ethos of the Nexus, IMO. This place is to learn, share and expand. Questioning certain aspects of human behaviour on a public forum satisfies all three of those, as long as the topic is thoroughly dissected. Who's to say we're not vain? We are not perfect creatures. We all flare up the ego sometimes. Some people are constantly flaring their ego, others, not so much. It's a part of being human.

"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself." - Max Ehrmann

Nathaniel.Dread said:
Even if these people are all fake, brainwashed goons and you really do have access to some ultimate truth, why on Earth would you spend your time sh*tting on those people, instead of working to dismantle the system that made them that way?

Exactly. Dismantling the system. That can only happen if we understand what it is that creates it. This underlying human quality. Which is why I posted that thread in the Philosophy section. Again, the intention of that thread is not to rant about fake people (apologies for the miscommunication if it seemed that way). Ultimate truth? The more I trip, the more I know that I don't know.

Nathaniel.Dread said:
Lord knows, there are a TON of people who pass judgement on us simply because they oversimplify us down to a single, poorly understood behavior (drug use). When they do it, we scoff at how little they understand (which is true), but then we turn around and do the *exact same thing* to another group of people.

The whole point of analysing human behaviour is to understand it. Not to feel superior to another human being. In my view, there is no such thing as superior and inferior in the grand scheme of things. We all eat, shit and die in the end. "single, poorly understood behavior" "then we turn around and do the *exact same thing* to another group of people". I don't understand this. Exploring ideas is not akin to belittling a group of people.

It's true that I see a lot more clearly than before I took psychs. But I'm nowhere near the clarity of MANY people, a lot of which have achieved this level of clarity with no substances at all. Does that make me feel "inferior" (whatever that means)? Well, yeah. But that is not a deterrent to wanting to learn more. Everyone follows their own path, at their own pace. A lot of people live their entire lives unfulfilled, because of decisions that they've made in their lives. Unfulfillment is a tragedy. It is not up to anyone to define what a fulfilling life is. It is what it is.

I don't know anymore. Maybe I'm a terrible person because I wanted to understand and to share thoughts. Apologies. I wont be sharing thoughts anymore.
The desire for differentiation is often an egotistical one. Just as some people choose to differentiate themselves by clothing and religion, many people here choose to differentiate themselves by use of psychedelics or participation in a psychedelic lifestyle.

I think it is hard for some people to deal with the idea of being generic while tripping or beginning to lead a spiritually fulfilling lifestyle. I say this from experience, as many of my original bad trips were based on a realization that I am not special, and things that I held dear were only special because they were mine. Other than a unique conglomeration of circumstances, which each human possesses to a different extent, I was not special. I finally understood what I loved hearing Tyler Durden say for years in Fight Club: "We are not special. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." I was hurt.

An all-too-easy and tempting way to backlash against this feeling is the kind of psychedelic/spiritual elitism that we take issue with. A good way to combat this, I have found, is to avoid making any generalizations, because they are very often misguided and/or outright false.

"All psychedelic users are better than all materialistic people" is an example of such a ridiculous, elitist claim. Just because someone pops a blotter in their mouth does not make them inherently "better," if there even is such a thing. There are psychedelic users who are extremely horrible people by societal standards and do not contribute a hundredth of what some non-psychedelic-using charity worker might. Also, using psychedelics is not mutually exclusive from materialism; I know some people who are very much into both things!

It is unfortunate that elitism appears on the Nexus, but we also have to be careful about generalizing about elitists or thinking we are elite compared to elitists. Maybe we should try to dismantle the systems that cause elitism!! I think a good first step to doing that is not claiming things are good nor bad, rather we should look at if they are justified or non-justified.
...sorry for trolling, but... did you know that apus apus, the common swift (a bird) actually sleeps in the jet scream? Isn't that amazing? It never perches except when feeding the younglings. It's feet have since crippled. Sorry again........peace out.....
I definitely see where you are going with this Nathaniel, and I agree with you in the necessity of withholding judgement because we don't know the details about other people's lives.

At the same time, isn't the duality you presented some kind of false dichotomy? Isn't it possible that psychedelics do help us realize parts of ourselves and our society that are usually hidden from conscious awareness, including certain games people play unconsciously and masks people wear, and yet at the same time isnt it possible that psychedelic people are often deluded about their superiority in some aspects?

Personally I rather just try to find where each one of us is lacking, independent of groups, and try to work on that or help others work on their issues. As an example, i've seen several psychedelic oriented people that do zero exercise, neglect the importance of social life and are mostly living in their minds, (not enough grounding) as well as some that seem to ignore critical thinking specially when it comes to science and pseudo-science. At the same time I've seen non-psychedelic people in the 'real world' that are definitely missing some existential exploration, or that are too caught up in their issues without having an overall perspective, that play games without realizing they are, or so on.

As for "elitism", nothing wrong with being the elite at one or another area of life if you really are, as long as you realize that doesn't make you better in other areas of life. Yes we are def part of an elite when it comes to underground psychedelic research, and no we are not the elite when it comes to having all the answers to other people's lives or making psychological assessment of others, etc.
I feel it's important to recognize behaviors and the impacts of these behaviors, I feel it's ok to talk about how greed, materialism, selfishness, dishonesty, etc.. are negative and detrimental behaviors.

This can be very productive, it leads to understanding why we are compelled to behave in these negative ways, and can lead to correcting these behaviors in ourselves.

However, when you begin to go into the area of singling out individuals, by saying "this person is an example of this negative behavior" what your doing becomes detrimental, your not criticising negative behavior, your imposing judgements on an individual based upon your perceptions of that individual, which in itself is a negative behavior.

I've put a good deal of thought into this issue, but I feel the excerpt below articulates the issue better than I could.

I vow not to talk about the faults of others." In the Zen tradition, this is one of the bodhisattva vows. For fully ordained monastics the same principle is expressed in the payattika vow to abandon slander. It is also contained in the Buddha’s recommendation to all of us to avoid the ten destructive actions, the fifth of which is using our speech to create disharmony.

The motivation

What an undertaking! I can’t speak for you, the reader, but I find this very difficult. I have an old habit of talking about the faults of others. In fact, it’s so habitual that sometimes I don’t realize I’ve done it until afterwards.

What lies behind this tendency to put others down? One of my teachers, Geshe Ngawang Dhargye, used to say, "You get together with a friend and talk about the faults of this person and the misdeeds of that one. Then you go on to discuss others’ mistakes and negative qualities. In the end, the two of you feel good because you’ve agreed you’re the two best people in the world."

When I look inside, I have to acknowledge he’s right. Fueled by insecurity, I mistakenly think that if others are wrong, bad, or fault-ridden, then in comparison I must be right, good, and capable. Does the strategy of putting others down to build up my own self-esteem work? Hardly.

Another situation in which we speak about others’ faults is when we’re angry with them. Here we may talk about their faults for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s to win other people over to our side. "If I tell these other people about the argument Bob and I had and convince them that he is wrong and I’m right before Bob can tell them about the argument, then they’ll side with me." Underlying that is the thought, "If others think I’m right, then I must be." It’s a weak attempt to convince ourselves we’re okay when we haven’t spent the time honestly evaluating our own motivations and actions.

At other times, we may talk about others’ faults because we’re jealous of them. We want to be respected and appreciated as much as they are. In the back of our minds, there’s the thought, "If others see the bad qualities of the people I think are better than me, then instead of honoring and helping them, they’ll praise and assist me." Or we think, "If the boss thinks that person is unqualified, she’ll promote me instead." Does this strategy win others’ respect and appreciation? Hardly.

Some people "psychoanalyze" others, using their half-baked knowledge of pop psychology to put someone down. Comments such as "he’s borderline" or "she’s paranoid" make it sound as if we have authoritative insight into someone’s internal workings, when in reality we disdain their faults because our ego was affronted. Casually psychoanalyzing others can be especially harmful, for it may unfairly cause a third party to be biased or suspicious.

The results

What are the results of speaking of others’ faults? First, we become known as a busybody. Others won’t want to confide in us because they’re afraid we’ll tell others, adding our own judgments to make them look bad. I am cautious of people who chronically complain about others. I figure that if they speak that way about one person, they will probably speak that way about me, given the right conditions. In other words, I don’t trust people who continuously criticize others.

Second, we have to deal with the person whose mistakes we publicized when they find out what we said, which, by the time they hear it, has been amplified in intensity. That person may tell others our faults in order to retaliate, not an exceptionally mature action, but one in keeping with our own actions.

Third, some people get stirred up when they hear about others’ faults. For example, if one person at an office or factory talks behind the back of another, everyone in the workplace may get angry and gang up on the person who has been criticized. This can set off backbiting throughout the workplace and cause factions to form. Is this conducive for a harmonious work environment? Hardly.

Fourth, are we happy when our mind picks faults in others? Hardly. When we focus on negativities or mistakes, our own mind isn’t very happy. Thoughts such as, "Sue has a hot temper. Joe bungled the job. Liz is incompetent. Sam is unreliable," aren’t conducive for our own mental happiness.

Fifth, by speaking badly of others, we create the cause for others to speak badly of us. This may occur in this life if the person we have criticized puts us down, or it may happen in future lives when we find ourselves unjustly blamed or scapegoated. When we are the recipients of others’ harsh speech, we need to recall that this is a result of our own actions: we created the cause; now the result comes. We put negativity in the universe and in our own mindstream; now it is coming back to us. There’s no sense being angry and blaming anyone else if we were the ones who created the principal cause of our problem.


I feel most people are not even conscious of their motivations when they judge another, or talk bad about another, or act superior towards another, and the above information elucidated these motives in a very understandable way.

I always must ask myself "are my actions motivated by the selfish or the selfless?"

The answer points the way of proper action...

sarva mangalam,

endlessness said:
I definitely see where you are going with this Nathaniel, and I agree with you in the necessity of withholding judgement because we don't know the details about other people's lives.

At the same time, isn't the duality you presented some kind of false dichotomy? Isn't it possible that psychedelics do help us realize parts of ourselves and our society that are usually hidden from conscious awareness, including certain games people play unconsciously and masks people wear, and yet at the same time isnt it possible that psychedelic people are often deluded about their superiority in some aspects?

Personally I rather just try to find where each one of us is lacking, independent of groups, and try to work on that or help others work on their issues. As an example, i've seen several psychedelic oriented people that do zero exercise, neglect the importance of social life and are mostly living in their minds, (not enough grounding) as well as some that seem to ignore critical thinking specially when it comes to science and pseudo-science. At the same time I've seen non-psychedelic people in the 'real world' that are definitely missing some existential exploration, or that are too caught up in their issues without having an overall perspective, that play games without realizing they are, or so on.

As for "elitism", nothing wrong with being the elite at one or another area of life if you really are, as long as you realize that doesn't make you better in other areas of life. Yes we are def part of an elite when it comes to underground psychedelic research, and no we are not the elite when it comes to having all the answers to other people's lives or making psychological assessment of others, etc.

Well said endless, I agree
As an elitist of the highly evolved variety, I take grate offense to your elitist, divisive views on elitism. It's grating!!
stratification of talent,skill, and education/ funding....... creates divisions.

in any other discipline,
theres a sane progression of expertise.
in our community however, the bar is so low its a limbo olympics for the gold.

it goes like this, buy a grow kit, get one sad 3.0 g of moldy shrooms,
split it with a friend, add 2 beers and a joint, and your an expert,
capable of taking on advanced well funded growers 2x your age toe to toe.....
and why not? ( the alt to a grow, would be to slosh plastic solvent buckets really fast)

of course, little respect for those who made a multi decades global career of it all.

everyone has eaten the most and best drugs.
everyone drove the fastest cars and motorcycles.
everyone has had massive grow ops
everyone has had the best lovers.
everyone has travelled the world
everyone has multiple degrees.
blah blah blah.

^ fact is it doesnt mean much, as its beyond the frame of reference for most.
and , it just waters it down for those who really have success.

alot of this has nothing to do with elitism.
the community is like any other entity,
theres winners and losers. amateurs and pros.
the community is afraid to call individuals on this.
when we learn to distinguish kids from the pros, we shall evolve.

i post on the forums for one simple reason.
i wanna see you guys raise the bar and win.
i could care less on ego.
in RL im worshipped here at the beach like a goddess.
^ dont need more of that.
i actually come here to NOT be idolized,
and, to present stuff that advances teks ,or safety cautions for the community.

not many survive to my age.
those that learn , might survive it with enough advice from experience.
simply put, 35+ pro years of all this,
and ,im sick of peeps getting injured, sick, killed , throwed in prison ,
mostly due to dumb mistakes ..........so i post.
Bodhisativa said:
I don't know anymore. Maybe I'm a terrible person because I wanted to understand and to share thoughts. Apologies. I wont be sharing thoughts anymore.

Hey Bod, I like to read your thoughts, hope you reconsidered your decision to quit sharing them.
Intezam said:
...sorry for trolling, but... did you know that apus apus, the common swift (a bird) actually sleeps in the jet scream? Isn't that amazing? It never perches except when feeding the younglings. It's feet have since crippled. Sorry again........peace out.....

Is that really true? If so thanks for that, very interesting.
Nathanial.Dread said:
You may look down at a lady for spending her free time at the mall ("she's too materialistic" ), but maybe she's lacking social supports and doesn't know what else to do. You may look down on the guy who comes home very night and watches TV ("he's being brainwashed by The Media" ), but maybe he's working so hard in his day job that he doesn't have the emotional energy for other things.

I believe that psychedelics can open up this more compassionate way of thinking for those receptive to it. On the other hand the uniqueness of the experience could convince some people that they must have been let in on something no one else knows. Then we see the ego take hold, and judging others is the easiest mechanism for the ego to protect itself and convince itself of the validity of its beliefs. So in some respects some of the elitism seen on forums could be interpreted as insecurity.

Bodhisativa said:
I don't know anymore. Maybe I'm a terrible person because I wanted to understand and to share thoughts. Apologies. I wont be sharing thoughts anymore.

Please do continue to share your thoughts, I enjoy reading your posts.
Nathanial.Dread said:
Lately, I've been feeling like there's an unusually large amount of psychedelic elitism floating around The Nexus.


Yeah... very non-constructive of me, but it stands.

Also it's not a case of us or them being better than the other. It's just conflicting value systems. No big deal really. Certainly nothing new.
Psychedelics have opened my mind to the sheeple and I simply cannot go back.

I'm not certain that the psychedelic community is really any different from any other community.

The psychedelic community has some amazing people in its spotlight, a wide range of individuals as diverse as the notions they espouse, yet all and all these are just individuals, and really only represent themselves...

Any time there is a sense of community it does form generate some sense of divisions, it also generates social and political hierarchies within the community and ultimately any issue that any other community is destined to face so must the psychedelic community.

I can only hope that psychedelics have inspired us to become more mindful people...

In my opinion, the users of these entheogenic intelligent plants are receiving messages from the plants that the earth is in trouble, and we don't have much time to correct man's contributions to the destruction of it, we need to collectively act fast to change the course of what is happening--if we don't start to change our ways. Ocean acidification, the elimination of countless species, wildlife extinction, pollution, global warming, carbon emissions, destruction of the rainforest, etc. We are different from other communities in that we are active in protecting this Earth, global political activism, this is what Daniel Pinchbeck has been writing about for years, I can name dozens of new books on entheogens that open with the chapter or statments "the earth is in trouble". We are the community that is awake to what is happening, the more I take entheogens, the more pressing I sense this. The Mystic Chemist Albert Hofmann even wrote about this in many of his books decades ago...Nature is forefront, if we loose our ties to nature and the earth, we could go extinct like the dinosaurs. All of nature and the animals and man is inter-related, we are not seperate--instead of seeing us as "dominate" over nature--we should see ourselves as protectors of nature--if we all took these plants, we would all wake up to what is happening--not just our community, what does the future hold? only time will tell.

Daniel Pinchbeck:
On a global level, our civilization is facing a deadline, a cul de sac. If you look at the environmental crisis, we now know that 25 percent of all species are in danger of becoming extinct in 30 years. The oceans have become 30 percent more acidic in the last 40 years as they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and coral reefs are disintegrating. As we punish our environment, we are seeing more industrial catastrophes, like Fukushima, which threaten our future survival. Climate change is accelerating, leading to massive floods, super storms and ocean levels rising. We must shift from an individual Ego-driven culture to a cooperative society, based on a collective and caring consciousness, if we want to survive as a species.
The statistics are overwhelming and the evidence now irrefutable that we are facing an unavoidable ecological, sociological mega-crisis the likes of which the world has never seen if we continue on the current trajectory of carbon emissions and waste production we’ve been on. Scientists say we are now in the midst of the sixth mass extinction on the planet, the worst since the dinosaurs. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and others, the current estimate for the earth’s temperature rise by 2100 is 3-5 degrees Celsius, which would threaten and irrevocably damage plant, animal and human ecosystems; bring about extreme weather events and pandemics; cause coastal flooding and inland droughts; and probably, ultimately wipe out a large portion of the human population.

....as far as materialism: most people in our culture reject the use of psychedelics and consider non-ordinary states and other psychic phenomena to be either nonexistent or meaningless. The impulse to preserve the materialist worldview and its system of values tends to reinforce a willful ignorance towards anything that threatens the underpinnings of a culture obsessed with acquiring wealth, goods, and status.

Daniel Pinchbeck, Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism:
Three hundred and fifty years ago, Shulgin notes, the Church proclaimed, “The earth is the center of the universe, and anyone who says otherwise is a heretic.” Today, the government proclaims, “All drugs that can expand consciousness are without medical or social justification, and anyone who uses them is a criminal.” In Galileo’s time, the authorities said, “We do not need to actually look through that mysterious contraption.” Now the government says, “There is no need to actually taste those mysterious compounds.” In the past, the Church said, “How dare you claim that the earth is not the center of the universe?” Today the government says, “How dare you claim that an understanding of God and Nature is to be found in a natural plant?"
Natural plants are now looked at as "suspicious" while the pharmaceutical industry is the only one allowed to spew thousands of man-made drugs our way, to numb us, millions of people take anti-depressants, what is deemed legal comes only from the ones in control--the pharmaceutical industry. Dozens of entheogenic sites on the web suddenly are not allowed to use paypal or their credit card processors revoked because they carry one or more non-allowed natural plants....the hundreds of lawyers in control call the shots, natural plants "no" but man-made pharmaceuticals "yes" they say. Ebay alone has hundreds of lawyers and they call the shots, same with paypal, and now the credit card processors have joined the man-in-control bandwagen...and the new stupid law in the UK--all natural God-made plant remedies uslesss--only caffeine, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals....it's not a good direction.
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