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Email and PMs

Migrated topic.


Sometimes I get an email saying I have a PM, but when I check the PM box, nothing is there!!!

I really hope I'm not missing any PMs!

Kemist (and other members) if you have sent me something and I have not responded, please resend it!!!
I wish I could disable PMs.

I never read my PMs. I don't have enough time. I have so many accounts all over the place. I know it's bad of me, but I just don't have enough time to answer all the PMs I get. In a day I easily get 500 PMs on all the different sites I visit. If I attempted to respond to them all I’d be doing nothing but responding to PMs all day long.
Thats because your a smart chemist dude ron posting experience reports too.

My pm's go in my spam folder for some reason, but ive never had mails when ive not had messages.

Do you guys think email is more secure than pm's? Just ive spoke to some folks via pm and they would rather do it via email, then some folks have said the password system on the forum is secure enough. Id imagine pms would be ok though.
I wish I could disable PMs.

I never read my PMs.

Ya 69ron, I sent you a few and you never said anything. PM me if you wanna talk about it.

Do you guys think email is more secure than pm's? Just ive spoke to some folks via pm and they would rather do it via email, then some folks have said the password system on the forum is secure enough. Id imagine pms would be ok though.

Personally, I don't know how protected ANY of our material is....
I wish I could disable PMs.

I never read my PMs.

Ya 69ron, I sent you a few and you never said anything. PM me if you wanna talk about it.[/quote]

Sorry about that...please don't take it personally. I like you quite a bit. I like the fact that you're outspoken and don't follow the crowd. I'm just so bad at responding to my PMs. I currently have a ton of unread PMs in my inbox. I try to get to them every now and them, but they keep piling up.

Do you guys think email is more secure than pm's? Just ive spoke to some folks via pm and they would rather do it via email, then some folks have said the password system on the forum is secure enough. Id imagine pms would be ok though.

Personally, I don't know how protected ANY of our material is....[/quote]

Someone could hack into your home computer, this server, etc. Never assume your data is protected unless it's encrypted with very strong encryption or not connected to the internet or any such public network.
For the missing PM: Maybe someone deletes the PM just after they send it to you.

As for the security: assume NOTHING is safe! Computers can be hacked, e-mail providers are easy targets. PM's you can't fully trust either since you never know if they'll come to take the DMT-Nexus server. Advise to you all: never, ever incriminate yourself, not over e-mail, not over PM, not over the phone, not even snail mail and of course make sure you don't do anything illegal.
Sorry about that...please don't take it personally.

O that is ok 69ron, I'm sure your a busy guy.

Advise to you all: never, ever incriminate yourself, not over e-mail, not over PM, not over the phone, not even snail mail and of course make sure you don't do anything illegal.

Wow you really think we gotta be that hardcore about it? Even the phone?!
Being a member of the ICT workforce I'm quite paranoid about databases and digital streams.

With current phone lines your analog speech is converted into digital packets which can be searched for certain peak patterns, or in normal words: these digital packages can be searched for certain words.

On this moment it's impossible to do a real time search of all phone calls but technology is agressivly moving forward and in the coming decennium we probably reach a point were real time call speech tracing is a possibility. Maybe you remember the NSA call database where the phone call details of almost all calls made in the USA were registered? Now think about that same organization having enough CPU power to search all phone calls in real time, a horrible idea but not unlikely if we take a look at their past track record.
Really? Hopefully like all my medical problems it will just go away if I leave it alone. :)
Ron, you need a strapline like mine! "No PMs for me please, let's share the knowledge in a thread."

Sorry for sending you one yesterday, but it WAS for SWIM's research purposes :)
ohayoco said:
Ron, you need a strapline like mine! "No PMs for me please, let's share the knowledge in a thread."

haha yeah thats what I'm sayin, no secrets on the nexus!!

[quote='Coatl]Really? Hopefully like all my medical problems it will just go away if I leave it alone. :)

Yeah, like those wisdom teeth my dentist wanted to take out! Pshh! Like I'm gonna give him all my wisdom...

fer real though, I should have those checked out.
Ok holy shit my PM system is fucked up!!!

I think I am missing TONS of PMs people are sending me! PLEASE fix this if possible!!!
[quote='Coatl]Ok holy shit my PM system is fucked up!!!

I think I am missing TONS of PMs people are sending me! PLEASE fix this if possible!!!

Why don't you PM me about this? *evil grin*

I'm not sure what is wrong and even not IF there is something wrong. Can you describe the problem a bit more?
I'll get like 10 emails saying I have messages, then when I look in my inbox there is nothing there!

[quote='Coatl]I'll get like 10 emails saying I have messages, then when I look in my inbox there is nothing there!

Don't worry. It's me PMing you 10-15 times a day random shit, then I immediately delete the mails form my "sent Items" folder just to frustrate you. Nice to see it is still working smoothly:twisted:!
Infundibulum said:
[quote='Coatl]I'll get like 10 emails saying I have messages, then when I look in my inbox there is nothing there!

Don't worry. It's me PMing you 10-15 times a day random shit, then I immediately delete the mails form my "sent Items" folder just to frustrate you. Nice to see it is still working smoothly:twisted:!

Oh dear, if it's you then that means my SendCoatlRandomMail() function is broken...

I did look at the PM's Coatl but couldn't find anything specific. Do you get these like 10 mails every day?
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