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Enlightenment and LSD (Trip report)

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The need was felt to post my recent LSD experience. A little background info this is my 12th acid trip and truly feels like the only acid trip that has ever gone right. A bunch of my friend all decided to get together and trip acid and have a good time. We dosed at 7 pm and what followed was a night of madness :p.

The weeks before I had became convinced that there was an ultimate reality of such shear intensity that to escape it we were born. During the peek of the trip I was one hundred percent sure that I was about to enter the this "Infinitely intense reality" because I was so sure that I was going to enter this reality I let go of the notion of fighting this reality. In letting go of the notion of resisting this reality I realized that I let go of the "reality" as well. While reality is truly infinite it does not have to be infinitely intense. Suddenly my visuals became clear and void. Imagine tripping balls but completely sober I felt like I could do vector calculus. The rest of the trip went fantastic!

I understand the purpose of acid and by extension dmt. By ingesting this chemical into your body you are unconsciously raising your third eye chakra. How you choose to use the energy will determine what will happen on this trip. I've always have loved Alex Greys painting but after seeing the vajra being for myself my respect for that man has skyrocketed. Thanks for listening to me.



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Yes, yes, yes & yes...

Letting go of "it all", or any preconceived ideas, notions, thoughts, etc. regarding what "it all" even IS.

This is the secret to well-functioning and successful (in some definitions of that word) psychedelic trip.

If one hangs on to anything at all, and simultaneously hits the right combo of dosage and the affects of said dosage, then one will have whatever is hung on to ripped out from its roots like a gnarly thistle in the garden. And that "ripping out" can be quite traumatic at times.
Other times it can be intensely liberating and often times it can be both traumatic and liberating, depending upon nearly an infinite amount of factors.

Good job Icyseeker turning a not-so-good trip around into a constructive, productive one!:thumb_up: And all that by just simply letting go.

Now comes the even tougher part of integrating the experience into your every-day life and utilizing it to bring more light & love into your sphere of existence.

Icyseeker said:
The weeks before I had became convinced that there was an ultimate reality of such shear intensity that to escape it we were born.

My observation on this matter is almost the same. Our conciousnesses are either resting (like vacation) here in this dimension or reality-frequency or are going through infancy before ascending to the realm of hyper-reality-and-intencity forever.
Exitwound said:
Icyseeker said:
The weeks before I had became convinced that there was an ultimate reality of such shear intensity that to escape it we were born.

My observation on this matter is almost the same. Our conciousnesses are either resting (like vacation) here in this dimension or reality-frequency or are going through infancy before ascending to the realm of hyper-reality-and-intencity forever.

We are meant for so much more than what our normal reality Dmt has shown this. But imagine forming an ego while in a higher dimensional space getting scared and having to lower the energy just to be without fear. That seems like a reasonable explanation for the cycle of ego.
Icyseeker said:
The weeks before I had became convinced that there was an ultimate reality of such shear intensity that to escape it we were born. During the peek of the trip I was one hundred percent sure that I was about to enter the this "Infinitely intense reality" because I was so sure that I was going to enter this reality I let go of the notion of fighting this reality. In letting go of the notion of resisting this reality I realized that I let go of the "reality" as well. While reality is truly infinite it does not have to be infinitely intense. Suddenly my visuals became clear and void. Imagine tripping balls but completely sober I felt like I could do vector calculus. The rest of the trip went fantastic!
There is an "ultimate reality". It is THIS and NOW. Knowing isn't entering it though, its a perspective shift. Confusingly, the dreamer awakens from the dream to realize the reality of its non dual nature. There are no separate people, things, entities, aliens, time or space. This is all dreaming in duality. There is only everything and now. Everything is consciousness but only one awareness. You're looking at absolute reality right now except you are seeing from the perspective of an illusory separate self.

Icyseeker said:
I understand the purpose of acid and by extension dmt. By ingesting this chemical into your body you are unconsciously raising your third eye chakra. How you choose to use the energy will determine what will happen on this trip. I've always have loved Alex Greys painting but after seeing the vajra being for myself my respect for that man has skyrocketed. Thanks for listening to me.

In the dream maybe. There is no acid, DMT, THIRD EYE, energy, paintings, Alex Grey, you, or anything else for that matter. Everything is empty of separateness. There is only THIS and NOW. Everything is one, what is there to give purpose to? Everything is already perfect in this moment. There are no separate forces to interact with each other. Nothing is actually happening. If there is only this moment where is there to go? Having a purpose suggests an action going into the future. There is no past or future, only NOW. This is all dream stuff. Understanding absolute reality is knowing there is NOTHING to understand. Separation is an illusion. You can't see it because you see it from the perspective of a "self".
Perfectly said. After awakening its is realized a portion of the nexians understand.
DmnStr8 said:
Great experience report! I love it!

I voted you up for this for dang sure! You got it my friend!

I agree DmnStr8, I'm giving Icyseeker a vote up too.

Icyseeker said:
...We are meant for so much more than what our normal reality...

"Normal reality" doesn't really "exist" any more or less than anything else...AND it's a freaking trip!!! Everything in the known universe is primarily made up of empty space, what is so normal about that?:lol:

I am with ETERNAL all the way, all we have is HERE AND NOW and that's it.

Listening to Alan Watts' lectures helped me very much in learning to let go. He has talked very much about these same topics, like what is real and what is not.

It was funny when I first started to listen his talks. I had a strong LSD trip with piracetam, weed and nitrous oxide. I experienced very much time loops and synchronicities, and the next Morning my YouTube front page was full of Watts' lectures. It felt like my thoughts and actions were synchronized with the universe. He was responding to questions that I was thinking, or maybe I was thiking the questions he was going to respond. It doesn't matter what caused what. Everything just was in synchronity. There was no actual boundaries, what was myself and what was other.
Watts is one to emulate, a great human being who lived as one should with perfect harmony. There is a lot to learn from Watts and after learning all you can from Watts you should listen to Mckenna you will understand the lesson after listening to both of these men.
Icyseeker said:
The weeks before I had became convinced that there was an ultimate reality of such shear intensity that to escape it we were born. During the peek of the trip I was one hundred percent sure that I was about to enter the this "Infinitely intense reality" because I was so sure that I was going to enter this reality I let go of the notion of fighting this reality. In letting go of the notion of resisting this reality I realized that I let go of the "reality" as well. While reality is truly infinite it does not have to be infinitely intense. Suddenly my visuals became clear and void. Imagine tripping balls but completely sober I felt like I could do vector calculus. The rest of the trip went fantastic!
There is an "ultimate reality". It is THIS and NOW. Knowing isn't entering it though, its a perspective shift. Confusingly, the dreamer awakens from the dream to realize the reality of its non dual nature. There are no separate people, things, entities, aliens, time or space. This is all dreaming in duality. There is only everything and now. Everything is consciousness but only one awareness. You're looking at absolute reality right now except you are seeing from the perspective of an illusory separate self.

Icyseeker said:
I understand the purpose of acid and by extension dmt. By ingesting this chemical into your body you are unconsciously raising your third eye chakra. How you choose to use the energy will determine what will happen on this trip. I've always have loved Alex Greys painting but after seeing the vajra being for myself my respect for that man has skyrocketed. Thanks for listening to me.

In the dream maybe. There is no acid, DMT, THIRD EYE, energy, paintings, Alex Grey, you, or anything else for that matter. Everything is empty of separateness. There is only THIS and NOW. Everything is one, what is there to give purpose to? Everything is already perfect in this moment. There are no separate forces to interact with each other. Nothing is actually happening. If there is only this moment where is there to go? Having a purpose suggests an action going into the future. There is no past or future, only NOW. This is all dream stuff. Understanding absolute reality is knowing there is NOTHING to understand. Separation is an illusion. You can't see it because you see it from the perspective of a "self".

This post keeps coming and going so I thought I would make a proper response. While I do agree that everything is empty and there is only the HERE and NOW. The dream is also a game and this game has systems in place for the player to get to realization. So down playing the systems set in place to play the game is to me a crime. For instance I keep thinking of the this post so I am making a proper response so I can let go of this part and in doing so let go of some of "me". I guess what I am trying to say is that the game is pretty fun. 8) Who know if any of this made sense but now its finally out of thought.

Also this "All is one" can be best represented by the picture that I posted. An ego-less being that radiates from all points filling up all space. So yes while there may not be "Acid, DMT, THIRD EYE, energy, paintings, Alex Grey, you, or anything else for that matter." There is pure being non-dual in nature (meaning always present) playing a fun little game called hide and seek.
Icyseeker, thanks for laying out your thoughts on this matter. I am reading them and find that I can pretty much agree and relate to with every word.
I would like to make a revision now I know that this state is not enlightenment but seeds for it.
Enlightenment seems to function in such way, that when you state it, make it something solid, it liquidifies and is "out of grasp". It was interesting to note that someone above mentioned "hide and seek", it seems that enlightenment is not to be found in terms of seeking.
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