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Entities coming back with you to this reality

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OK, so i dont know what is the most suitable section about this, but anyway...

in one of my experiences (breakthrough ~ 7 mins, but it was long time ago) i remember one of the first things i saw
in my room was an juvenile entity, a wizard made out of colourful crystals somewhat like stained glass. It had a hootie and held a crystal wand in its left hand. It was about 50 cm tall and was levitating just below the ceiling. It looked like a cross between this animation character with hootie, some sort of magical elf, can't remember the name right now and these linear creatures depicted in huichol traditional art. This thing i saw immediately after i could recognize i've come back, and my vision was still ...hmm.. blurry but in a colourful way. I had a prominent sense that i could understand the little felow' thoughts, emotions and overall state.The entity had childlike manners. It didn't look at me at all. It just disappeared instantly.

It was confused and it thought 'How the hell did i get here' after which it wasn't there anymore.

I am curious has anybody else similar experience with entities stuck with them and coming to our world?
slugware said:
OK, so i dont know what is the most suitable section about this, but anyway...

in one of my experiences (breakthrough ~ 7 mins, but it was long time ago) i remember one of the first things i saw
in my room was an juvenile entity, a wizard made out of colourful crystals somewhat like stained glass. It had a hootie and held a crystal wand in its left hand. It was about 50 cm tall and was levitating just below the ceiling. It looked like a cross between this animation character with hootie, some sort of magical elf, can't remember the name right now and these linear creatures depicted in huichol traditional art. This thing i saw immediately after i could recognize i've come back, and my vision was still ...hmm.. blurry but in a colourful way. I had a prominent sense that i could understand the little felow' thoughts, emotions and overall state.The entity had childlike manners. It didn't look at me at all. It just disappeared instantly.

It was confused and it thought 'How the hell did i get here' after which it wasn't there anymore.

I am curious has anybody else similar experience with entities stuck with them and coming to our world?

I've never kept my eyes open during smoked; I mean i've kept them open up until reality became completely unrecognizable, then I closed them. Though my most memorable of 'entities being carried over into consensus reality' was during my pharma sessions. I would typically dose at night time and have very low lighting in my living room, with pretty much every occasion being led by entities forming seamlessly throughout the air, they would first start out as rainbow-violet prismatic hieroglyphs flowing, then out of that framework would come dancing, twirling, highly unique unto themselves entities, some looking like tribal/kabuki masks, jeweled pharaohesque beings, feminine middle eastern style beings coming close to me, then dancing away with not a care in the world.

They were very distinct from the rest of flow, like distinct eddies in a flowing river, eventually parting completely from the flow, only to come out and show their stuff.

It's magic.
An entity followed me back and stayed long term (I'm talking over a year and a half and still going). He appeared during my first DMT trip, entered my mind and settled in during the second or third trip and stayed...he didn't say a word until a month after smoking DMT.

I wrote a small book about it, which you can download (it's only 84 pages long) here on the Nexus or just view here and am currently working on a second book, which I'll release in January after New Year's.

The story is hard for others to believe, but it's exactly what happened.

I didn't make anything up (someone from Reddit called it all an "imaginary romance" and wrote everything off as a delusional fantasy which couldn't be farther from the truth--she had no experience with DMT and has no idea entity contact can happen and that it can be long term like NGC's experience)--all of this happened literally exactly the way I describe in the book.

If you're interested, feel free to read it. DMT definitely opened doors to something more.
nina said:
An entity followed me back and stayed long term (I'm talking over a year and a half and still going). He appeared during my first DMT trip, entered my mind and settled in during the second or third trip and stayed...he didn't say a word until a month after smoking DMT.

I wrote a small book about it, which you can download (it's only 84 pages long) here on the Nexus or just view here and am currently working on a second book, which I'll release in January after New Year's.

The story is hard for others to believe, but it's exactly what happened.

I didn't make anything up (someone from Reddit called it all an "imaginary romance" and wrote everything off as a delusional fantasy which couldn't be farther from the truth--she had no experience with DMT and has no idea entity contact can happen and that it can be long term like NGC's experience)--all of this happened literally exactly the way I describe in the book.

If you're interested, feel free to read it. DMT definitely opened doors to something more.

Thanks for sharing the link, I'm interested in reading about these kinds of experiences.

And I wouldn't take anything said on Reddit to heart - there can be a lot of pernicious individuals on there who purport to know things that they are not very familiar with - in fact, this often holds true on comment sections all over the net, with the notable exception of the Nexus, of course :thumb_up: (And it doesn't matter who you are or what you're writing about, either.) Their disbelief is easy to understand, given that experiences like these are so radically different from ordinary human experience...
zapped17 said:
Thanks for sharing the link, I'm interested in reading about these kinds of experiences.

And I wouldn't take anything said on Reddit to heart - there can be a lot of pernicious individuals on there who purport to know things that they are not very familiar with - in fact, this often holds true on comment sections all over the net, with the notable exception of the Nexus, of course :thumb_up: (And it doesn't matter who you are or what you're writing about, either.) Their disbelief is easy to understand, given that experiences like these are so radically different from ordinary human experience...

Thanks. :) Her comments were hard to hear, but the Nexus is so much more open-minded.
tatt said:
I've never kept my eyes open during smoked; I mean i've kept them open up until reality became completely unrecognizable, then I closed them. Though my most memorable of 'entities being carried over into consensus reality' was during my pharma sessions. I would typically dose at night time and have very low lighting in my living room, with pretty much every occasion being led by entities forming seamlessly throughout the air, they would first start out as rainbow-violet prismatic hieroglyphs flowing, then out of that framework would come dancing, twirling, highly unique unto themselves entities, some looking like tribal/kabuki masks, jeweled pharaohesque beings, feminine middle eastern style beings coming close to me, then dancing away with not a care in the world.

They were very distinct from the rest of flow, like distinct eddies in a flowing river, eventually parting completely from the flow, only to come out and show their stuff.

It's magic.

That's what happened to me that time. This little felow was far more 'in here' than all the rest of entities i've men in hyperspace.

jeweled pharaohesque beings

Right on spot. He was made out of crystals, rubies, diamonds in all sorts of colours, along with his magic staff, his robe with a hootie on. He was of a royal descendance, like a young prince, and his royal status was somehow linked to his magical skills. His appearance made me think 'What is this aztec child doing here levitating in my room?' For sure i wasnt aware of any presence during i was 'in' the breakthrough. I didnt met any other entities that particular time either, i was just being shown rooms and places of different worlds again.

You've met a wide range of creatures for sure. Proper setting plays its role. I usually light a candle. One times i even had my computer/ studio speakers turned on with Steve Roach playing, but the spice spirit let me know that its better for me not to have any disctraction from machinery while riding the carpet, so i turned the music off. This was my only attempt with music, and i have so much music that i want to partake on a journey with..

Regarding staying with eyes open or closed. Initially i'd close them up so that the visuals would intensify, but at some point there isn't any much of a difference at all, in my modest experience.

Nina said:
An entity followed me back and stayed long term (I'm talking over a year and a half and still going). He appeared during my first DMT trip, entered my mind and settled in during the second or third trip and stayed...he didn't say a word until a month after smoking DMT.

I wrote a small book about it, which you can download (it's only 84 pages long) here on the Nexus or just view here and am currently working on a second book, which I'll release in January after New Year's.

The story is hard for others to believe, but it's exactly what happened.

I didn't make anything up (someone from Reddit called it all an "imaginary romance" and wrote everything off as a delusional fantasy which couldn't be farther from the truth--she had no experience with DMT and has no idea entity contact can happen and that it can be long term like NGC's experience)--all of this happened literally exactly the way I describe in the book.

If you're interested, feel free to read it. DMT definitely opened doors to something more.

Thank your reminding about that, actually. I read your post some time ago during the summer, but i dig so deeply on the subject online, that i easily get overburried with information. I will read it with enjoyment for sure. I wouldn't worry what anybody else's opinion on something enigmatic and ineffable such as similar experiences is , so - No , i wont' think you're too farfetched or making up imaginary romances or something. Im prone to believe you since i also have an entity or a group of entities which appear also in my dreams and even warned [tried to protect me] about something bad that happened to me 3 months after that with UNBELIEVABLE accuracy. I have personally experienced that spice is somehow directly linked to the domain of so called paranormal phenomena like the prophecy i had. I think this is what they call spirit allies . Or its maybe just the spirit realms showing how much they actually love us and what they're capable of. Anyway, i got the pdf and will read it. Let the nexus know when you have your next one done. We'll be checking it out.

My take on the matter is that anything could be a subject to a long-term latching by similar creatures. Our minds play significant role in what kind of energy we attract, so we're kind of a resource / playground for these incarnate mindforms.

Reddit - lol :)

Magic. Yes.
I do not find the OP's story to be surprising or anything of which to be alarmed. Nina's experience with the entity staying in her room for a month is a little more disturbing.

The way that I experience hyperspace is that the closed eye visions and open eyed visions are really one and the same. You can have the same exact scenes, however they can appear differently (though not necessarily). Typically for me, open eyed visions display hyperspace and its inhabitants, except they tend to be somewhat translucent and low in color saturation. Much of it is often perceived as line vectors with light energy filling in the holograms. With closed eye visions, there are the same exact scenes, but the translucency has largely been destroyed by the fully saturated colors, making the visions seem more "solid."

I see nothing for the OP to be alarmed of. I've had Egyptian Sentinels in my room...all sorts of indescribable wonders, but they wear off along with the DMT, just like they would if the eyes were closed. Furthermore, to make things even more interesting, entities will tend to circumvent physical objects in the room instead of passing through them...even when the eyes are closed! So let's say for example, I start the experiences with my eyes open, and a wizard forms at the wall opposite me, and there is a (physical) table between us. As it makes its way towards me, I close my eyes, and it continues its approach. Even though my visual perception at this point is entirely of hyperspace, by the time the wizard gets to where the table is, even with closed eyes, in my experience he would then go around the what-is-now-invisible-table-to-you (since your eyes are shut). Ultimately if the idea of having these things in the room with you makes you uncomfortable, you should save yourself a lot of frustration and put the DMT away.
I smoked some changa about 2 or 3 months ago and laid back and closed my eyes. It was not a breakthrough; I knew what was going on, I was on my couch, all was cool.

But behind closed eyes I was zooming down a psychedelic slalom course with spectral tornadoes that we were weaving in and out of. "We" meaning, me and the goombahs. (I call these entities the "goombahs" because they are so playful and silly. I assume they are what T. McKenna called the machine elves.)

They were begging me to "let go." I had a dialogue with them: "I want to let go!" ... "Then why don't you?" ... "Because I'm afraid!" ... "Then you don't want to!"

At this point, still high as can be, I decided to open my eyes; in my mind, that would be the exact opposite of "letting go." I was reassured to see that my room was still there and reality intact. But, guess what ... the goombahs were in the room with me!
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