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Entity Posession

Migrated topic.
Thanks Catspaw and everyone. These responses have been so helpful, you have no idea. I wish I could report the situation has gotten better but we are still working on things. I will you updated on this though.
Wow - very interesting thread here. Thanks for posting it and for all of the wonderfully insightful comments. Many cultures speak to the idea of phenomenon of possession. It's certainly nothing new. Anecdotally if a humans gut or brain is infested with parasites we are finding that said parasites can influence the way this person thinks and behaves. Is such phenomenon analogous to what can similarly occur in the more subtle bodies?

I hope his situation has improved.

Take care
livinglight108 said:
Anecdotally if a humans gut or brain is infested with parasites we are finding that said parasites can influence the way this person thinks and behaves.

I know a lot of people are uncomfortable with their spiritual side but you really should try and protect yourself before entering these other realms. I usually say a prayer calling in my spirit guides and light some palasanto to clear the energy of the room with some Tibetan bowls and meditation for a couple minutes before taking off, hell sometimes ill recite the litany of fear from dune. Just anything to protect you. Having this type of intent going into an experience is like the hyperspace equivalent of grounding yourself before working with electronics. DMT has a duality to it like everything else and it is only a reflection of the self.

Best of luck to you op and your friend!! Try to call on to your spirit guides or your ancestors to help protect you!
Ok so the situation has not gotten better and now i am even more convinced of this possession. He will do an insane amount of dmt, like should be blacked out amount, and sits there like he feels nothing. During this time, he only knows how to say like 5 or 6 sentences. These sentences work as generic responses to anything I ask pretty much. For instance, one of them is him laughing and saying "shadddup". Another one is "i love you babe". But if I ask what my middle name is or what street we live on, he doesn't know. He just can say these 5 sentences, and he always recites them in the exact same way. I am telling you right now, 100% it is not him. I am curious about it but he isn't open to talking about the situation really. I just want to find someone else this has happened to, so I can get a little insight. I could get into it even more but I don't want to sound crazy. Anyways, thanks again for all the responses on here and thoughtful words and wishes.
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