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ergot, phalaris

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Found this interesting, quite erelivant yet. Found while giraffe was looking for tastey local phalaris strains.

Having some luck in the first stages of experiment. Will post in another section when so.e research is complete.

phalaris arundinacea, phalaris aquatica and subs have been id'ed :) anyone have experiance using this plant?


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wow i was just fantasizing about some similar things, looking for info for phalaris and for lsa containing fungal bodies.. i was thinking i would be such a treat for there to be an entheogenic revolution dilly ma bob were folks do some great plant/fungis/mold identifying and breeding work/ etc. to get something like a high dmt source grass that is inoculated with lsa containing ergot like fungis, and then it could go wild and everyones lawns would be filled with a super clean easy to use source of lsdmt! if that happened around the world,- it might be free.
mrwiggle said:
wow i was just fantasizing about some similar things, looking for info for phalaris and for lsa containing fungal bodies.. i was thinking i would be such a treat for there to be an entheogenic revolution dilly ma bob were folks do some great plant/fungis/mold identifying and breeding work/ etc. to get something like a high dmt source grass that is inoculated with lsa containing ergot like fungis, and then it could go wild and everyones lawns would be filled with a super clean easy to use source of lsdmt! if that happened around the world,- it might be free.
Oh, dear lord, no
Had no idea ergot would grow on phalaris, very interesting!
?? So any follow up on this ?? what kind of experiment ??
Hope all is well, as ergot can be pretty dangerous, i believe.
Ergot on Brachystasys


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ergot is more than relatively dangerous.. unless your real into vaspconstriction

there are ergolines but of course theres no lsd

you do not wanna get that stuff in your face
spractral said:
ergot is more than relatively dangerous.. unless your real into vaspconstriction

there are ergolines but of course theres no lsd

you do not wanna get that stuff in your face

so then wear gloves and don't rub your face in it. Ya'll act like it's a radioactive plant that sprays airborne toxins when you poke at it.

I've got some alkaloid maps for various grasses infected with claviceps purpurea. It seems the host plant plays a large factor for which alkaloids are present. I'll dig it up in the morning.
1ce said:
spractral said:
ergot is more than relatively dangerous.. unless your real into vaspconstriction

there are ergolines but of course theres no lsd

you do not wanna get that stuff in your face

so then wear gloves and don't rub your face in it. Ya'll act like it's a radioactive plant that sprays airborne toxins when you poke at it.

Rechard Kid: That is not any species of Phalaris. More than likely Bromus/Avena.

We must conquer the realm of grass identification and becoming familiarized with its medicine before getting over our heads with grass-fungus extraction.

"Ergot and Its Importance in Grass Seed Production" B. Cagas

"Ergot(Claviceps Purpurea)-An Aposematic Fungus" S.L. Yadun and M. Halpern

"Alkaloids in Endophyte-Infected Grasses" R.G. Powell and R.J. Petroski

"On the Alkaloid Content of Ergot(Claviceps Purpurea)" S.Mainka et. al.

"Vasoconstriction and Heat Stress Caused By Ergot Alkaloids and Fescue Toxins" K. Pedrosa

May be of some assistance.
Ergot isn't so toxic you have to wear gloves even. I've harvested it bare handed from the wild. It maybe more dangerous in a lab grade culture, I don't know. There is a good user on the Shroomery who is fairly knowledgeable on ergot. He claims that egotism is the result of long term exposure to ergot in the diet, for example consistently contaminated grain stocks producing stable flour in the middle ages.

He further claimed that the active alkaloids could be separated from the toxic ergopeptides via a simple cold water extraction. Apparently an active liquid was produced that had LSD like effects, but milder. Not that I ever tried it, can verify it's efficacy or condone experimentation, but it's interesting.

What Rechard posted in the OP, doesn't look anything like ergot to me, though I am only familiar with C. Purpurea. Fourthripley's pictures are typical of that species.

I would love to see those alk maps 1ce.
User_7 said:
Ergot isn't so toxic you have to wear gloves even. I've harvested it bare handed from the wild. It maybe more dangerous in a lab grade culture, I don't know. There is a good user on the Shroomery who is fairly knowledgeable on ergot. He claims that egotism is the result of long term exposure to ergot in the diet, for example consistently contaminated grain stocks producing stable flour in the middle ages.

He further claimed that the active alkaloids could be separated from the toxic ergopeptides via a simple cold water extraction. Apparently an active liquid was produced that had LSD like effects, but milder. Not that I ever tried it, can verify it's efficacy or condone experimentation, but it's interesting.

What Rechard posted in the OP, doesn't look anything like ergot to me, though I am only familiar with C. Purpurea. Fourthripley's pictures are typical of that species.

I would love to see those alk maps 1ce.

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