Loveall has created a simple, quick, efficient, and relatively safe process, using easily obtainable materials and equipment, to produce high-purity mescaline citrate from mescaline producing cacti. He, Shroombee, and nearly everyone participating in this thread, have contributed to the development of the tek. I encourage anyone using this tek to throughly familiarize themselves with the contents of the wiki and this thread.
Hopefully, the following detailed set of steps, materials, and equipment, will help you to produce consistent and repeatable results, to identify the source of issues you may encounter, and to get you up the learning curve quickly. Your results may vary based on your source material, and your ability to do the tek as it is described.
After the process is described, a yield summary is presented for 25g quantities of 3 different powders of unknown parentage with composition described by vendor as “flesh only”, “San Pedro, Ecuador, T. pachanoi” (material A), “San Pedro, Peru, T. pachanoi” (material B), and “Peruvian Torch, T. peruvianus” (material C). Each source material was run using the following variations of the tek:
Variation (0,0)- std tek with no microwaved paste and no chilling of paste and solvent;
Variation (1,0) - std tek with microwaved paste but no chilling of paste or solvent;
Variation (0,1) - std tek with no microwaved paste, but with freezer chilled solvent and refrigerated paste (both for 24 hours);
Variation (1,1) - std tek with microwaved paste, and freezer chilled solvent and refrigerated paste (both for 24 hours).
Shroombee’s quicker and effective, Stir & Dump salting process is described in this thread. Due to the limited quantity of powder that was available, a yield comparison was not run for that excellent salting option.
General Process:
Basing -> Microwave “Paste” or Not -> Chill Solvent & “Paste” or Not -> Solvent Pulling -> Passive Salting -> Filtering & Solvent Washing -> Warm Water Washing & Evaporation -> Packaging
Materials per 25g powder run:
Mrs.Wages Pickling Lime - 6.25g
Distilled Water - 75mL
Kleen Strip M.E.K. Substitute (ethyl acetate solvent) - 235mL for extraction, plus additional 20 to 50mL for washing crystals
Milliard Citric Acid - 1.1g
MColorpHast pH 0-14 Universal Indicator - 1 strip
Microwaveable Bowl
Stainless Steel (SS) Funnel
White Paper Coffee Filters
Quart Wide-Mouth Canning Jars, Bands, Lids (2 to 4)
Pint Wide-Mouth Canning Jar, Band, Lid
60mL syringe with industrial (blunt) needle
SS French Press
SS Tablespoon
Tinfoil Weigh Boats
Graduated cylinder or measuring cup
Glass Bakeware
Single-Edge Razorblade
Storage Jar or Parchment Paper
In a microwaveable bowl, mix lime and water till milklike;
During an 8 minute period, mix in powder in 3 individual additions, create maximum contact between powder and lime solution by using spoon to continuously fold and press “paste”;
Let rest 10 minutes;
If microwaving paste:
Weigh the bowl with “paste” in it;
Calculate target weight (total weight minus 50g evap water);
Microwave on high for 2 minutes, stir until color is uniform, weigh;
If not at target weight, microwave on high for 1 minute, stir, weigh, repeat until target weight is reached (a few grams lower than target is not a big deal).
If not microwaving “paste”, move on to next step.
If chilling:
Put “paste” in canning jar, cover with lid, put in refrigerator for 24 hours;
Partially fill a separate canning jar with 250-260mL MEK Substitute, cover with lid, put in freezer for 24 hours;
If not chilling:
Partially fill a canning jar with 250-260mL MEK Substitute;
Move on to next step.
Solvent Pulling:
Put “paste” from previous step into French Press;
If necessary, break up “paste” into chunks no larger than 1/2”;
Set timer for 1 minute if using chilled solvent, or 3 minutes if using ambient temp solvent;
Take jar of MEK Substitute from previous step, and suck 50mL into syringe;
Empty Syringe into French Press;
Stir “paste”-solvent mixture for 80 revolutions during 1 minute;
Let mixture rest 2 minutes if using ambient temp solvent, no rest if using chilled solvent and “paste”;
Then, pour pull through single filter paper-funnel into clean canning jar, until drip rate is less than 1 drip per second;
Repeat for 5 more pulls, but fill syringe with only 37mL solvent each time (first pull will have minimal liquid drainage, quantity of pulled liquid will increase with each successive pull);
After final pull, put maximum squeeze on the “paste” to fully drain unbound solvent into filter;
Let combined pulls rest for at least 1 hour.
[To check solvent recovery, put an empty canning jar next to the one containing the pulls; add sufficient tap water to match the height of the liquid in the pull jar; pour out water into graduated cylinder or measuring cup; determine amount of water in mL, calculate (mL water/mL total solvent added in 6 pulls); calc should be close to 90%.]
Passive Salting:
Put filter-funnel on clean canning jar;
Pour combined pulls through filter;
If solution is not crystal clear, let settle, decant liquid off of residue, through filter (if having difficulty filtering, pour liquid through a stack of 2 or 3 new filters). When crystal clear, filter into a 1 pint canning jar, add citric acid, gently swish contents 2 to 3 horizontal revolutions (liquid should become cloudy), put lid on, and place jar in a location where it won’t be disturbed;
1 hour later, swish jar contents 2-3 horizontal revolutions, then dip pH paper into liquid (should be in the pH = 5 range), re-cover jar, and place jar back in storage area until liquid is crystal clear (these runs were stored 56 hours to provide extended crystallization time, most runs cleared within 24 hours)..
Filtering & Solvent Washing:
Pour 3/4 of liquid in crystallization jar through filter-funnel, swish remaining liquid several times, pour thru filter;
Suck up 10ml fresh solvent into syringe, wash walls of jar, swish to collect unbound crystals, pour thru filter, repeat as necessary to collect unbound crystals (try to minimize use of solvent, a separate approach will be used to collect crystals adhered to jar walls and bottom);
If material in filter is not white, wash with minimal clean solvent to remove color, when no change in color is observed stop washing;
Let filter drip dry, then carefully remove filter from funnel, place on a paper towel to dry; cover recovered solvent, and set aside to later treat for reuse as described in wiki and this thread;
Carefully fold filter containing crystals, and store undisturbed overnight, to allow for complete evaporation of solvent, then carefully transfer crystals to parchment paper envelope or sealed jar for longer-term storage.
Let solvent evaporate from crystallization jar.
Warm Water Washing & Evaporating;
Heat up some distilled water;
Fill syringe with 40mL water, squirt 20mlL on walls of crystallizing jar, swirl to dissolve adhered crystals off of walls and bottom of jar, pour contents into a shallow glass pan (large enough for you to later scrape up residue with a single-edge razor blade), then repeat with remaining 20mL.
Let water evaporate, scrape up dried residue with razor blade;
If residue is discolored, you can try to remove color by washing in a filter using fresh solvent, then drying and storing as described above.
See attached table
1. Consistent small-sample extraction of high-purity product is possible, across different species/varieties and process variations, using careful & purposeful preparation.
2. Although elapsed time (due to filtering/settling, passive crystallization, and jar wash evaporation) can take several days, actual processing time can be minimized to under 1 hour per run.
3. Variations from the standard process provide no apparent yield or quality benefit.
The poorly rendered pics below show what has been retrieved from the filters of all 12 runs. Also attached is a representative pic of the residue from the crystals that adhered to the walls/bottom of the crystallization jars; which were warm water washed, evaporated, and scraped.
00A, 00B, 00C: Standard Process, materials A, B, C
11A, 11B, 11C: Standard Process + Microwaved Paste + Chilled Paste & Solvent, materials A, B, C
01A, 01B, 01C: Standard Process + Chilled Paste & Solvent, materials A, B, C
10A, 10B, 10C: Standard Process + Microwaved Paste, materials A, B, C