Regarding the creation of benzoate salts and the discussion of drawing benzoic acid into the product, here is some data:
The solubility of benzoic acid in those solvents is as follows
Benzoic acid in Toluene (20 °C):
70 mg / 1 ml
0,7 g / 10 ml
Benzoic acid in Limonene (20 °C):
47 mg / 1 ml
0,5 g / 10 ml
This means as long as you would have an extraction from 100 g cacti and the expected solvent (now Toluene or Limonene instead of EA) at the end would be 800 (200 + 5x125) g (which should be 1000 ml) and you will add also 5 g (excess) benzoic acid (probably not needed because you will anyways create the mono-valente salt) the 5 g will definetly stay in solution. So in a regular extraction it would not even be possible to get benzoic acid into the final product, even in limonene solubility will be high enough.
Now I retrieved some Meskalin Citrate to make some experiments with it! Solubility was one of the first, but also all kind of other stuff done so expect the final chapter to the Chemical Guide coming soon

As it seems solubility is quite high of Meskalin Benzoate in Toluene, because of this it would be mandatory to reduce the volume ... and reducing volume of some organic solvent for a smooth TEK is not really classy

Actually this is really weird, because solubility of DMT Benzoate is really low in Toluene. And moving from DMT to
Mescaline not only the logP already tells that it is much more polar: Simply judging by eye you migrate from -NMe2 -> -NH2 and also add 3x Ether groups. This should also make the overall salt
Mescaline Benzoate way more polar than DMT Benzoate and thus make it precipitate much easier even in Toluene ... :? In contrast stuff that would increase solubility in Toluene would be more double bonds or thiols / halogens attached to the ring. But that is not the case.
Limonene on the other hand has a solubility of nearly 0 for the Meskalin Benzoate. But then it would be interesting if people can confirm that separation from paste and limonene is indeed as easy as written in 69rons TEK ...
It could have the beauty of being inaffected by water content, so crystallization might be more fool proof. Still solubility might be better inside of the Limonene retrieved from an extraction than from Limonene that only carries the Alkaloid salt. Reason is if retrieved from a plant extract it will still have more oils and fats from the plant (which are left behind by salting) that could act like a coalescing agent and actually increase the salt solubility. So based on my pretty great crystallizations of Mes.-Benzoate in Limonene it is not safe to say if it would work the same in the Limonene from a plant extraction.
Lastly on the IPA/EtOH-rex:
Solubility seems pretty fitting for an easy process. Will post data soon with all the other diagrams. But it is reduced to < 20% in the Freezer compared to boiling, so it is not a wasteful process. But even more it seems as this goo (if you will get any) from CIELO is still mostly pure Meskalin Citrate.
I believe the problem here is not a wrong fridge decanting. Because I feel that this goo is free of water. It simply did not crystallize properly. Because of that it also does not contain any amount of unreacted citric acid, instead it is left behind in the EA that you decanted. That has the great benefit of simply evaporating all the IPA/EtOH instead of doing the rex in the Freezer. This way you also get crystals, but you will not loose any Alkaloids which did not precipitate. And even if your goo WOULD contain some water, it will co-evaporate with the alcohol, as it forms azeotropes with water and therefore also pull it out while evaporating down.
So regarding
Mescaline Benzoate it would be interesting to receive it as an alternate salt option, but it seems to be somehow limited by not precipitating from 500+ ml Toluene and Limonene might not separate as nice as EA. Still it would be an interesting option, as I think from all the possible alkaloid salt combos Benzoic Acid is giving the superior properties to the compound. I checked evaporation on M-Citrate / M-Fumarate / M-Benzoate and M-Benzoate evaporates neatly like Freebase DMT even, same temperature and no combustion. That is now an interesting thing to test!
But apart from this property it seems as boiling your goo in IPA and evaporating it is just fine to solve all other potential problems.