Intelligence is just a tool. We can use this tool to understand and realise our integration in a super ordinate system. Everything and every living being are integrated in this system. Intelligence doesn’t mean to dominate the other parts of the system. Dominating the other parts isn’t intelligent; it’s stupid and brings some sort of misbalance in the entire system.
Other live forms have other advantages and qualities.
Honeybees for example….you may say, that one bee behaves stupid. The whole super organism, the bee colony, behaves… somehow intelligent:
This organism “knows” what to do… for the sake of the super ordinate system for sure.
Do we?
We could even postulate, if we look at this creatures in a more poetic way then science use to do, that the bees are the ones, which carry in and concentrate the love of the universe, which is represented and send to earth by the sun and collected and transformed into nectar by the plants, in their honeycombs, so the bee hive is fulfilled with the love of the universe.
This is what honeybees do. This is their work.
And mushrooms…their mycelium weighs somethimes hundred tons with billiards of connections under the ground. Can we know what sort of information is exchanged in this network?
Ok. A mushroom will not fly in a space shuttle for sure. Perhaps the shroom cultivated some sort of “contentedness and modesty” long before humans cultivated “intelligence” and decided to creep in the ground, doing his special part in the performance without developing chitin legs and coat like insects done.
Last but not least there may be very wise creatures, which live in some sort of immaterial state, only materialising small aspects or parts of themselves in our material world. In what form might they loom large?
So, I think its time to stop thinking of our self as that species, which can understand and rule everything with our “intelligence”. It’s arrogant and ignorant, imho. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to discredit “science”, but if science isn’t inspired by “heart and imagination”, it gets could and dies and loses the ability to help us through our day.
This song(text) fits to my post.
Enjoy it!