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Exploring the realm of the dome and abduction experiences, share your stories and compare here!

Migrated topic.
The dome is incredible in my opinion, however I'm not sure if the mix is the reason I keep getting abducted or is it the dose or what but I don't seen to be going anywhere other than this dome!
See my Last experience under the dome here!

I'm sure other experiences will show me that there's other things to see and learn out there but it got me thinking, does anyone else have any similarities with this dome and/or being abducted?

Let's compare our abduction experiences, some familiar aspects I have notices as a common occurrence in my abductions involve the following
Things like:
-High resolution, fast and very smooth visuals (akin to watching a game or animation that is very smooth like there's no lag or choppiness in the graphics)
-Chirping sounds or oscillating tones like in some kind of UFO operating theatre
-some fixed object in the centre of an isolated room/dome/sphere etc..
-feeling like your 'fixed' or 'focused' on the centre of the object no matter how much you move, or like your head snaps back to the centre if you tried to turn away
-becoming the 'subject' rather than the 'observer' as if they are showing you something then insinuating that "now it's your turn"

I'd like to hear your experience, was it amazing, was it terrifying?
How do you interpret what was happening?
I find myself completely lost, kind of unaware and fixated, my breathing pattern changes and I loose control. If I see something interesting or want to look around my ability to turn my head to look back us diminished, I feel completely compelled to look forward.

Many more things to explain and explore here but let's See where this takes us!!

I see internal dialogue and emotions playing themselves out in hyperspace. The whole experience can change with a simple thought or focusing on an emotion. Everything is temporary and fleeting just like the thoughts we have all the time. They come and go. They are not real. They are just playing out without effort.

No matter how odd or real an experience is I see from the observer. I don't get caught up in the story. If I feel fear or trapped, I go into that. I look at it. I always attempt to have compassion and gratitude for any experience I have. This subtle intent is very powerful for me. I always fall back into it. It's like a shield or grounding force.

I had an odd experience that I can only describe as an alien abduction. I only say that because of how it felt. As you described feeling at the center. I felt secured, restrained, or immobile in some way. Like being strapped to a table. I had no body so there was no way to turn away or close my eyes. It was like I could see 360 degrees in all directions. I felt like I was a sphere as odd as that sounds.

I was stuck in the middle of a dark room with what seemed like a bright light beeming onto me in whatever form I was in. I saw what I can only describe as aliens around me. There were at least five of them, maybe more. They were working quickly and something seemed urgent in what they were doing.

At first I felt curious. I am not sure where the fear came in and I wanted to burst out of my skin. I fell into a panic. Flight or flight response kicked in and I could do neither. I was stuck in the room with these beings. The aliens took notice of my panic and attempted to calm me down. They did not speak but seemed to enter my mind and think with my thoughts.

One of them said "Stay calm... everything is ok.. we are almost done... we will put you back in your body very soon." The others continued to work at whatever it was they were doing and seemed even more focused and hurried. Another of the beings said "He is going." I began to feel my fingers and body again. I was confused, excited, and a little disturbed afterward.

The way I integrated this experience is through the feeling. I felt trapped and scared. I had no way out. I did not accept my illusions. I fought them and paid with more panic and fear. Self perpetuating cycle. Now it's easier said than done but there is always a chance to change the tone of your emotions. That is why intent is so important. It's like a tether. One phrase that reaches out even into the alien mothership.

I would very much like to experience something like this again. Although a scary experience I find it entertaining to think about. I like aliens and the thought of an alien contact like that is fun for me. Real or not.. it was cool!

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