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extracting alkaloids from banisteriopsis caapi..

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
A friend has 600g of caapi vine and wants to extract the alkaloids from it. What would be the best way to do this? Has anybody ever extracted from caapi?
Pal, ILPT would follow ONE`s extraction to the step 5. one cannot spoil anything when food grade citric acid and sodium bicarbonate will be used. Of curse further basification would get more freebased alkaloids but quality of it doesn`t look good.
Bicarbonate precip. looking excellent and have a nice bitter taste great accompanied with dark lindlt chocolate 85% :lol: :lol: :lol: One can not wait to apply that 120 mg under his tongue.
It is not much of hard work,mostly waiting

With Caapi ILPT suggest to use shreded one. In tek double ammount of acidic water and extend simmering time three times.
I'd love to see that link :(

But I can't register there. I've tried many times. There's some sort of bug on their site preventing me from registering.
I never get the verification emails, so I can't log in. I've tried different user names, different emails, nothing works. No matter what, I never get the verification email.
69ron said:
I never get the verification emails, so I can't log in. I've tried different user names, different emails, nothing works. No matter what, I never get the verification email.
I'll register one for you. Then you can log in and change password and email address. Just PM me the username you want.
Dagger said:
If that does not work, I'll make a new thread about it on this forum.

I really LOVE the THP method, it works so well.

Can I ask you to post that method on the DMT-Nexus? And is it maybe also allowed to put that method on the DMT-Nexus wiki?
yeah.. but how do you get pure white crystals from this method? SWIM is looking for a way to get white crystals without all of the filtration problems. That usual syrian rue tek works if you have the right microfilters but it just takes ages to get it all filtered.
Listen pal, if you are bored, try do the extraction from the whole seeds. Or send a kilo of rue and week off, to ILPT and he would gratefully undertake research of extracting from whole(not crushed)seeds.

Fu*k filtrations pal, just let it patiently settle down and decant. It was fun but ILPT need more time to play further.
lorax said:
yeah.. but how do you get pure white crystals from this method? SWIM is looking for a way to get white crystals without all of the filtration problems. That usual syrian rue tek works if you have the right microfilters but it just takes ages to get it all filtered.
As I have said several times before on this forum, use egg whites! :)

Egg whites can clear up pretty much any brew.
11:11 said:
Dagger, could you please explain the effect of adding egg whites?
Any kind of brew with particles that is really hard to filter, egg whites should clear, if done correctly.
The egg white will somehow bond will all the particles in suspension. This happens at warmer temperatures, perhaps around 60C+

If you have a brew of 50 gram rue in 1 liter of water, which you want to filter. Remove the coarser particles, and add the brew to a pot. Turn the hotplate on max heat and add the egg white. Perhaps two egg whites is needed, not quite sure with rue. Another important thing is that the brew is not too high in pH, this would prevent it from working. pH 4-5 should work.

It is important to keep the liquid moving at all times while it is heating, so keep swirling that brew with a fork or something.

As it get hotter, a reaction will start, particles will pop onto the surface. You will start to see that the brew becomes clearer. A omelette thingy will start to form on the surface. Continue to swirl until it starts to boil. Let it boil for 30-60 seconds. Then take it off.

When you now filter it, which should be easy, the brew should be crystal clear. No more particles.

Check out this thread on the aya forum(need to be registered):
More Eggy Fun!
From what I’ve read, egg whites are obsolete in the wine industry and were replaced by gelatin long ago. The wine industry uses fining agents like isinglass, gelatin, sparkolloid, kieselsol, bentonite, etc. Would any of these be good for fining caapi?
69ron said:
From what I’ve read, egg whites are obsolete in the wine industry and were replaced by gelatin long ago. The wine industry uses fining agents like isinglass, gelatin, sparkolloid, kieselsol, bentonite, etc. Would any of these be good for fining caapi?
Perhaps it is obsolete, but it is excellent to remove particles, from caapi too. Gelatin is not really good at removing particles, it is great at removing tannins etc.

I have only tried gelatin, egg whites and milk(casein), but think it might be a good idea to test out some of the others.

This looks like a good page about fining agents:

And I wonder if this could be of interest in extracting alkaloids?
Bentonite clays strongly bind ergot alkaloids between ph 2-8 but dissociate at Ph 8.5
Site of absorption of lysergic acid is from the rumen

Table of Fining Agents by Purpose

Charge and purpose of fining agents
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