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Extracting DMT with ethanol, vinegar and sodium carbonate

Migrated topic.
@IAAGSOM I used powdered bark as I'd had some sitting around, as I'm wary about the quality of pre-ground material for formosahuasca. Simply soaked it in iso for a couple days, repeatedly.

I perhaps foolishly made some harmala-heavy caapi-changa with the spice-wax, so I can't comment on the potency of the material. Also, being my first attempt at smoked dmt, I don't have much of a reference.

I smoked bits just to get a feel for it, definite low tryptamine hums. The harmalas were most certainly therapeutic, after these threshold doses I would tend to feel more open to laughter and good spirits the rest of the day.

Next, I tried it after a psilocybin peak and had excellent results, though a little out of brains-reach right now. It definitely felt potent, causing cascades of images. One thing was a string of paper people against the starry cosmos, all of them connected and seemingly colored on by little kids, that is each paper person had a little identity and personality. Some of the people were ripped and fading into the great beyond. Interestingly, a roommate was encountering thoughts of children fading into the beyond in a (non-psychoactive) prayer ceremony the same night. It all had a very cleansing and renewing feeling, which is reassuring 😁

The last experiment was sharing with a friend in an ordinary pipe, I went first, and after realizing this wasn't strong with only partial lungfulls, light visuals/feelings, I took a hashashins hit and was gripped by an electrical-visual elfy looking structure. I was just really struck by how *gripped* by the nerves I was. This lasted for a long few seconds, but gave way to a heavenly tryptamine palace place, but I was hardly fully there, just barely tuning in. There were some visuals, maybe on a level of 2g cubensis, but nothing terribly significant coming through. Friend ended up coughing most of it away, not used to smoking anything especially this crude plant extract, and so didn't get far.

If and when I extract some more, higher proof alcohol and filters would help improve the potency. I'm sure more efficient smoking techniques would allow for breakthrough.
I concluded that the crystals are not solvent in nps solvents.

I re dissolved them in vinegar added sod. carb. amd pulled with acetone and finished up with FASA.

My yields are about 1.8%. I try to clean them up a lot.
Jox said:
I concluded that the crystals are not solvent in nps solvents.

I re dissolved them in vinegar added sod. carb. amd pulled with acetone and finished up with FASA.

My yields are about 1.8%. I try to clean them up a lot.

Good news Jox!


SWIMMER is making a fourth pull for goo. Since first got stolen by the bark... Will proceed with cleanup after.

Holy smokes the goo is very active!

Very neat tek so far.

SWIMMER did a cleanup on the goo. Got a waxy produce similar in looks to good hashish. Smells strongly of DMT. 3.8g from 200-300g mimosa bark. 15mg is a deep experience. SWIMMER is very happy with it.

Here is how the SWIMMMER did it.

1. Roughly make shredded bark powdery
2. Mix bark with Sodium Carb and water to make a paste
3. Dry the paste in oven 50c until its only little moist left
4. 300ml IPA was then poured into the container where the paste is
5. Let sit for 12h
6. Put paste with ipa in a metal mesh over collector container.
7. Let the IPA drip from the paste. Only a small amount of the IPA will come out.
8. Pull from the paste by pouring IPA evenly over the paste in the metal mesh.
9. Repeat step 8-7 atleast 3 times more
10. Filter and evaporate the IPA

The outcome should be a brown red goo with a strong smell of tryptamines (metallic, plastic, old man :d ). The goo is fine to work with in my mind. Not as potent as chrystals but OK. Hard to mesure your dosage though. You could make a changa from this for better control over dosage.

Here follows a cleanup procedure.

11. Dissolve goo in warm vinagar. Just enough to dissolve it all.
12. Mix vinegar solution with excess sod carb. To little and its frothy enough and its a paste.
13. Pull with IPA and shake stir vigourously
14. Repeat 13 3 more times.
15. Evaporate IPA
16. Finished produce in the shape of waxy goo.
Excellent, thanks a lot for sharing your results :)

One question, regarding step 8-9, I wonder if yields would be any different if instead of pouring the IPA over the bark/mesh, you would put the bark back into a container and let it soak in more IPA for a few hours, and then strain. Maybe worth a try to compare both if anybody is willing.

Either way sounds great if you had such yield and its potent product :)
Just a quick question on this tek in regards to amount of sodium carbonate to use...

If I were to do this tek on 50g of ACRB, how much excess sodium carbonate would I want to use?

I'm a bit of newb with extractions but want to go with something less toxic if possible and am trying to avoid lye and naptha and this tek seems to be the ticket. I just don't want to mess it up with too much or too little sodium carbonate.

Good work on the tek endlessness and fellow nexians!
endlessness said:
Excellent, thanks a lot for sharing your results :)

One question, regarding step 8-9, I wonder if yields would be any different if instead of pouring the IPA over the bark/mesh, you would put the bark back into a container and let it soak in more IPA for a few hours, and then strain. Maybe worth a try to compare both if anybody is willing.

Either way sounds great if you had such yield and its potent product :)

I don't think the yields are very affected by this. Took atleast an hour for the IPA to seep trough al of it. I guess this depends on the consitancy of your bark paste.

Very happy with the results as said. But def alot of other plant compunds is in there as well.
Inner Paths said:
Just a quick question on this tek in regards to amount of sodium carbonate to use...

If I were to do this tek on 50g of ACRB, how much excess sodium carbonate would I want to use?

I'm a bit of newb with extractions but want to go with something less toxic if possible and am trying to avoid lye and naptha and this tek seems to be the ticket. I just don't want to mess it up with too much or too little sodium carbonate.

Good work on the tek endlessness and fellow nexians!

1:1 ratio should be fine :)
Awesome, so 50 grams sodium carbonate to 50 grams ACRB. I might try it on a smaller amount first (25 grams of ACRB) to be safe. Great to have a tek that uses safer, less toxic products than the standard A/B's.

Cheers guys!
Another question, I'm currently waiting on my first pull of ACRB with 99% IPA but I didn't realise how much I'd need so I don't currently have enough for a 2nd or 3rd pull but I do have some acetone, would it be okay to sub the acetone in for the final pulls or would it create a strange mix up when I come to evap my combined pulls at the end?

(Kind of goes against the eco friendly and food safe side of it now but I guess the IPA I used isn't necessarily eco or food safe either!).
I dont think acetone is any less 'eco friendly' than IPA, maybe even more so. Acetone is a normal part of human metabolism, its present in fruits in small amounts, etc.

But yes acetone should also work for this, though the 'impurity profile' it pulls will likely be somewhat different than with IPA or ethanol. What this means in practice, I don't know.. It might be the final product is more oily, it might be it is less oily and more crystally, or it might not make any noticeable difference. Either way its worth a try :)
Great, cheers endlessness!

I only did this on 25 grams of ACRB so no big loss if it messes with the yields, and oiliness is okay if that's the way it decides to go, as I'll be making changa with it anyway. Acetone is cheaper by the ml compared to IPA in Australia, at least at the hardware store, so this might be the way to go in the future.

Interesting to know about acetone being there in small amounts in fruit. I do remember reading about us meatbags producing it in small amounts but must have forgotten that fact, ha ha.
So I made sweet love to the pooch on my recrystallization; I had a lot of trouble dissolving my reddish brown goo in naptha. The goo itself smells strongly of everyone's favorite molecule and sends me to Elsewhere but I can't say what percent of it is pure alkaloids. I think I made a mistake by not taking my time. I have another extraction in the works and I'll wait for the isopropyl alcohol pulls to be completely see-through before removing it with a cat syringe and recrystallizing.

Also I did the same thing (mix bark with acid then lime and extract with IPA) on some MHRB a few years ago and ended up with a bunch of goo that now has some crystals growing on it. Also crystals from my fluffy white extractions (using approximately q21's tek) of ACRB have started to get whiter at the edges and redder toward the center after 6 months or so. Does DMT have a natural tendency to separate itself from impurities?

I think for anyone who is interested in just smoking DMT rather than making some sexy pure DMT crystals (which is also awesome) this is the way to go and should be the standard. Extracting freebase with alcohol is so easy, I can't believe I used so much naptha up until now trying to chase that perfect white stuffe. Also I never used lye but for someone who just wants to explore where this molecule can take you there is absolutely no reason to use weird chemicals like naptha and lye. With a DMT for the masses type deal in mind I think lime/sodium carbonate and alcohol is the right thing to do.
slewb said:
I think for anyone who is interested in just smoking DMT rather than making some sexy pure DMT crystals (which is also awesome) this is the way to go and should be the standard. Extracting freebase with alcohol is so easy, I can't believe I used so much naptha up until now trying to chase that perfect white stuffe. Also I never used lye but for someone who just wants to explore where this molecule can take you there is absolutely no reason to use weird chemicals like naptha and lye. With a DMT for the masses type deal in mind I think lime/sodium carbonate and alcohol is the right thing to do.

Agree with you fully. This should be standard procedure!
On that note (and referring back to the first page of this thread):

Cloud said:
Would it work to use isopropyl?
we now know this to be the case and I would add that IPA is immiscible with saturated sodium carbonate solutions, pulling less polar things with it into a top layer.

As far as acetone goes, it's good in many ways but will react with strong acids or alkalies forming dubious gubbins such as diacetone alcohol, mesityl oxide, phorone and isophorone. That said, contact with sodium carbonate for a short time shouldn't cause too much damage.
I am trying to work out what the overall efficiency of this method is in terms of yield, but can only see the posting of Jox at 1.8%.

My interest is not really in following the tech but in that sodium carbonate was used to base the bark without any prior acidification or heat. I didn't think that was possible, since everyone seems to insist on lye.

I am using sodium carb as the base in my veg oil tech but have been concerned that it might not push the ph high enough to base everything. I haven't been able to check my yields because i end up with an acetate and haven't managed to get it into a form that i can measure properly.

Any thoughts?

My yeald is incorrect, it was FASA, and after washing it it got to be much less.

My interest is not really in following the tech but in that sodium carbonate was used to base the bark without any prior acidification or heat. I didn't think that was possible, since everyone seems to insist on lye.

Are you implying that because of weak base less dmt was extracted? How the dry tek would look like?

1. Strong acid + MHRB, dry
2. Add lye,,dry
3. NPS, pull

Is this totally impossible, and why?
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