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Extracting leads to sobriety phenomenon

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi folks, I hope you've all had a great festive season. For me it's been a very sober and relaxed event. Some might think that 2 or 3 weeks off work is an excellent time to get all psychedelic, at least once anyway, I would normally think so as well.

I've experienced it a few times, so I was wondering who else gets this...

I have been wanting DMT all the time and smoalking as much is safe and healthy to do so. Then I do an extraction and the desire to smoalk just disappears. If I do a long extraction over weeks, trying different techniques and the like, the urge will stay gone the whole time. Then about 2-3 weeks later it will come back again. I'm often left wondering if it will ever come back, but it does. Slowly but surely.

Do other people experience this too? Or something similar?


Yeah, i'm familiar with this. More than a few times, i've had a week off, while in possession of large amounts of various psychs. And do i do any of them? Rarely.

I've been to hyperspace so often, it no longer makes me think about the psychedelic experience at all in sober life. Before, my mind and my mouth was always racing about psychs. Now, i can go months, maybe years, without touching psychs.
I know what you mean about large breaks, I've had 2, 3 and 5 year breaks from psychs before. It's great to clear out the cobwebs and grease the synapses. :)

It's funny though that the simple act of fiddling with some plant material and chemicals can drain me of my desires. It's like that was the trip and now there's nothing more needed, a toll that had to be paid to the hyperspace gatekeepers. Paid and done, now I've got this spice that really isn't very interesting at all.
Whew! I was starting to think I was the only one! I'm pretty much a geezer, and while the shine never dulls and no matter how familiar, the experience never loses its novelty, nonetheless there really is no urge. I've sat on an extraction for six months, a year, slowly giving it away without doing more than a taste. I have no 'need' or compulsion and I'm frankly in awe of the power of psychedelics. I take the damn things so seriously that I hardly take them at all.

Simply having the time to do them isn't necessarily the determining factor, although I'm not exactly on a demanding schedule, and if that were the case the leisure time may be a heavier factor indeed.

I have a much larger issue with the physical place to do them safely, and having the time collide with the space to do them is pretty rare, but I still don't think that if they did without plan I would have to use it.

That said, substance is a factor. Eating a couple grams of cubes and taking in a nice sunset is one thing, removing my face is another.

I've been sitting on two breakthrough doses of 5meoDMT for awhile now waiting for that to happen, and if it all came together I probably would jump on it. Having a proper sitter is crucial to that stuff so if it all fell together spontaneously, I'd take it as a cosmic nudge,nudge and yeah I'd do it.

And it does seem that performing an alchemical experiment- (and I'm not using that word to sound trippy, but to the fact that I extract with astrological elections, under meditation and visualization)- or simply becoming intimate with the plant itself has an effect on my inner being, making tripping less than necessary. That or it just scares the living hell out of me. Both,most likely.

Since I reacquainted myself to psyches in 2012 after a 20+ year hiatus, I've probably had ten or adozen DMT trips, 6 5meo trips, 3 mushroom experiences and several micro dose regimens,which sounds like a lot actually for a 50 year old dude. Lately though, I've been getting into it. Despite not finding ONE SINGLE SPECIMEN. last season, with a little help from my friends I've had the pleasure over the last six weeks or so to have had access to some really nice mushrooms and spent a couple weeks micro dosing and just had a nice ~1.5g trip hiking in the woods with a good buddy, all of which catalyzed some desperately needed relief of pent up pain. But yeah man, I totally grok where you're coming from.:thumb_up:
Recently I've noticed this with myself. I gave up drinking about 4 years ago, nor do i do anything else, just the spice.
With my last to batches, i havnt jumped in at all just a small taste to test. Other than that i have given most of it away to a few people.
Think soon it'll be the time for a proper adventure with the spice, just waiting for the moment.
Ye i often feel like that.
Got the stash just waiting there.
I feel like tripping is similar to working out in some ways.
You want to do it. It can be fun. But in the end you dont do it :p.
Consider yourself a conscientious saint northerner, you exctracted.
I’m sitting on about 2kg dry of phyllodes that are just waiting for me to wake up one morning and not be a lazy git :)
Koornut said:
Consider yourself a conscientious saint northerner, you exctracted.
I’m sitting on about 2kg dry of phyllodes that are just waiting for me to wake up one morning and not be a lazy git :)

Im going to have to look into that more, thanks for mentioning phyllodes and the link. First google search was tumors, failed at googling... :p
Thanks again Koornut
I'm glad I'm not a freak, well not a freak in this way anyway.

null24 said:
Whew! I was starting to think I was the only one! I'm pretty much a geezer
I'm not too far behind you mate.

sendokon said:
With my last to batches, i havnt jumped in at all just a small taste to test. Other than that i have given most of it away to a few people.
This accurately describes what I've done recently too. :)

Ulim said:
I feel like tripping is similar to working out in some ways.
You want to do it. It can be fun. But in the end you dont do it :p.

Koornut said:
Consider yourself a conscientious saint northerner, you exctracted.
I’m sitting on about 2kg dry of phyllodes that are just waiting for me to wake up one morning and not be a lazy git :)
Awww thanks brother. Now get off your lazy ass!

I've got a half kilo of phyllodes in the pressure cooker as I type. The peoples grilled the cable to the microwave while I was out and somehow didn't notice. So the kitchen power went out and my stew just sat there being stew, but not stewing. My veggie soup was consumed cold and my whole plan has been set back about 5 hours. Fortunately I need to fetch a new funnel and some mail anyway so I'm not going to think about the new schedule.
I can already smell the spice everywhere and I haven't even based the stew. :want:

The probability of dipping into hyperspace on this long weekend is in the high 0% range.
I am in your club as well.

For it's practical reason since I extract over weekend and it's a lot of work so I have no time to chill.

It's a weird feeling when I tripsit people who take my extracted spice while I never tried it myself. I am always nervous whether it will work... but it works every time :)
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