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Extracting Virola Bark

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've heard of low yields with virola resin, and low yields doing an acid/base extraction with the bark itself, but has anyone tried a sodium hydroxide stb with virola bark? The way shamans prepared it, leads me to believe that it would have better yields if you used a strong base(potassium carbonate is pretty much what they used). I'm just trying to figure out where these ridiculous 8-11% alkaloid claims come from.
That 8-10% is only for freshly prepared snuff made from the fresh sap that runs from the tree when you cut it open, it’s not the so called “resin” being sold. The "resin" being sold is basically the inner scrapings of the bark left AFTER the sap is removed. The bark being sold is after the shinny inner bark was removed and sold as "resin". Neither product contains much of anything. The "resin" is higher in alkaloid content than the bark is, but the sap is where most of it is and that is harvested before any of it gets out of the jungle.

That’s what I heard anyway, and it seems to be accurate because all of the Yirola products available have little to no alkaloids present in them. SWIM has attempted extracting from many kinds of bark and they all produce next to nothing, although the “resin” is said to better than the bark. What you really want is the sap or the actual snuff, but you can’t buy that anywhere.

In one bark extraction, which was very thorough, SWIM obtained absolutely NO ALKALOIDS AT ALL. Not even 0.0001%. There was NONE.

In SWIM’s most successful extraction SWIM obtained 64 mg of 5-MeO-DMT and NO DMT from 118 grams of bark. So that yield was 0.0005%.

It’s not worth it. You get far more 5-MeO-DMT from Diplopterys cabrerana, something like 0.5% alkaloids with about 30% being 5-MeO-DMT and the rest being DMT and some other unusual alkaloids.

SWIM has tried snorting the “resin” after basifying it, and up to 40 mg did nothing at all. Virola is said to be very high in 5-MeO-DMT, so that 8-11% in the snuff should be mostly 5-MeO-DMT. In SWIM’s few successful extractions he only got 5-MeO-DMT from it and never any DMT. So considering that, if the resin were about 10% alkaloids and most of that was 5-MeO-DMT, 40 mg of resin should contain at least 4 mg of 5-MeO-DMT, which is a decent dose, however SWIM felt nothing at all from it. Next time SWIM will try 80 mg of resin.

So far, SWIM hasn’t been impressed at all with any Virola products out there.
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