Rising Star
Hi all! Here on Mars, we are required to extract things from MHRB in order to breathe...that being said I met a martian who is planning on working this through, having never done this particular extraction before...so 'it' could really use your help. Thanks! The martian plans on initially putting 1lb of powdered MHRB in a large glass canning jar and then adding just enough of a pH 3-4 solution made of H20 and tartaric acid to cover the powder. [note...what is the best pH to use for this step? It has heard too high a pH and not all alkaloids will be extracted, whereas too low of a pH and too much oil/goo will be extracted along with the alkaloids]. After letting this soak for a period of time (a few hours), the martian plans on then pouring out the acidified liquid and repeating the process 2 more times, and then possibly evaporating down the mixture to a more appropriate volume. For this section, the martian plans on filtering each pour of extract through a metal strainer, then a metal coffee filter, then possibly cotton finishing with fine-particle filter paper...after which the paper will be washed with a tiny amount of solvent in order to wash it down [note...how important is a funnel for this step...is it required compared to say...paper filters in a metal coffee filter?]. The martian also is curious if all of those filtrations are required, though it has no problem doing them. After this, the solution will be put in a separatory funnel along with ~100mL of turpentine, and the mixture will gently be mixed and then allowed to separate, after which time the turpentine will be separated out and the wash will be done ~2 more times, or until the turpentine comes out clear. A final wash will be done using naphtha (or mineral spirits or isopropyl alcohol), as the martian believes this will help remove any suspended turpentine. [note: is this correct?] The martian then plans to make a pH solution ~13.5 of sodium hydroxide and H20 (of course adding lye to water) and then plans on slowly adding this to the acidified extract until the pH of that solution is 13 [note: are these the best pH numbers to use?]. After this, an amount of naphtha will be added to the solution (or mineral spirits. the source this martian is using says to use ~100mL of naphtha/g of expected DMT...the martian isn't entirely sure how much naptha to use for this stage) and the jar will be gently shaken and allowed to vent (this martian doesn't want to heat the solution up). Using a glass turkey baster, the martian then plans on separating the naptha/mineral spirits from the container and putting this to the side (and doing 2 more naptha/ms pulls). With this mix, the martian plans on doing a short water wash (with water at pH 8.5) and then separating out the naptha on to an evaporation dish. Finally, the martian plans on using either IA or naphtha to recrystalize the extract using a small amount of heated product and then freezing the mixture, after which the solution will be discarded while still at freezer temperature. [note: the martian isn't sure how safe the recrystalization sounds, and wonders how important this step is if proper defatting and washing is done] Thanks for reading that!!! Your comments, thoughts and revisions are greatly appreciated!