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Extraction Help. Condensation ughhh.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I’ve succesfully done Cybs max ion tek and yielded around 1.3 grams of nice fluffy white spice from 50 grams of mhrb with no issues. On my second run, I kept getting condensation in my freeze tray(Pyrex baking dish) i live in a very humid state and have chalked it up to just that. Maybe it wasn’t quite as humid on my first go around. I’ve searched the site for answers and tried a few methods of preventing this. Like letting the nps hit room temp, then in the fridge, then in the freezer. After freezing I’ve tried moving to the fridge and then pouring nps to my recycling jar(which is loaded with spice btw) then fan drying. Still getting condensation.... does anybody have a good method of preventing this. It’s quite frustrating, as I feel like I’m losing spice. I DID manage to get around .7 yellow spice despite the condensation on the last run, including some yellow goop that hardened into a waxy substance. Ive currently got 65 grams of bark in a warm basified bath almost ready to start pulls and I’d like to get the same results as the first time, so any info or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced
pitubo said:

I’ve read through each of those prior to posting this and none seem to really help :/ as I said, I’m in a very hot,humid state. Do you think cranking the a/c down before decanting and drying would be beneficial?
HD1230HD said:
I’ve read through each of those prior to posting this and none seem to really help :/ as I said, I’m in a very hot,humid state. Do you think cranking the a/c down before decanting and drying would be beneficial?
I'm not really sure if I understand your problem. Does the condensation happen after you take the dish out of the freezer?

What I described in those posts is to decant the ice cold naphtha quickly after taking the dish out of the freezer and then covering the cold dish with crystals up again and letting it warm up to room temperature. The cover stops humidity from getting inside the cold dish, thus stopping any condensation. Once the dish is at room temperature, condensation should not occur anymore.

What do I not understand about your problem?
As soon as I open to decant, a layer of condensation/frost forms on the inside and outside.(within 5 seconds) Do you think it’s just the humidity in my house? That’s all I can think of. We’ve had some heavy rain lately and there’s not a dehumidifier in the world that could help at the moment. I always make sure the nps is cool before storing in the freezer, and the process of decanting then to the drying table took less than 30 seconds the first time around with no condensation. Nothing was changed on the second batch except for the weather. I’m sorry if I’m not being clear enough. I really don’t know how else to explain it. Maybe I should just wait for some dryer weather before freeze precipitating this current batch. I’m at a loss.
If you turn AC on, humidity will be much lower and therefore condensation will be less a problem. This will also help to avoid xtals to redissolve totally or partially in naphtha leftover.
Of course, if you evap naphtha in a closed room, dont stay in this room and ventilate it propely after it's done.
This sounds like ambient humidity condensing onto the inside of your dish. Try to keep the dish covered as much as possible while decanting and decant quickly. In my posts I write how I use a jar instead of a dish. This may help to keep condensation issues minimized. I can decant in 5 seconds and keep the lid mostly on the jar.

A small amount of condensation should not be a big problem. The water evaporates as the solvent remains also evaporate when you dry the product. In fact, typically the dmt will still holds so much naphtha in between the crystals after initial decanting, that the crystals will redissolve in it when the dish is warming up. By using a jar that can be put back upside down in the freezer after initial decanting, you can leach out a lot of the residual naphtha before taking the jar out a second time, removing the naphtha that collected on the lid of the upside down jar and quickly closing the jar and letting it warm up to room temperature. This procedure is described in the linked posts.

Another reason why your dmt doesn't look the same as the earlier result could simply be because you used a different batch of plant material, or because the extraction went slightly different, eg. the naphtha was hotter. There could be many subtle differences to cause a slightly different outcome.

If you recrystallize the not so fluffy dmt, it might also come out nicer looking. In any case, yellow clumpy dmt can be just as good to use as fluffy snowy dmt. And that is what counts, doesn't it?
I actually enjoyed the yellow more. I’m going to try turning the temp way down in the house to help rid humidity.im trying to figure out how to share photos from my phone. I’d love for you to see the first batch. You’d think I’d been doing this all my life. Haha
Edit: figured it out


  • PDF+Photos+2018-06-02.pdf
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stuggeling with the same issue. i think the freebase can bind water from the air at high humidity.
might help to put it at low temp into the oven after blowing off the naphta, then let it cool down *in the oven*
motorbit said:
might help to put it at low temp into the oven after blowing off the naphta, then let it cool down *in the oven*
First a safety concern: If you put dmt crystals that are moist with flammable solvent into an oven, make absolutely sure that the oven is turned off! Preheat it and allow for the heating elements to come to thermal equilibrium before placing anything flammable inside the warm oven.

Second, I doubt that an oven is of much use in drying dmt freebase of either water or non polar solvent, given how low the melting point of dmt actually is. Once molten, you are unlikely to get it to crystallize as nicely as by freeze precipitating.
that is why i said: after blowing off the naphtha. i assumed we all knew the safety precautions. but you are right this needs to be stressed here, as strangers could read this post that not yet have studied the teks so much and these could blow up their kitchens doing this.
as for temperature, the temperature indeed needs to be very low. 100°c air circulation is plenty. this is above the melting point of dmt, but below the boiling point.
obviously you wont get crystals from it. but i do get a very stiff syrup, cooled down and left to settle for a day a very hard substance. its actually nice to handle, it wont fly around as madly as pulverized crystals.
HD1230HD said:
As soon as I open to decant, a layer of condensation/frost forms on the inside and outside.(within 5 seconds) Do you think it’s just the humidity in my house? That’s all I can think of. We’ve had some heavy rain lately and there’s not a dehumidifier in the world that could help us Martians at the moment. I always make sure the nps is cool before storing in the freezer, and the process of decanting then to the drying table took less than 30 seconds the first time around with no condensation. Nothing was changed on the second batch except for the weather. I’m sorry if I’m not being clear enough. I really don’t know how else to explain it. Maybe I should just wait for some dryer weather before freeze precipitating this current batch. I’m at a loss.

Please dont post where you live, thats very dangerous...
MachienDome said:
HD1230HD said:
As soon as I open to decant, a layer of condensation/frost forms on the inside and outside.(within 5 seconds) Do you think it’s just the humidity in my house? That’s all I can think of. We’ve had some heavy rain lately and there’s not a dehumidifier in the world that could help us {redacted} at the moment. I always make sure the nps is cool before storing in the freezer, and the process of decanting then to the drying table took less than 30 seconds the first time around with no condensation. Nothing was changed on the second batch except for the weather. I’m sorry if I’m not being clear enough. I really don’t know how else to explain it. Maybe I should just wait for some dryer weather before freeze precipitating this current batch. I’m at a loss.

Please dont post where you live, thats very dangerous...
Please edit your quote, as you're perpetuating the security issue!!

It's not like it's the whole address being published, mind.

Back to the topic in hand - if condensation really is an issue then you might want to try making a glovebox containing dessicants, or connected to the output of a dehumidifier, in which you handle your materials. Sounds a bit fiddly, really.
Corrected the mistake. Sorry about that.
Anyways, I just finished drying another batch successfully, the condensation was a slight issue, but I dried the sides as it was sweating to prevent too much water from getting in. Turned out quite nice.


This is the first 2 pulls and I’m at 700mg of strong spice. Pulls 3, 4, and 5 are in their own individual trays to see the difference in quality from pull to pull.
I should mentioned that the humidity in the house went from 80% to around 40% in about 2 hours with the ac at full blast. This might be useful for somebody else. Despite me drying the sides a little bit with a towel,
There was still MUCH less overall condensation. Humidity is horrible for freeze precipitation.
downwardsfromzero said:
It's not like it's the whole address being published, mind.

Back to the topic in hand - if condensation really is an issue then you might want to try making a glovebox containing dessicants, or connected to the output of a dehumidifier, in which you handle your materials. Sounds a bit fiddly, really.

True, but it doesn't matter much just trying to raise awareness. Its already been posted on the Internet so the original version is well-available. Plus, if you dont think the police have accounts here, make posts and make copies of these types of boards you are very wrong. There's also The Wayback Machine, etc. It pains me that he is also likely accessing this board from his phone as the pics were taken from a phone since he didn't remove the EXIF data from the pics before uploading and neither does DMT-NEXUS apparently. :thumb_dow

Anyway, very nice pics though! Glad it worked out and you had successful pulls :thumb_up: Also, thanks for adding the bit about the AC and lowering temps to reduce humidity, I always forget that part!
he didn't remove the EXIF data from the pics before uploading and neither does DMT-NEXUS apparently.
The EXIF data must be coming through via the third-party hosting. Images uploaded directly to the Nexus have the metadata stripped automatically, as far as I'm aware.

Great that the A/C worked out though.
I live in a very humid place as well HD1230HD.

I've found that even if I use an aircon during drying and purify my spice so there no trace of hygroscopic bases or anything that the spice still melts anyway. Not straight away, but give it a few days or a few weeks and it's just clear goo.

In retaliation against pesky physics I just send everything to changa now the moment it's dry. No more pain.
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