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Extraction methods not working?


Esteemed member
For years I've done simple teks.. in the beginning, it was lye only, magnetic stirrer and then naptha. Then, Johnny Ayahuasca's method, then Cyb's salt tek, then Max Ion. MHRB or ACRB... The results were always wonderful. Super DMT smell... white or off white or yellow... powerful, one hit and in... for the past year or so, NONE of the teks work! NONE. I've purchased bark from reputable sources.

Is anyone else having this problem??
I've followed these teks exactly. Pull lots of powder. Load it up and hit the pipe. NOTHING... NOTH-ING.

Law of averages states, all the bark I'm buying can't be duds. I'm not asking what bark to get.. I'm asking if anyone else is having this same challenge, and is there anything anyone can suggest as to why this may be happening?
For years I've done simple teks.. in the beginning, it was lye only, magnetic stirrer and then naptha. Then, Johnny Ayahuasca's method, then Cyb's salt tek, then Max Ion. MHRB or ACRB... The results were always wonderful. Super DMT smell... white or off white or yellow... powerful, one hit and in... for the past year or so, NONE of the teks work! NONE. I've purchased bark from reputable sources.

Is anyone else having this problem??
I've followed these teks exactly. Pull lots of powder. Load it up and hit the pipe. NOTHING... NOTH-ING.

Law of averages states, all the bark I'm buying can't be duds. I'm not asking what bark to get.. I'm asking if anyone else is having this same challenge, and is there anything anyone can suggest as to why this may be happening?
Same except i get realy high but not colorful beautifulness black and white dread.
Did you in the meantime use certain medications like SSRI, other AD or anti-psychotics?

Some medications will pretty much dull the experience into just a faint memory of the real deal.
The only thing I take is Vyvanse... but the challenge started before I started taking the Vyvanse.... I was thinking the barks were being over harvested and the young bark didn't have time to grow enough molecule, but I haven't seen anyone else complaining.... very strange.
Have you tried doing a reagent test on your extract? I'd do that first, and then go from there..

I don't see why an amphetamine would prevent DMT from having effect. But as Trip mentioned, the lock out seems to be a thing. AFAIK there is no explanation for why this happens.. and the reasons may not be measurable in the ways we would hope either. Were you using DMT excessively?
Have you tried doing a reagent test on your extract? I'd do that first, and then go from there..

I don't see why an amphetamine would prevent DMT from having effect. But as Trip mentioned, the lock out seems to be a thing. AFAIK there is no explanation for why this happens.. and the reasons may not be measurable in the ways we would hope either. Were you using DMT excessively?
Reagent test.. no. I am unfamiliar with that. But I'll research it and learn more.

The lock out is what I felt was the case, before I knew that that was an actual possible thing. Using excessively. No. Maybe twice a month. But, there were other things... such as certain work I felt my journeys suggested needed to be done, which I did not complete.. just small personal things which were important to me... kind of like "do this and then we can move a step forward".... There's no telling for sure. Regardless... I'm doing the things and trying the teks.

Thank you all for your thoughts & suggestions.... anyone else, please feel free to add.
whats the lockout phenom cause i might have it cause the L is working but no hyperspace for me i feel cursed
the lockout phenomena is basically that. It feels as though "they" decide to not let you into their "domain"... I've always felt it was because you didn't "pay your dues" or do a task or something "for them" but which is actually for YOU and your benefit... I truly have NO IDEA and all of that I just pulled from a feeling I have for my own personal lockout experience....

Have you tried doing a reagent test on your extract? I'd do that first, and then go from there..

I don't see why an amphetamine would prevent DMT from having effect. But as Trip mentioned, the lock out seems to be a thing. AFAIK there is no explanation for why this happens.. and the reasons may not be measurable in the ways we would hope either. Were you using DMT excessively?
about amphetamines.... I first learned about DMT, years ago, while I was using methamphetamines... I was never heavily into them, but the little bit I did do caused me to not take very good care of my health, obviously it affected my sleep, and I never exercised. When I had them in my system and did DMT, I felt dirty.. not "judged", but as if I was being disrespectful... to the DMT and to myself, so it made me quit within a few months of finding DMT. The vyvanse, which actually helps me, never made me feel that "judged" disrespectful feeling, and there has been several very good DMT journeys while on the vyvanse, and so very many powerful ones while on the other, so I agree the amphetamine doesn't prevent the effects.
Reagent test.. no. I am unfamiliar with that. But I'll research it and learn more.

The lock out is what I felt was the case, before I knew that that was an actual possible thing. Using excessively. No. Maybe twice a month. But, there were other things... such as certain work I felt my journeys suggested needed to be done, which I did not complete.. just small personal things which were important to me... kind of like "do this and then we can move a step forward".... There's no telling for sure. Regardless... I'm doing the things and trying the teks.

Thank you all for your thoughts & suggestions.... anyone else, please feel free to add.
Here's a link to some resources: Substance testing
DMT scans the DNA …. KEY to DNA is DMT.
DMT becomes YOU
It’s all YOU
Lockout is real. When you shut yourself out of yourself , the door will
Never open
Hi there, you're obviously new here - please take the time to read this through thoroughly:

If you continue to make spammy, irrelevant posts you will be removed from the forum along with them. Meanwhile, I'll give you a little more time for that last bong hit to wear off while you think things over.

Welcome to the Nexus, have a great day!
Did you resolve your problem by now? I was having issues extracting last year and for some reason decided to introduce a crockpot where I keep my solution (bark/naptha) sitting on with water and a WARN setting (not all crockpots has this setting) - this resolved ALL my extracting issues. I leave it in the crockpot right after adding naptha for the first time then during each time I mix (I mix 3 times every hour and 1/2 for each extraction. I extract 3 times with the first one being the one I get the most out of it). It works now for me every time. Good luck!
Did you resolve your problem by now? I was having issues extracting last year and for some reason decided to introduce a crockpot where I keep my solution (bark/naptha) sitting on with water and a WARN setting (not all crockpots has this setting) - this resolved ALL my extracting issues. I leave it in the crockpot right after adding naptha for the first time then during each time I mix (I mix 3 times every hour and 1/2 for each extraction. I extract 3 times with the first one being the one I get the most out of it). It works now for me every time. Good luck!
Thank you I will employ this method.
Did you resolve your problem by now? I was having issues extracting last year and for some reason decided to introduce a crockpot where I keep my solution (bark/naptha) sitting on with water and a WARN setting (not all crockpots has this setting) - this resolved ALL my extracting issues. I leave it in the crockpot right after adding naptha for the first time then during each time I mix (I mix 3 times every hour and 1/2 for each extraction. I extract 3 times with the first one being the one I get the most out of it). It works now for me every time. Good luck!
issue not resolved... I will try this. Thank you!
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