...Even if everyone relabeled them as beliefs it does not stifle the fact that these principles/theories/ideas work and we can regard them as facts until a new theory comes along and takes its place. They are complex models that have been proven to work (your extraction of DMT is proof).
...At some point - at some level - you have to accept reality for what it is. The path you travel is shaky at best, as I have myself traveled it.
EDIT: The purpose of science and the foundation of facts, theories, etc. is to expand our knowledge. I don't think any reputable scientist would say "We know everything right now".
We know we don't know everything; we may never. But that does not and should not stop us from putting together foundations, building on them, and improving the web of complexity that it is.
EDIT2: Just as an example, and not to steer this conversation the way of evolution, when you are in your mothers wound, at about the 4 week period, there is formation of a
vestigal tail. You have an apendix, a pinkie toe which does nothing, and "wisdom" teeth that do nothing but damage. How do you reconcile these
If you have ever looked at the coding of DNA and the comparison between ape like creatures and ourselves, even lower forms of life, you would see evidence, nay proof, of evolution.
You are part of this reality and you cannot just "disbelieve", for lack of a better word, the results of these connotations. Well, I guess you can "disbelieve" in them. You've said it yourself. I don't know where I'm going with this. Fin.