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Favorite (Insert here) with significant other

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
What's your favorite to use with that significant other?
I would really love to have 2c-e, but that's not available atm.. atm..

Acid or shrooms would just honestly be too much and if I would have to task this mind to do something as simple as making another scream in the midst of psychedelic orgasm I'd get lost in the cunt of epiphany.

So then comes MDMA.. which feels so good. My ego would take us across the bed, onto the floor, up the walls, and out the window. Break time, and back up the apartment. I'm a little excited :p

So what may it be?
mdma also! Swims recently discovered mephedrone and methylone, really very similiar to mdma but the sex can be :shock: :lol:

Swim has tried cappi a few times with the mrs which can be good.
lsd and spice is the craziest..coolest thing SWIM has ever done..the visuals are just off the wall..and there is nothing that can compare..SWIM recommends everybody try it

EDIT: OHH im a fool...i thought you were talking about DMT being your significant other...DUH...SWIM would have to change his vote to LSH..its fun..goofy and stimulating..but mescaline might take the cake
A small dose of pure white mescaline HCl (not cactus), about 75 mg, is the nicest thing when you're with a loved one. You feel more connected emotionally, you feel such a deep sense of love and compassion, and it has very distinct aphrodisiac effects.

I'm not talking about psychedelic doses here. 75 mg is not enough for real psychedelic effects. It gives sort of a warm MDMA-like effect, but it's far superior. I can't think of any other compound that is more pleasurable when you're with a loved one.

Two other herbs to add to the experience to increase the pleasurable social effects of low doses of mescaline would be yohimbe and kola nut. All three taken together produces an effect that is indescribable. Keep the yohimbe low, but the kola nut at a typical dose. The aphrodisiac effects are quite good. The openness one feels is amazing.

A hallucinogenic dose of mescaline is quite different and wouldn’t be the best choice. It’s not an aphrodisiac at all at hallucinogenic doses and actually is more of the opposite.
I do love psychedelics but I feel that cocaine is way more recreational. Which would deem it one of my favorites because I can do it then go out and have fun.
69ron said:
A hallucinogenic dose of mescaline is quite different and wouldn’t be the best choice. It’s not an aphrodisiac at all at hallucinogenic doses and actually is more of the opposite.

No doubt, SWIM's always felt it to essentially turn off the libido, which is interesting considering how significant the libido is to most of our lives. SWIM appreciates it, but it's also one of the reasons -huasca is his favorite. SWIM doesn't even find MDMA to be as much of a libido enhancer as -huasca.
Well, the real psychedelic drugs may be not that libido-enhancing, but they're excellent for communication; it sometimes feels like they give you telepathic powers, enabling you to realy become totally one with somebody. The XTC's (MDMA, MDEA, MDA, methylone, etc) may be better aphrodisiac's, but they never gave me that total feeling of unity.
Its interesting how this poll is playing out. Everything is getting votes!

Aya/DMT and MDMA are in the lead, but I think if more people have tried sub hallucinogenic doses of mescaline (50-80 mg), mescaline would be beating MDMA by a long shot. At those doses its similar to MDMA but much nicer for social interaction.
69ron said:
Its interesting how this poll is playing out. Everything is getting votes!

Aya/DMT and MDMA are in the lead, but I think if more people have tried sub hallucinogenic doses of mescaline (50-80 mg), mescaline would be beating MDMA by a long shot. At those doses its similar to MDMA but much nicer for social interaction.

SWIM told me that he took 125mg from the d-limo tek that 69ron found..it was extremely nice..he said he went out to a party and had a great time talking to people...AND now this is the coolest thing he found out about this drug...he ate so much damn food..he ate plates and plates and plates of food...chicken..sweet potatoes..potatoes...salad...pie..lots of pie..and more potatoes and sweet potatoes...and a few beers...he just kept eating and eating..hes never been able to eat like that on ANY psychedelic..it was soooo great..and the food was wonderful..

he also wishes his girlfriend was around to give him a nice massage..that would be killer

I will hopefully try cactus soon enough.

But to answer the question...Cannabis with methamphetamine was the choice until I had an earthquake of an orgasm on LSH.(OMG I'm 18 again!)

Tactile enhancement is unparalled.

Some of the materials help with the spiritual connection and some with carnal pleasure.

The question is...which is the best of both worlds???


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