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Favorite Strain Cubensis?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello friends. From what I've read, cubes are pretty similar in potency from strain to strain, with the exception of Penis Envy strains which are more potent.

My Golden Teachers are somewhat mellow. Read, they aren't very strong. An eighth will put me in a psychedelic place with pleasant floating body high feeling, effecting color and sound, etc... But, still very mellow, no OEV and limited CEV. When I was younger an eighth of cubes would result in an entheogenic level experience nearly every time.

A week ago I ate 4.5 grams in chocolate and had a fully psychedelic trip, oev, strong cev. The other night I ate 7 grams and (especially considering the amount consumed) had a lackluster trip.

I am contemplating getting my hands on a different variety of cubensis. A few I am considering are Melmac, B+, Koh Sumai Super Strain, Albino A+, Transkei, and Mazapatec.

I am also considering trying my hand at Pan Cyans...

What is your favorite strain cubes? How much do you eat for fully psychedelic experience?
Hi Tony :),

I too have Golden Teachers that are more suitable for a relaxing evening than for a full on psychedelic experience.

I saw your post and really want to recommend psilocybe Natalensis to you. It grows under the very same conditions as Cube varieties do, only much more aggressive. So it's actually easier to grow than Cubes.
And they are STRONG. A few weeks back I had only 1,5 gram and it was kind of overwhelming but beautiful. It isn't a cube, but it is my favorite (besides psilocybe Semilanceata). I made some prints ;)


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My Albino are certainly stronger than any other cube I've had including PE and APE. I have some Melmac spores that I will be doing something with this week, they're another of the 'alien' strength varieties. I'm interested in Natalesis as well but don't have a solid source for spores.
In addition to finding other varieties to grow which may be more potent, try dosing variations such as using fresh mushrooms, lemon tek, and finally psilohuasca. Psilohuasca can be very strong, so start low. First time try 100 mg harmine, wait 30 minutes, then dose 1.0 gram of shrooms. THH can also be mixed in with the harmine.

How are you drying your shrooms? And are they cracker dry when you weigh them?
I've grown a variety of strains and I find both Golden Teachers and B+ to be great for chilling out. They require a higher dose for a full psychedelic experience. My favorite right now is Tidal Wave (Penis Envy/B+ cross hybrid) which is much stronger and frankly blows my mind. With the lighter strains, it's like having a buddy on the couch saying "I'm here if you want to chat, but we can just chill out if you want". With Tidal Wave, it's like having a buddy on the couch grabbing you by the shoulders, shaking you and yelling "TALK TO ME!". Different experiences, both with their own value. The most I've done with TW is 3.5 grams, which was frankly a bit too much. With the B+, 6 grams is still pretty manageable.
I also always suggest to do agar work. It allows you to clone fruits that are particularly potent. As you don't know how strong it is before eating it, I take tissue samples of about three promising looking fruits. Afterwards I test each fruit individually and work on the most effective one.
With multi spore the potency can vary greatly from fruit to fruit. Agar work is lots of fun, once you have figured out your sterile tek.
Tonite I took a 200mg rue extract capsule followed by 5 grams GT in a puck of chocolate...
🤯🤯🤯 Shroombee thanks again for more solid advice. Fridge that's a beautiful tub I am looking forward to growing some.
It's hard to say with potency, because there are a lot of factors that go into it and one person's version of a "strain" may be notably different potency wise. This is why strain genetics and purity are so highly valued with all commercial mushroom farms, and why they often go through such rigorous testing.

With that said I'd recommend taking a look at the results of this year's Psilocybin Cup. The alkaloid percent they can get is pretty crazy and shows just how varied strains (even under the same name) can be.

If you're really interested in the potency difference there are at home test kits that will give you a general idea for the strains you have. Although I haven't used one yet so I can't vouch.
Tony6Strings said:
Tonite I took a 200mg rue extract capsule followed by 5 grams GT in a puck of chocolate...
🤯🤯🤯 Shroombee thanks again for more solid advice.
You're welcome! Although I see you decided to just jump into the deep end. I recommended psilohuasca with 1.0 grams to start and you went with 5.0 grams. :lol:

If you're liking the shrooms with rue extract, make sure you try shrooms with THH too.
Thus far my favorite, to use the word loosely, would be PE. And this is more because I’ve found them slightly more challenging than other cubes. If I let the grow conditions get off optimal FAE/humidity/temps, I get a tub full of what I would maybe call truffles.(A bunch of mushroom like masses, without actual resemblance to a fruit) So it keeps me on my toes and is all the more rewarding when I get a tub full of actual fruit. And the strongest shrooms I’ve ever eaten was a couple grams(maybe 2.5-3) of PE aborts. Full on dmt CEV. I’ve contemplated getting some blue meanie or jedi mind fuck spores, but without cloning and agar work, I don’t think it really makes much of a difference from a GT or B+ or whatever.
After my last experience, definitely Albino PE + 180 mg THH.

My first time with them, and wow: Super strong.
Metta-Morpheus said:
Thus far my favorite, to use the word loosely, would be PE. And this is more because I’ve found them slightly more challenging than other cubes. If I let the grow conditions get off optimal FAE/humidity/temps, I get a tub full of what I would maybe call truffles.(A bunch of mushroom like masses, without actual resemblance to a fruit)
I read somewhere that if you add a casing layer around 4-7 days after the mycelium begins to colonize the surface of your tub, you can reduce or eliminate the PE blobs.
I grow PE on WBS with coir. I use 1 quart vermiculite as a dry base then mix one quart coir with one quart spawn and "case" with one more quart coir and never get blobs. Just "Goomba looking" PE fruits. (I call them Goombas, they always have a darker brown cap and the small ones look like Goombas from Mario Bros. I don't like the PE name) I was looking forward to blobs to be honest. I heard they're crazy potent but no such luck. My most recent attempts were SW PE. I've tried other vendors and was displeased with their genetics (like I gave away a couple tubs because I didn't want to care for them and the fruits were kind of bunk)
Mazatapecs so far have given me the most healing and spiritual experience. The most beautiful visual and therapeutic effects.. I could literally feel the visuals healing my brain even with low doses 0.5 - 1g.

2g of this stuff usually felt like 3.5g of regular golden teachers but then again, there was this slightly more beautiful-likeness with these mexican teachers.
Last time I tripped I took 8.5 grams of my mild GT. No harmalas. Powdered the mushrooms in blender. Stirred powdered mushrooms into 10 oz boiling water and turned heat to low, let simmer for 20 minutes then turned off heat and let sit till cool. Filtered with bandana and funnel into mason jar. Added a healthy splash of lemon juice, mixed in. Then was another hour before I consumed it.

Hit me quick and strong. 8.5 is a good dose for these mushrooms. And I am a tea guy now. Had one of the best trips. Black light. Tipper (COSM ambient set) glow stick fun, that tea hit me like a ton of bricks...

The first thing I felt was nausea and general unease. It grew at alarming rate. Grew and grew until I was sure I was going to puke. I took an ondansetron. A couple minutes later the uneasy sensations and nausea melted away into a beautiful light as a feathr buzzing feeling. Vibration. Almost like a carrier wave in ways. Flashing lights. Was reading some ridiculous goddamn thing on Shroomery and started laughing like a lunatic. Felt so good, had a great nite.

Taking 7 the same way tonite. Took my ondansetron beforehand.

Btw regarding strains I am getting excited about growing natalensis and melmac. I'm expecting spores of each. Thanks you know who, ;). In the mean time, my GT has come thru and held it's own, now that I've found the right dosage.
Safe travels Tony :)!

I will have a Natalensis tea tonight, but won't do more than 1.5 gram which seems to be my sweet spot with these. I too love reading stuff on the shroomery during the come down. It can be quite amusing! See you on the other side 😉.
Thanks buddy!! Check this out it's what I'm listening to now...

Lately I like laid back synth type music when I'm tripping.
Awesome! This is part of my playlist for such evenings for years. I might listen to it tonight (T-4 hours till lift off). Here's one that I enjoy these days :).

My favourite Cubensis is Florida.
Quite potent and so easy to grow.
Dried 2g of them for a strong and visual trip is enough.
3g and more will knock your socks off.
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