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Fear of smoking

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Esteemed member
How to overcome fear of smoking spice? Just smoalk moar?

I tried microdosing after super ultra since breakthrough about a month ago.
And realized I am very afraid of letting go and not caring about material world.

Like fear of vomiting or shitting myself doesn't let go.
Face your fear!

There have been many threads on this very topic. What works for me in regards to facing fear may not work for another. I think we all have our own unique approaches on getting past the fear. I feel the lowest common denominator is simply facing it head on.

I feared jumping out of a plane. It was scary! But I got past my fear and jumped out! It was a lot of fun and yes it was scary at first. Skydiving was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my entire life. Had I not faced my fear I would not have the wonderful memory of this exhilaration!

I feared loving again after a divorce. I faced that fear and now I have someone in my life I love very much! It was scary too at first.

I fear DMT from time to time too. Other times I can go straight for it with a wild abandon. I have to say that I look forward to the fear now. It is something I embrace! I know that if I face this I will come out the other end stronger and with more experience. It is a coin toss when we go into the DMT experience. The unknown can be scary for sure. The more I practice facing fears, the less fears I have.

If you are afraid of letting go, practice letting go.

I am not sure if this helps in the least bit? Search fear on the Nexus. Here is the link. You are not alone in this. Perhaps one of the many threads on fear may help.

DmnStr8 said:
I am not sure if this helps in the least bit? Search fear on the Nexus. Here is the link. You are not alone in this. Perhaps one of the many threads on fear may help.

It helps, thank you :) I have planned steps I have to take to prepare myself to face my fear.
Exitwound said:
How to overcome fear of smoking spice? Just smoalk moar?

I tried microdosing after super ultra since breakthrough about a month ago.
And realized I am very afraid of letting go and not caring about material world.

Like fear of vomiting or shitting myself doesn't let go.

DMT trips are just dreams man. Are you scared to go to sleep at night because of what you might dream? Try not attaching any importance to your thoughts, none of them are real. It's real to the thinking mind, but what you experience as a self is illusion, including you. Once you see thru the illusion of duality you know there are no different dimensions, aliens, elves, spirits, alternate realities or any other such nonsense. There is nowhere to break thru nor anyone to go anywhere. Nothing is separate from what you truly IS. One non dual awareness undivided by mind. One consciousness is all there is. There are no people, things, space or time. Only this, now.
So again..Try not attaching any importance to your thoughts. You and the material world are just momentary appearances in consciousness.
I came up with a interesting method and that is to just assume it won't work.

Tell yourself "I'm gonna burn it." or "I'm not going to hold it in long enough", something like that.

Just today I had this batch of aya which I wasn't sure if I fucked up or not, I just drank it like some hard liqueur. On a evening, before bed, expecting nothing to happen.

Then all of the sudden, BOOOM! I couldn't even read laters. I think to myself, what the heck, I don't even feel tripped out, how the hell am I having such hardcore visuals?

I totally forgot about it, and went on with whatever I was doing at that moment.

I didn't stress out "Well shit, I'm not going to be able to sleep if it works" or "What if I have a bad trip, my mind is all over the place lately".

Needless to say, it was a very positive trip that came out of just expecting nothing to happen.

Try that.

If you think it won't work, you won't anticipate anything, when you don't anticipate you don't feel anxious about anything, when you're not anxious well what are you afraid of then? The boogieman?

Don't stress about letting go, if you just puff and not think about what's going to happen next at one point you're going to puff enough so that breaking through is no longer a choice.

And once you get there, well, it can't get any worse than what's happening right now to you. Why panic if it can't get any more intense than that? I mean you're in it at the time, and you're fine and you will be fine, what could possibly happen that it takes a turn for the worse than it already is?

I hope you can make sense out of my improvised monologue. Still tripping a little.

Anyways, bottom line, there's no reason to be afraid. You've been there, and you made it, what makes you think it's going to be different this time?
AwesomeUsername said:
Anyways, bottom line, there's no reason to be afraid. You've been there, and you made it, what makes you think it's going to be different this time?

I understand all that with my normal brain, but my tripping brain is afraid :)

I think I just need more time and don't need psychedelics right now. I feel too connected to this reality to be ready to part with it (let go).
Exitwound said:
I understand all that with my normal brain, but my tripping brain is afraid :)

I think I just need more time and don't need psychedelics right now. I feel too connected to this reality to be ready to part with it (let go).

Along with the other supportive responses, I would add that you sound like you will make the good choice.

It is ok to stay away from, or get closer to, these remarkable substances.

There's nothing wrong with fear. It is healthy.

Read the threads. People stay away from the medicines for long periods of times, for short periods of time, for complicated reasons, for simple reasons.

Trust your judgment, there is no hurry.
- Accept your fear, everyone has it
- Take rapee prior smoking
- Preload with harmalas
- Start with a sub-breakthrough dose
I'm gonna try m today to treat post-smoking fear syndrome.
Thanks everybody for advice.
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