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Felt like I was going to die

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I just got some dmt about a week ago and had bin experimenting with very small doses on top of cannabis with cannabis on top the first time I smoked I was listening to music and I felt a huge rush of anesthesia through my body and the colours in the room intensified I closed my eyes to see if I could see anything but nothing too amazing this experience kind of scared me but also made me more interested in what a bit of a higher does would do to me so other that night I sprinkled a bit more dmt on a bowl of cannabis and covered it with cannabis vaporized it and this Time it felt like I was instantly in a deep state of meditation I closed my eyes and it felt like I was going through a tunnel of twists and turns and I could see a very small dot of light that looked very far away at the end but I came too and felt very interested by this experience.

So the next time I smoked dmt I waited a day or two and felt like it would be a good idea to smoke some in my room at about 10:00 at night so I loaded up a bowl with cannabis sprinkled a bit more on then I previously did and covered it with cannabis I smoked it and I really wanted to just let go of my fear but it took over I thought I was going to be like that forever or die I closed my eyes and seen the weirdest shape I'd ever seen filled with lines of colours and I opened my eyes and the room was exactly the same except I was freaking out thinking when is this going to end the experience scared me a lot and really made me not want to smoke dmt but just wondering if anyone has any tips for me that would help me would be very much appreciated
Hey there. Its not all that uncommon to feel as though you are dying in a dmt trip. The sensations you get during a blast off feel very real which is what sets it apart from other psychedelics in my experience. The first time I smoalked it was similar, with the white light and the sensation that my soul was leaving my body behind. Once I realized that was happening though I instantly became calm and accepting of it. So my first bit of advice would be; go into the experience with an intention to learn, but don't try to impose your expectations on the trip.

Dmt will do what it wants with you and once you've smoked there is little you can do but Just let go and accept what it is showing you. Also, I would spend a bit more time between doses. It is good that you started small and worked your way up but as many people on here will say, if You use it too often you are setting yourself up for a hyperslap. That sounds a little bit like what you experienced this last time. I would wait to blast off again until you are ready. You will know when you are ready. I know after I blasted off twice in one night; both experiences were overall pleasant I might add; I didn't feel ready to smoke again til about two weeks later. You'll see the term used a lot Here, but you should take some time to integrate your experience. Think it over and see if there any lessons that can be learned from it.

And my last couple pieces of advice to you would be; get a scale and always remember that you WILL come back. for the scale; A milligram one preferabley. Eyeballing it is a very ineffective way to smoke. And that way, you can measure out exact doses and see which ones do it for you. I for one, am not gonna smoke dmt again until I A)get a powder scale and B) extract it myself. And when you are finally ready to take the plunge again just think in your head that as real as it feels, you will come back. And it will be sooner than your think. That helped me the first time. I just kept it in the back of my mind That it was just a drug and that I will only experience it for a few minutes of my time and very few (if any) people have actually died from using dmt. If you can keep your head and open your mind to what the molecule has to show you it can be a very wonderful tool. Don't just treat it like a recreational drug or youre gonna have a bad time. XD
^^ Great advice re a scale. Eyeballing pure spice is very risky. You can pick them up for very little money nowadays, there's no benefit in not having one.

Also, I'd also like to try and persuade you to build 'the machine'. I imagine that will be a much more efficient way for you to smoalk spice in comparison to sandwiching it. I imagine not mixing it with weed will also help clarify the DMT experience.

Regarding the feeling of dying, I also had that the first couple of times I smoked. Fortunately I'd spent a lot of time researching DMT before trying it and knew this was something to expect. It was still a shock (I don't think I really expected it to be so powerful), but knowing it might happen helped me relax through it.

Stay safe buddy, take it slow, and go with the flow :)
Zooted420 said:
So I just got some dmt about a week ago and had bin experimenting with very small doses on top of cannabis with cannabis on top the first time I smoked I was listening to music and I felt a huge rush of anesthesia through my body and the colours in the room intensified I closed my eyes to see if I could see anything but nothing too amazing this experience kind of scared me but also made me more interested in what a bit of a higher does would do to me so other that night I sprinkled a bit more dmt on a bowl of cannabis and covered it with cannabis vaporized it and this Time it felt like I was instantly in a deep state of meditation I closed my eyes and it felt like I was going through a tunnel of twists and turns and I could see a very small dot of light that looked very far away at the end but I came too and felt very interested by this experience.

So the next time I smoked dmt I waited a day or two and felt like it would be a good idea to smoke some in my room at about 10:00 at night so I loaded up a bowl with cannabis sprinkled a bit more on then I previously did and covered it with cannabis I smoked it and I really wanted to just let go of my fear but it took over I thought I was going to be like that forever or die I closed my eyes and seen the weirdest shape I'd ever seen filled with lines of colours and I opened my eyes and the room was exactly the same except I was freaking out thinking when is this going to end the experience scared me a lot and really made me not want to smoke dmt but just wondering if anyone has any tips for me that would help me would be very much appreciated

I've had DMT on top of Cannabis once a few years back. I didn't like it. Made me paranoid and scared and the carry on effects of Cannabis were unpleasant as a non smoker. I'd suggest putting the freebase on some inert herb like passiflora incarnata, mullein etc. It'll let you experience DMT without the side channel.
I have felt something similar to that although not the feeling of dying though... I think it messed me up and gave me derealization for sometime. it is 2 months later an I still don't feel quite the same. Some people have said it is better to go straight for the breakthrough because lingering in sub-breakthrough can cause some trauma and perhaps give some PTSD. Hope you r feeling normally, cause I am not fully and don't plan on taking spice untill I do again,. :(
You've already had some sage advice here.

No matter what happens to you in your trip, no matter where your imagination goes, no matter where your trip takes you, just remember that your heart will continue to beat, your lungs will continue to expand and contract, your body will continue to function even if your conciousness is 7 billion AU away orbiting a pulsar.

The term 'ego death' is used regularly in these parts, mainly because it is a part of the 'letting go' period. Right now you're taking a hit of DMT, starting to feel the effects and then thinking of your meat chariot, you're thinking "urgh I keep needing to swallow" and "can I still move my arms and legs?". You're still keeping a connection open to your body, to your ego. You're keeping yourself grounded with these fears.

Next time, try to rid yourself of these worries. Make sure that you're in a good mood and clear state of mind, get rid of the cannabis at first and maybe try using cigarette ash instead of hash. Go in with a different frame of mind and just remember what I said about your body never failing you, that it will still be there doing its involuntary motions 10 minutes later when you return.

Your fears aren't at all uncommon, I've been there myself. Once you get 'the calling' and take the plunge it can be an extremely daunting experience. Most of us have taken other substances that make us lose our inhibitions or a certain level of control, but nothing can prepare you for the extreme that is DMT.
Thanks for all the advice really appreciate it I think I'm going to give it another try but I'm going to take a little break before I do. Getting a mg scale would be a very good idea I think I'm going to invest in one! Thanks
Weed and DMT is not necessarily a good combo.
If your going to mix it with something make changa.
or get some caapi leaf, it's much better.
Felnik said:
Weed and DMT is not necessarily a good combo.
If your going to mix it with something make changa.
or get some caapi leaf, it's much better.

Agreed...I made my first enhanced leaf blend using MJ. The first problem I encountered was not being able to hold it in long enough due to the need to cough...thanks MARY lol! The second problem was the paranoid feeling I would encounter which made the experience a bit darker and confusing...hence it was a bit overwhelming for me.

That feeling of dying is only natural, we all croak in the end anyway...DMT has the ability to show you that death may very well be just another chapter in life. It shouldn't be feared; it should be respected and embraced. Once you learn to let go of the fear, (which for the record, it isn't easy) it becomes much easier to handle what is happening. It takes a little getting used to but is not impossible, I assure you.

Good luck to you on any future endeavors!

DMT has a whole lot of insights it's just waiting to give you - including about your own death - but get the confusion of other intoxicants out the way IMO. Ideally be free of any other mind altering substance for a day or two before at least. Harmalas are about the only exception to this as they give you a little bit of a handle on this rocket ride that you're going to experience :d
DMT newbie here. I just picked up about 1200 mgs and got done vaping it in my oil burner. This is some intense stuff, the feeling like you are dying seems to be pretty common. I dont feel as though I am dying when I do it but it is SO intense, such a fast come up, and so utterly jarring, I could see how you would feel like you are dying
Zooted420 said:
So I just got some dmt about a week ago and had bin experimenting with very small doses on top of cannabis with cannabis on top the first time I smoked I was listening to music and I felt a huge rush of anesthesia through my body and the colours in the room intensified I closed my eyes to see if I could see anything but nothing too amazing this experience kind of scared me but also made me more interested in what a bit of a higher does would do to me so other that night I sprinkled a bit more dmt on a bowl of cannabis and covered it with cannabis vaporized it and this Time it felt like I was instantly in a deep state of meditation I closed my eyes and it felt like I was going through a tunnel of twists and turns and I could see a very small dot of light that looked very far away at the end but I came too and felt very interested by this experience.

So the next time I smoked dmt I waited a day or two and felt like it would be a good idea to smoke some in my room at about 10:00 at night so I loaded up a bowl with cannabis sprinkled a bit more on then I previously did and covered it with cannabis I smoked it and I really wanted to just let go of my fear but it took over I thought I was going to be like that forever or die I closed my eyes and seen the weirdest shape I'd ever seen filled with lines of colours and I opened my eyes and the room was exactly the same except I was freaking out thinking when is this going to end the experience scared me a lot and really made me not want to smoke dmt but just wondering if anyone has any tips for me that would help me would be very much appreciated

My first experience with DMT scared the shit right out of me, I had extracted myself so I thought I had done it wrong and I was toast, I almost called my mom to tell her goodbye. After this I cringed at the thought of doing it again, but a few days went by, did some research found out that was common for people to think that and also found out my DMT was actually very good, this made me feel better, so I thought maybe I should try again. I really wanted to try it before that, so I figured hey maybe I did a little too much for my first time or something! And so what I did was start very small, and just slowly worked my way up, now am starting to fall in love with it (still haven't done anymore than 20mg), What I did was just play some very calming music (get up a calming mix on YT, Noise cancelling headphones if you can) Sit with pipe in hand and just relax do deep breathing, etc, And then you will just feel that moment and do it right there don't let that moment pass or you will be scared again, or at least this was IME what helped me get over the fear, I still have it a bit but as soon as the feeling comes on it fades instantly, I still have yet to break through, which still worries me a bit I'm not gunna lie, but What I said has helped me get back into wanting to explore with it again!

Peace and love
Yes for so long I have danced on the edge. Popping over here and there, you should of course take your time. I come and go. Some times over a month before my interest is piqued again. I honestly don't know what it is that draws me. Sometimes its 5 times in a week others times it doesn't cross my mind.

Working on 50g ACRB right now.

Lately though it has been a stern clear female voice. Strangely she seems to communicate with a shy Hindi lady's voice that seems always in our house she calls her Pa-tar or something similar. As I am returning, and the world assembles itself I hear her behind a cushion on the sofa or behind the coffee table just out of sight. I have no connection directly with the Hindu community outside of friends and coworkers but that is the voice.
Zooted420 said:
So I just got some dmt about a week ago and had bin experimenting with very small doses on top of cannabis with cannabis on top the first time I smoked I was listening to music and I felt a huge rush of anesthesia through my body and the colours in the room intensified I closed my eyes to see if I could see anything but nothing too amazing this experience kind of scared me but also made me more interested in what a bit of a higher does would do to me so other that night I sprinkled a bit more dmt on a bowl of cannabis and covered it with cannabis vaporized it and this Time it felt like I was instantly in a deep state of meditation I closed my eyes and it felt like I was going through a tunnel of twists and turns and I could see a very small dot of light that looked very far away at the end but I came too and felt very interested by this experience.

So the next time I smoked dmt I waited a day or two and felt like it would be a good idea to smoke some in my room at about 10:00 at night so I loaded up a bowl with cannabis sprinkled a bit more on then I previously did and covered it with cannabis I smoked it and I really wanted to just let go of my fear but it took over I thought I was going to be like that forever or die I closed my eyes and seen the weirdest shape I'd ever seen filled with lines of colours and I opened my eyes and the room was exactly the same except I was freaking out thinking when is this going to end the experience scared me a lot and really made me not want to smoke dmt but just wondering if anyone has any tips for me that would help me would be very much appreciated

Judging by your description, you've just dusted the surface.

Keep smoalking, keep pushing. Apprehension and fear is normal leading into it. It can bring out some pretty uncomfortable sensations, per the individual. Accept them and move forward.

The experience won't kill you, you won't be stuck there forever, the experience won't hurt you, and however uncomfortable it might feel - just remember that everything's on course.

Lay back, breathe deep, smile. :)
Jees said:
From the Funny Pictures thread :d :

I would suggest to the OP that they meditate upon death, the fact that we all will die sooner than later & that it is THE biggest trip any of us will ever face, before they use DMT again.

It's just good protocol.😉
PhatShots said:
Zooted420 said:
So I just got some dmt about a week ago and had bin experimenting with very small doses on top of cannabis with cannabis on top the first time I smoked I was listening to music and I felt a huge rush of anesthesia through my body and the colours in the room intensified I closed my eyes to see if I could see anything but nothing too amazing this experience kind of scared me but also made me more interested in what a bit of a higher does would do to me so other that night I sprinkled a bit more dmt on a bowl of cannabis and covered it with cannabis vaporized it and this Time it felt like I was instantly in a deep state of meditation I closed my eyes and it felt like I was going through a tunnel of twists and turns and I could see a very small dot of light that looked very far away at the end but I came too and felt very interested by this experience.

So the next time I smoked dmt I waited a day or two and felt like it would be a good idea to smoke some in my room at about 10:00 at night so I loaded up a bowl with cannabis sprinkled a bit more on then I previously did and covered it with cannabis I smoked it and I really wanted to just let go of my fear but it took over I thought I was going to be like that forever or die I closed my eyes and seen the weirdest shape I'd ever seen filled with lines of colours and I opened my eyes and the room was exactly the same except I was freaking out thinking when is this going to end the experience scared me a lot and really made me not want to smoke dmt but just wondering if anyone has any tips for me that would help me would be very much appreciated

My first experience with DMT scared the shit right out of me, I had extracted myself so I thought I had done it wrong and I was toast, I almost called my mom to tell her goodbye. After this I cringed at the thought of doing it again, but a few days went by, did some research found out that was common for people to think that and also found out my DMT was actually very good, this made me feel better, so I thought maybe I should try again. I really wanted to try it before that, so I figured hey maybe I did a little too much for my first time or something! And so what I did was start very small, and just slowly worked my way up, now am starting to fall in love with it (still haven't done anymore than 20mg), What I did was just play some very calming music (get up a calming mix on YT, Noise cancelling headphones if you can) Sit with pipe in hand and just relax do deep breathing, etc, And then you will just feel that moment and do it right there don't let that moment pass or you will be scared again, or at least this was IME what helped me get over the fear, I still have it a bit but as soon as the feeling comes on it fades instantly, I still have yet to break through, which still worries me a bit I'm not gunna lie, but What I said has helped me get back into wanting to explore with it again!

Peace and love
I can may the exact same for Me
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