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FEP (Fluorinated ethylene propylene) questions

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hi everyone -

i hope this is posted in the correct area. i also hope someone, especially those with *real* chemistry backgrounds* might offer some opinions. i did a search; can't find a single listing on this material.

FEP (Fluorinated ethylene propylene) is a rather expensive plastic that is, according to all chemical resistance charts, immune from attack from almost anything...acids, bases, temperature and organic solvents. n-heptane, for example, has no effect on this material, either in absorption or degradation.

i recently acquired a really nice 1L FEP bottle - would love to use it, but thought i'd check here to see if anyone has any experience with this material. i really like the shape of the bottle - taller and thinner than most 1L containers - the NPS layer would be really easy to see and draw out.

thanks so much in advance!
Yup, it is a perfluorinated hydrocarbon similar to Teflon.

Teflon is extremely chemical resistant. We use Teflon coated magnetic stir bars to stir just about every reaction. The only reaction I've seen destroy Teflon regularly is during a dissolving metal reduction when stirring sodium metal in liquid ammonia. Turns the stirbars black with carbon, tears off the fluorine somehow.

And indeed, FEP beakers and containers are used in the lab as well for extremely corrosive expermients, stuff that would eat glass (Like HF) , even concentrated lye solutions can etch glass over time. So FEP is safer than glass in that sense. Just beware it melts at a high enough temperature (280C)

The plastics themselves are therefore very robust, nothing you can do to hurt them chemically. Just be aware of plasticizers , which are not perfluorinated carbon based, and can leech out of plastics. Well made Lab grade containers are usually not leechable in this respect, especially for analytical purposes, though cheap Chinese ones will not be as good (you get what you pay for).

Although, FEP by nature is malleable, they may not even use any plasticizers at all, and very little compared to typical plastics if any. Especially in your case of the FEP plastic bottle. It would be more common to find the plastizers in plastics used to coat wirings or wherever the extra malleability would be handy.

You can do some research for your case, there are some threads here on the nexus on plasticizers , and you can do some googling about your case with FEP for some additional information.
Mindlusion -

thanks so much for the reply and the information. i appreciate it a lot. before i use the bottle, i'll do a bit more investigating. it would be sad to go through all the work of an extraction, only to see it go sideways at the end because of a whimsical choice of vessel when i have glass at my disposal anyway. as i said, i rather like the shape of the bottle for easy removal of the NPS.

by the way - i like your quote from the Gita in your signature; i'm a Yoga teacher and am quite familiar with it, both from my own studies and teaching from it. are you familiar with another text - the "Ashtavakra Gita" - another gem....

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