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Filtering Acetone

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Anyone know of a good way to accomplish this? I assume it melts nylon, cotton soaks it up too much, and coffee filters can be a pain. Careful decanting and selective pipetting are the only methods that seem to work for SWIM. Any ideas on the matter?
what about using vacuum + coffee filter (maybe even cotton would work, with vacuum)?

SWIM built an improvised vacuum filtering using simply a funnel with a coffee filter on top of a small water bottle, and a plastic tube attached to the side of the bottle, and a vacuum cleaner that SWIM turned on and brought close to this side tube for the vacuum. SWIM dried the dmt crystals that came out of the freeze precipitation this way, and was impressed how quick the vacuum dries the totally drenched coffee filter and crystals. In under a minute it was totally dry.

the only thing is that the funnel end needs to go deeper into the bottle, because if it only goes a bit inside, then the solvent will be pulled to the side tube and be aspirated by the vacuum cleaner instead of fall to the bottom of the bottle. but this is very easy to solve: if the funnel itself doesnt have a long bottom, then just attach a tube to it that goes till the bottom of the bottle

even if acetone does not filter as good as naphtha normally, I cant imagine why this set up would not anyways work with it

what would be in the acetone that needs to be filtered?
SWIM uses acetone all the time.

You can use polypropylene or HDPE plastic funnels with acetone. There are lots of funnels available made from those plastics.

The best way to filter acetone is through a funnel with a piece of cotton in it, and even better with a vacuum applied to it.

Acetone has the same problems DCM has, in that both are hard to use in Buchner funnels because the filter paper tends to not form a good seal with these solvents. Glass micro fiber papers work with acetone sometimes, but paper ones are really tough to use with acetone.

I think Buchner funnels that take paper filters are a bad invention, but sometimes you need to use them. I don’t know why they don’t have a clamp to hold down the paper. They rely too much on the solvent to seal the filter paper to the funnel. It’s just a bad idea. There should be a clamp. I cannot believe how long people have been using these funnels without complaining about then not having a clamp. The first thing I said when I used one was, “mine is missing a clamp to hold the filter paper in place! Where’s the clamp?” When I was told it doesn’t have a clamp I thought that was ridiculous and laughed my head off. Sure it works without a clamp if everything is just perfect, but sometimes it won’t seal, and it will almost never seal when using extremely volatile solvents like DCM.
Oh, plant material, salts, or base. SWIM's thinking cotton balls in a funnel, but SWIM would have to procure a funnel that's not made of plastic. SWIM's avoiding spendy purchases such as a vacuum filtration kit.

{and then SWIM read this}
69ron said:
You can use polypropylene or HDPE plastic funnels with acetone. There are lots of funnels available made from those plastics.

The best way to filter acetone is through a funnel with a piece of cotton in it, and even better with a vacuum applied to it.

Ok so polypropylene is safe to use with acetone? Problem solved, thanks!
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