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FINISHED PRODUCT The gateway of perception, A story from beyond the beyond.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
(mind)Set: Peak, meditating/chanting morning and night and shamanic journeying with ritual daily
(physical condition) Set: Healthy and athletic
Setting (location): This took place here
time of day: Evening
recent drug use: Smokes marijuana daily
last meal: Fruit and nuts

Gender: Male
body weight: 68 kg, 150 lbs
known sensitivities: Chants and does shamanic journeying daily morning and night
history of use: This is the report of my first psychedelic experience, but since then I have mastered many things


Substance(s): LSD blotter, Marijuana, Vitamin C
Dose(s): 900ui, 1g, 2,000mg
Method of administration: 2 TABS on top of tongue, smoked with a 12" bong throughout experience, Emergen-C drink two packets


Administration time: 6:00pm
Duration: 14 hours
First effects: 7:30pm
Peak: T=2:00-9:00
Come down: T=9:00-14:00
Baseline: T=24:00

Intensity (overall): On a 1-4 scale this was an 8
Evaluation / notes: HOLY SHIT!!! I didn't know these were heroic doses

Pleasantness: 4
Implesantness: 3
Visual Intensity: 4


Hangover: 4, 48 hrs after last effects
Afterglow: 4, 2 weeks




Let this be yet another example of why set and setting is so very important. We are not happy with anyone who decides to drive while under the influence of psychedelics, but we are glad if they make it in one piece without hurting anybody. Really though that is quite possibly the most reckless and irresponsible thing a person can do, you might as well drive drunk. You would be threatening your own life and the lives of those around you.

The Nexus is a champion of harm reduction, driving while under the influence of any mind-altering substance is risky at best and should be avoided at all costs. When people do neglect things, and people do neglect things and it happens to go badly: car-crash, death etc.etc, it shines a negative light on an already taboo demonized subject making the substance and everyone who takes it look like irresponsible fools who like to get high and crash vehicles. Not to mention lives get snuffed out prematurely, with the innocent people being the ones who get hurt the most, generally speaking...

Psychedelics are not a game or a joke to be taken lightly or on a random whim. If you plan on ingesting such powerful substances at any time, plan your trip extremely well.


Hoff says ride a bike I say take a hike.

So this is the story of my first psychedelic Journey, which is also the most intense and most meaningful trip I have ever had in my whole entire life and one that I think about every single day of my life since then. I would also like to apologize for anything before hand thank you.

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon around 5:30 p.m. I was at my good friend's house hanging out drinking a couple of beers, talking about my practice in Shamanism and the shamanic Journey. He brought up entheogens, he asked if I ever used one before and if I wanted to. Of course I said yes I wanted to since I hadn't. Long story short within 5 minutes I had 7 hits of lysergic acid diethylamide. I started asking him questions about the substance, like how long is this going to last, how long will it take to kick in, how intense is it? He said that I would have about two hours before I would need to be in a safe place and that it could be a little intense but that I should just give into it and that it could last anywhere from 8 to 12 hours which was a little scary at first. I asked him how many that I should take and he said "Oh, just take two you'll be fine". So I took my two tabs and proceeded to go over to my friend's house to help him trim our plants.

When I got there I picked up some shears and got to work trimming our 12 legal medical marijuana plants we were having a good time laughing and joking around and then all of a sudden I got this weird feeling in my head but not really in my head it was like I could feel this infinitely small and yet infinitely large point that was as far away as possible and yet so close and it was shooting towards me at the speed of light but also creeping so slowly. I could hear every sound it was making as it was moving towards me, scraping, screaming, scratching, falling. I felt a flat plane appear inside of my head that grew and grew ever larger and larger outward.

Suddenly I could not control my laughter and felt as though I had completely lost it. The walls were moving and swaying back and forth, bending and breathing as if they were alive. The plants were reaching out towards me and swaying back and forth. The door frame seemed as though it was towering above me. My friend seeing my reaction to everything that was taking place around me asked me if I was alright, and I said "Man it's happening and it's coming on strong. I got to get home as soon as possible." and he said "Well just calm down, I'll give you some Emergen-C. Do you have any pot?" I told him that I did not and he gave me a few Buds, some Emergen-C and sent me on my way.

I went out to my car and started attempting to load a bowl. Loading this bowl was a freaking nightmare I couldn't manipulate my fingers well enough to be able to break up and place the bud into the bowl. But after what seemed like forever, it was loaded. I took three or four good hits from this pipe and that's when it all started. Immediately I started seeing shapes and lines swirling all around me. It was almost as if another Silver Screen had slid in over the one that I was already watching, but this one was made out of interconnecting webs and swirling morphing shapes.

My power animal sloth presented himself to me and said he was with me. As soon as I had my bearings and I had calmed myself down, one of the shapes that I was seeing flew up to me or hovered or whatever you would like to call it and introduced itself to me as the lysergic acid diethylamide and the prince of all hallucinogens.

I was sitting in the driver seat of my car when all of this was taking place and I had to drive home and I had to meet my girlfriend there as well who didn't even know that I took acid who didn't even know anything about psychedelics at all. I was afraid to make the drive home as I was seeing all of these things and hearing voices inside my head which were not quite clear yet, but while thinking about this drive home I remembered the bicycle day story and how Albert Hoffman made the bicycle ride home.

I decided to try and make the drive home. I gave my girlfriend a call and awkwardly asked her if she would meet me at the house. I'm sure she could hear it in my voice that something was different, but I doubt she knew exactly what. I put my keys in the ignition and started it up. My car seemed as though it was coming to life and it also seemed like it was talking to me, which was kind of freaking me out. It took me about 15 minutes to actually pull out of his driveway after walking out of the front door, I'm sure he knew what was going on.

As I started driving down the road it started getting more intense, which I did not anticipate as I thought I already had reached the peak. Everything around me seemed different. It was the same but it was different. It looked as though there was light coming from behind everything. Like if everything we see, we see in two dimensions, then it can be drawn on a sheet of paper and there was this violet purplish colored light coming from behind this sheet of paper, this Silver Screen that we perceive everything to be on. And as three dimensional as all of this may seem that's just our perception and this is the day that I learned that.

As I put the car in Drive I had an uneasy feeling, but I went on with it anyways. As I started driving the road was swaying back and forth, moving like it was a snake. For the first 10 feet or so in front of me the road seemed to stay straight, for the most part, so I continued on with my journey. The signs were wavy and seemed like they were melting. I kept thinking that there was a cop behind me because I kept seeing lights, but I realized that these lights were in my head. I realized then everything I was seeing was inside of my head and that these things were so powerful they were projecting themselves out onto my reality.

These shapes that were flying past me in this web of energy started out as two dimensional shapes at first but then they turned into three dimensional shapes and after that, within 15 minutes, these shapes had become three dimensional shapes that I could see the inside and back side of. As you can imagine this was all extremely distracting while driving and it was winter and icy.

I'll never forget the feeling I had while driving home, the feeling of being in third person like I was in a small child's toy car and my head was sticking up so far out of the roof. I was only going 45 miles per hour, but it seemed like I was flying down the road. I kept having to pull over to the side of the road because the visions were so overwhelming.

Eventually I got to a spot in the road where there were these three curves, and I was probably going about 50 mph. As mentioned before it was winter and extremely icy out. As I went around the first corner my car lost traction and I wrapped my car around a telephone pole and died! Everything went black. It was as if nothing had even ever existed before. Then I started seeing this sand or dust blowing around in a Cloud, and then it started forming different things in front of me on this sheet of black that I thought was never ending. Forming things like trees, my hands, the road, my car and steering wheel, the headlights in front of me, and the snow blowing by me. All of a sudden the car flew past me and I was on the road and I was driving again, shocked to be alive.

Eventually after pulling over many times I did finally make it home safely without any damage to me or my car, but everything was getting more intense. I went inside and poured myself a glass of water and dumped in one of the pouches of Emergen-C that my friend gave to me. I went to my room and held my head in my hands with my eyes closed dreading the moment that my girlfriend would get there, knowing that I would have to explain this all to her.

The voices in my head we're getting louder and louder, and they kept telling me that I had to go to them I had to come to them but that they weren't in my Dimension and that I had to go to their dimension in order to be with them. I wasn't quite sure what they meant or what they were talking about, but for some odd reason I knew that I could trust them because my power animal sloth had been with me the whole time.

Eventually my girlfriend got there, which was very awkward because when she came into my bedroom I was turned away from her and afraid to look at her because I was geeking out bad. So I looked at her as calmly as I could and the first thing that said was "I got to tell you something, I'm on acid". Then I explained to her what it was and why I took it and then I'm really sorry that I didn't tell her about it and that it was a bad decision. Then I asked her to take it with me and tried talking her into taking it with me and she finally said yes and ended up taking one tab with me. It just so happened that I had more Emergen-C packets with me at home, so I poured her a glass and gave it to her.

I went and sat down on the couch and started contemplating how I was going to get to these voices that I was hearing in my head that were in another dimension. They kept telling me that I had to do something first in this Dimension, go somewhere and do something with my body, before I could go to their dimension and I kept thinking that. I literally had to go lay down and close my eyes before i got IT.

I went and laid down in my bed and closed my eyes, at that moment that point Far Far Away collided into the ever-expanding plane inside of my head and everything exploded out words. My thoughts instantly changed, instead of my thoughts being linear and one at a time I could SEE them all at once and have as many thoughts at one time as I wanted. The room I was in took on a different appearance, it was as if I was seeing everything from above. I could see the whole entire room, the insides of the walls, the outside to the walls, the outside of my house, my yard, all of my neighbors houses, who was sitting on the couch, who was cooking dinner, what was in their fridge, or mailbox, who was sitting on the pot laying down a log. Then it got even more intense and I could see the whole planet all at once. I could see all of the good, all of the bad. It was like I was seeing everything through everything's eyes as if I was the plants and animals and all of the humans. Everything bad that was happening I was seeing it Through The Eyes of the person doing that bad thing and I was seeing it Through The Eyes of the person having that bad thing happened to them. And I was seeing all the good through the really good people's eyes all of the parties and peacefulness. I felt every feeling all at once, every imaginable feeling. It was extremely overwhelming.

It kept getting more and more out of this world as I began to see the whole solar system and Galaxy and then many galaxies and I could see everything happening in the galaxies on all of the planets through all of the beings eyes the plants eyes through the planets eyes the walls eyes it was as if I WAS everything was one with everything. But seeing everything this way means you can see the front, back and inside of everything all at once, and you'll be like Heimdall from Thor or The Avengers who has the power to see everything in the universe all at once.

Seeing things in the four dimensional way was extremely weird because things like phones or chairs or TVs or really anything that looks like it's separated from the things around it, that looks like you can pick it up and hold it in the air so that nothing touches it, doesn't look like that anymore. Instead it looks as if everything is touching as if everything is one and you can be anywhere you want in an instant, but when you see things in this way and they are all connected you are able to see time and how moments travel through it. Once you lay your eyes on time it disappears because you realize it doesn't exist, and you become fifth dimensional instead of 4th dimensional. In this 5th dimensional State time does not exist you can see everything all at once anytime, and you're instantly an expert at everything because of the definition of practice: an amount of time allotted to become better at something.

When this happened to me I saw my whole entire life lined up in front of me, past present and future. Every single event that took place in my life and also every single choice that I could have ever made in my whole entire life and where those choices could have taken me. Since time didn't exist, it's as if it happened in single instant and these things are so hard to remember, and as gaining more Dimensions from here on out after the 5th things just get more and more weird

When you see things from 5th dimensional point of view and time does not exist you get an overwhelming sense of being everywhere at once and I mean literally feel it just like you can feel that you are sitting here reading this now, you can see the beginning and the end. Once you can see where things came from and where they are going you can go back to the beginning, or to the end, and you become six dimensional. I like to refer to the 6th dimensional state as the Gateway between the 5th and 7th dimensional state.

When I got to the 6th dimensional state I found myself in a world that I've never been to before, but that looked so familiar like I had been there hundreds of thousands of times before. In front of me was a large circle gateway, on one side were three men on the other were three women. They did not seem to be made out of Flesh and Bones like I was. They had color to their skin not like normal humans, but like purple Hues or pink hues maybe even sometimes orange, green or red. They had pointed ears and looked as though they were creating themselves, like they were machines. They said to me in unison "This is the point in your life where you get to decide what you want to do with the rest of your life" and they all pointed towards the portal/gateway.

As I went through the Gateway I had the never ending feeling of bliss. The further and further I walked down this tunnel, the more and more reality seemingly fell away from itself the more and more I was just Consciousness moving through an empty space. Once I got to this place I was in a gigantic Matrix of energy and I could see all of these different realms with many different planes in them some three dimensional some four dimensional some five dimensional.

After going through that Gateway it opened me up to the place of different realms. Where within each of the countless realms there are countless planes just like our own plan within them. There are realms with Heavenly planes and realms with hell like planes then there are Realms planes like our own. From this point I could see where all of this energy was coming from where all of its going and I wanted to see the source of all of this energy.

So I went towards this Source, the source, and instantly I found myself again in a different place. It was as if I was seeing everything through God's eyes. Literally everything, all of the different Realms, all of the different planes, all of the different galaxies solar systems and planets within those planes. He was everything and is everything and always will be everything and he started to speak to me and show me things he merged with me and brought me into his Matrix of energy. I got to experience everything from his point of view and see how everything works see how it was all put together, how it started and where it's going, and what my mission in life is and why I have to help with the evolution of the human species.

When God presented himself to me I knew that it was God and not an emanation of the devil because this was the god of everything. He presented himself to me as a gigantic sea urchin looking creature with so many spikes on the outside of it that they numbered infinity times infinity. At the end of each one of these points where it could not go any further because of the restraints of geometry it would warp into any given plane in any given Realm and form a teeny tiny particle of a quark and then those would form the neutrons protons and electrons and then those would form the atoms and molecules and then all of this.

At the center of the sea urchin looking God being was pure consciousness. He was so big and so small at the same time his insides were on his outside and his outsides on his insides. He explained to me that in order to experience himself he has to divide himself into many different consciousness in order to really be what he is. He divides himself and divides himself again and again and again until he gets to the planets, which are divisions of his Cosmic consciousness just like atoms. It's just like how they say your zodiac symbol can be ruled by different planets, and it's because they are divisions of different Cosmic consciousness.

Those consciousnesses then get divided again and again and again until they reach groups of consciousness that are much like the cliques in high school where many different peoples consciousnesses are grouped with others who are like minded. Then that energy comes down into our soul star chakra into our Crown chakra and moves down through our energy grid and into our root chakra and then into our Earth star chakra and then into a chakra at the center of the earth which everyone here on Earth shares and then this energy connects back to source.

And as soon as God was finished showing me what he had to show me, I opened my eyes and found myself right back where I had started. In the same place and in the same time and got to enjoy the rest of a fantastic trip with my now ex girlfriend. Everything during that trip looked so real, so much more real than everything around us right now. After this trip I started writing a book titled "The gateway to perception" and plan on helping to show the world how to open their minds to the other side. This world is going through a change. We are three dimensional now, but its time for us to evolve.
haha mistakenly posted this before finished haha soo sorry. the report will be done tonight.
haha mistakenly posted this before finished haha soo sorry. the report will be done tonight.
haha mistakenly posted this before finished haha soo sorry. the report will be done tonight.


Yet another example of why set and setting is so very important! We are glad you made it to where you were going in one piece but you have to realize that driving on psychedelics is quite possibly the most reckless and irresponsible thing a person can do in that state. You might as well have been driving drunk! Maybe you were? You said you were drinking before taking the acid, too?! Good grief, my friend! You put yourself and anyone else that may have been on the road in serious, life-threatening danger, TWICE!!

The drive over there was easy enough but by the time I got there it hadn't even been 20 minutes.
I decided to try and make the drive home [...] I was sitting in the driver seat of my car when all of this was taking place and I had to drive home and I had to meet my girlfriend there as well who didn't even know that I took acid who didn't even know anything about psychedelics at all. I was afraid to make the drive home as I was seeing all of these things and hearing voices inside my head which were not quite clear yet

:thumb_dow :thumb_dow

The Nexus is a champion of harm reduction. Driving while under the influence of ANY mind altering substance is risky at best and should be avoided at all costs. When people do negligent things like you did in your report and it happens to go badly (car crash, death etc etc), it shines a negative light on an already taboo/demonized subject, making the substance and everyone who takes it look like irresponsible fools who like to get high and crash vehicles. Not to mention, lives get snuffed out prematurely, with the innocent people being the ones who get hurt the most, generally speaking.

Psychedelics are not a game or a joke, to be taken lightly or on a random whim. If you plan on ingesting such powerful substances in the future, plan your trip better. Be thankful that you avoided disaster and didn't kill anyone or yourself.

NEVER drive while under the influence.
TGO said:


Yet another example of why set and setting is so very important! We are glad you made it to where you were going in one piece but you have to realize that driving on psychedelics is quite possibly the most reckless and irresponsible thing a person can do in that state. You might as well have been driving drunk! Maybe you were? You said you were drinking before taking the acid, too?! Good grief, my friend! You put yourself and anyone else that may have been on the road in serious, life-threatening danger, TWICE!!

The drive over there was easy enough but by the time I got there it hadn't even been 20 minutes.
I decided to try and make the drive home [...] I was sitting in the driver seat of my car when all of this was taking place and I had to drive home and I had to meet my girlfriend there as well who didn't even know that I took acid who didn't even know anything about psychedelics at all. I was afraid to make the drive home as I was seeing all of these things and hearing voices inside my head which were not quite clear yet

:thumb_dow :thumb_dow

The Nexus is a champion of harm reduction. Driving while under the influence of ANY mind altering substance is risky at best and should be avoided at all costs. When people do negligent things like you did in your report and it happens to go badly (car crash, death etc etc), it shines a negative light on an already taboo/demonized subject, making the substance and everyone who takes it look like irresponsible fools who like to get high and crash vehicles. Not to mention, lives get snuffed out prematurely, with the innocent people being the ones who get hurt the most, generally speaking.

Psychedelics are not a game or a joke, to be taken lightly or on a random whim. If you plan on ingesting such powerful substances in the future, plan your trip better. Be thankful that you avoided disaster and didn't kill anyone or yourself.

NEVER drive while under the influence.

I totally agree with you on this one and have never done that since. I was young inexperienced and dumb when this happened.
Also I would like to think that I am posting this for harm reduction. I mean I remember dying for Christ sakes, do you think I would try that againg? Do you think anyone would try that after reading this? I dont.
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