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First 4 experiences... 3 identical?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I’m just beginning my exploration with DMT, and I have no prior experience with psychedelics. I’d like to give a brief overview of my first experiences in hope that someone might be able to offer suggestions or just relate with me.

I used a vaporizing technique shown in a YouTube video by the user GordoTEK.. it’s basically a glass bottle with a large hole cut in the bottom and a small hole cut in the side. The bottom hole is covered with aluminum foil containing the spice and secured with rubber bands; the other hole is plugged with a foam ear plug which is removed to allow air flow, and you inhale through the mouth of the bottle.

1st trip (30mg): I inhaled all of the vapor no problem and held it as long as I could, and I don’t remember when I released it. I immediately closed my eyes and leaned back. I instantly began seeing geometric patterns and I had a feeling that there was a female presence. The presence intimidated me a little but wasn’t scary. At first I started to hear a high pitch ringing sound but that dissipated. The trip lasted about 5 minutes and involved me seeing lots of shapes and patterns while being somewhat guided or surrounded by a female presence that I never saw directly. The whole time I was still aware of my body and I was able to rationalize what I was seeing by the fact that I had ingested a substance. At one point I felt a very warm feeling over my chest and then later a cool feeling like air blowing on me. I came out of it gently and opened my eyes to see everything around me “breathing” with a slight geometric glow/hazy look to it. I felt a little disappointed that I didn’t break through.. or at least not in the way that I expected; however, I still enjoyed the experience and was blown away by the visuals.

2nd trip (4 days later @ 40mg): I increased the dose in hopes of achieving a break through, but I had pretty much the exact same experience as the first time. Geometric shapes, female presence.. there were only slight differences.

3rd trip (same night @ 50mg): I did it again as soon as I came down from my 2nd trip and increased my dose by another 10mg to try and have a breakthrough. This time I think I remember hearing some high pitch sounds and maybe feeling a little vibration though I don’t remember it very well, but I suppose I got nauseous.. maybe from such an intense onset. I have no memory of actually feeling nauseous but I do remember retching like I was going to throw up and my trip sitter was holding a garbage can in front of me. This retching apparently caused me to open my eyes and they remained open for the rest of my trip which was very unpleasant. I got stuck in some sort of loop. It wasn’t the exact same thing repeating over and over, but it still had a feeling and repetitiveness and being stuck. I really can’t remember too many details of what I saw although I think that I saw some patterns/shapes. My memory focuses on what I felt. I felt a warm sensation on the left side of my chest, and I looked down to see that I had thrown up on myself and I could feel the warmth of the liquid soaking into my shirt. I also saw it splattered in front of me on my shirt, and I even touched it and rubbed it between my fingers, and it felt slimy. I know, gross. I said “oh no” out loud when I realized I had thrown up all over myself, and I felt disgusted and felt like I was going to panic. I was able to remain uncomfortably calm. I kept reminding myself that it would all be over soon and I could clean up and get back to normal. My sitter was telling me things like “everything is okay” and “you’re doing perfect”. When I heard these things they sounded twisted and creepy but I didn’t focus on how it sounded; I just focused on the meaning of those words and it helped. I let out a loud sigh of relief, and then as soon as I would feel this relief then I would spiral into discomfort again and I’d hear the reassuring words and then sigh in relief and then get sucked back into discomfort all over again. It was like those positive words were mocking me and had a sinister tone because everything was in fact not okay. I felt like I had been stuck in this situation many times before and I should have known this was going to happen. At one point my sitter held my hand and if I looked at their hand it began to transform by getting thicker and growing extra fingers, so I just looked away and enjoyed the comfort of it without looking at it. I didn’t dare looking at my sitter’s face out of fear for what it might look like. This cycle felt like my reality and like it had happened before and would happen again if I ever managed to get out of it this time. It was where I was meant to end up. Every time I was sure that I was coming out of it and it was wearing off it would start back up. When I finally did actually come out of it, I looked down and the vomit that I had seen and touched so clearly was gone. I DIDN’T THROW UP. I was so shocked and confused! I kept touching and rubbing my shirt and the space next to me where my vomit had been to reassure me that it wasn’t there. This experience wasn’t terrible, but it was certainly unpleasant.

4th trip (another 4 days later @25mg): I went into this experience still hoping to achieve a breakthrough experience, and I was originally planning to do 45mg, but after my last experience that made me a little nervous and I decided to try a lower dose in hopes that maybe I’d be able to hold it in longer and get my breakthrough that way. The experience that I had was the same as my first and second trips. Female presence and patterns/shapes with a warm sensation throughout my body especially in my chest. I will admit that this time I don’t remember hardly any of it because I think I passed it off as like “been here, done this” and I was kind of over it. I wanted more, but I didn’t get it.

At this point I’m unsure of what to do next. I feel like I’m just going to continue having this same experience. My trip sitter and I alternate tripping and sitting one another. He followed the exact same technique as I did and used doses of either 25mg or 30mg each time. Each time he had very different experiences that all seemed to be breakthroughs based on his descriptions. He ended up in cyberspace and interacted with entities. Meanwhile I just continue to have the same sub breakthrough experience with patterns. It’s beautiful and fascinating, but I can’t help but feel like I’m missing out on experiencing so much more.

Should I just keep trying what I’m doing? Maybe there’s something I need to learn from this experience and that’s why I keep having it, but when I’m mostly just seeing patterns it’s hard to decipher a meaning. I do have harmalas that I could use sublingually, but I know that that extends the length of the trip and I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet. I like knowing that it will only last 5-10 minutes.

Another question is.. are sub breakthrough experiences usually the same? Is that typical?? Maybe the lead up is supposed to be the same each time and the breakthrough experiences are what changes each time for the most part.

I know this was long, but if you read all of it I appreciate it and look forward to getting some feedback. Thanks!
Your smoking technique is all wrong. That ghetto rig is well... a load on nasty poisonous crap that should be avoided by everyone at all costs.

Make some changa or enhanced leaf and smoke in a bong or get yourself a GVG. These are the two guaranteed ways to achieve your objective.

I'm not sure what you are hoping for in break through, please be sure you do. A breakthrough experience is about a million times weirder than your throwing up on yourself experience. It may make you question everything.

DMT is not a toy. It is not ambrosia. It is not the answer to all your spiritual questions. There is much to be learned from here and many other resources on this site and others. Intent means so much.
You got to have the right apparatus. It is somewhat of a disservice to the whole experience trying to use primitive DIY setups in my opinion; we're talking about such a potent experience that if you're going to do it, do it right :)

We used a small glass pipe with a bulb on the end, with one tiny air hole on the top; we found it in some headshop. I think we wasted a lot of NN-DMT on the first attempts, we each had 1 go and not much happened, none of us left the room, colours were enhanced and a slight feeling of encroaching presence. What was key was heating the NN enough until suddenly the bulb filled with light vapour, then taking one big drag. I couldn't physically get a 3rd drag in as I could no longer feel my lungs or muscles.. pipe started to unwind.. boom. Gone.
Northerner said:
Your smoking technique is all wrong. That ghetto rig is well... a load on nasty poisonous crap that should be avoided by everyone at all costs.

Make some changa or enhanced leaf and smoke in a bong or get yourself a GVG. These are the two guaranteed ways to achieve your objective.

I'm not sure what you are hoping for in break through, please be sure you do. A breakthrough experience is about a million times weirder than your throwing up on yourself experience. It may make you question everything.

DMT is not a toy. It is not ambrosia. It is not the answer to all your spiritual questions. There is much to be learned from here and many other resources on this site and others. Intent means so much.

Hello! Thanks for your response. I inderstand that this may not be the BEST setup, but I’m having a hard time understanding how this is a load of nasty crap. I believe that we properly vaporized the spice and didn’t burn it which is the objective right? I don’t see much room for “poisonous crap” as it is only being exposed to glass and foil (which is rated for such heat levels around food). That being said, I definitely agree that there is tons of room for improvement. I will look into making changa. I’m just confused as to how my partner seemed to get the full experience with this method, and I didn’t.

As for my intent, it seems so hard to pinpoint one specific reason for embarking on a trip with such a potent and incredible substance. I want to experience all that it has to offer me even if it leaves me with more questions than answers. I’m someone who has never had any spiritual experiences in my life despite being raised in a religous home, trying to pursue religion personally in my adult life, giving up on religion, and then trying to pursue meditation to find what spirituality means to me. I want to become more open minded and expand my understanding to the existence of there being more than meets the eye among other things.

I know that this isn’t a toy — no doubt. I have been researching it on and off for over two years now; although not in the right places. Ive watched the Spirit Molecule documentary multiple times and I’ve read and watched hundreds of trip reports. I tried to learn about the science behind DMT, its history, and how it works on the brain. I just recently discovered the nexus once I decided I was ready to actually acquire the substance.

I will continue to submerge myself in the resources available here, and I’ll hold off on my next trip until i have a better setup.
I dont get why people won't spend 20 quid on a vap that takes away all the bs of the input.
This is what I use and I find it perfect. I have tried high and low temp since I dont have a laser thermometer to see what the plalte temp is. I found about 1/5th power is ideal.

Anyway, you should look into to chinese and old skool ideas of the significance of bile and why you imagined yourself puking. You chose that experience at the end of the day so now you should make efforts to understand why you chose to see this. You may discover some habits of your psyche and once you are aware of them they may start to evaporate on their own accord.
Sounds like a lot of worrying. Worrying about a breakthrough. Worrying about puking on yourself. Comparing your experience to your sitter and worrying about that. I mean you can't really let go into an experience like DMT with all that on your mind. Relax and go into the experience as light hearted and worry free as you can.

At some point you will find a place of calm within and then you will experience what you are seeking. Your mind sounds like it's racing and trying to create something all on it's own. Imagining all these scenarios and playing them out in a loop. The mind loops, and the mind is what is in the way. Can you see this? Can you step out of this loop and focus on whatever your intention is? Don't buy into the sideshows of the mind. Place it to the side where it belongs and go forward towards you intended goal.

All of this is easier said than done. Practice at it. There is no danger. It's ok to loop out. It is ok to have any kind of experience with DMT. Breakthroughs are not something to seek. They are something to just let happen.

Worrying is a waste of time! Stop it! 😁
DmnStr8 said:
The mind loops, and the mind is what is in the way. Can you see this? Can you step out of this loop and focus on whatever your intention is? Don't buy into the sideshows of the mind. Place it to the side where it belongs and go forward towards you intended goal.

Maybe I have been interpretting my experiences too narrow mindedly because I had come to the conclusion that these loops were intrinsic to the experience.
Over the time you have experienced DMT would you say you get the de ja vu loops less then, DmnStr8?
DmnStr8 said:
Sounds like a lot of worrying. Worrying about a breakthrough. Worrying about puking on yourself. Comparing your experience to your sitter and worrying about that. I mean you can't really let go into an experience like DMT with all that on your mind. Relax and go into the experience as light hearted and worry free as you can.

At some point you will find a place of calm within and then you will experience what you are seeking. Your mind sounds like it's racing and trying to create something all on it's own. Imagining all these scenarios and playing them out in a loop. The mind loops, and the mind is what is in the way. Can you see this? Can you step out of this loop and focus on whatever your intention is? Don't buy into the sideshows of the mind. Place it to the side where it belongs and go forward towards you intended goal.

All of this is easier said than done. Practice at it. There is no danger. It's ok to loop out. It is ok to have any kind of experience with DMT. Breakthroughs are not something to seek. They are something to just let happen.

Worrying is a waste of time! Stop it! 😁

Thank you! I think you’re absolutely right. I think that having read so many trip reports prior to experiencing it personally, i went into it with very high expectations of what it’s “supposed to be” and when I haven’t achieved those expectations then I have started to worry that I did something wrong and I got frustrated.

Each time that I go into it I have tried to intentionally tell myself to just go with the flow, be calm, and not worry about it, but then once I see where I end up I feel discouraged even though I just told myself that I was going to be okay with it. That indicates to me that I never was truly okay with accepting whatever it had to show me... I still managed to retain my own idea of how it should work and what should happen.

Additionally I would like to experiment with other administration methods, but I think that I need to work on getting back into meditation and clearing my mind so that I can clean up my canvas for the experience to take place on. I think it’s going to take some work for me.
dreaminggiraffe said:
Hello! Thanks for your response. I inderstand that this may not be the BEST setup, but I’m having a hard time understanding how this is a load of nasty crap. I believe that we properly vaporized the spice and didn’t burn it which is the objective right? I don’t see much room for “poisonous crap” as it is only being exposed to glass and foil (which is rated for such heat levels around food). That being said, I definitely agree that there is tons of room for improvement. I will look into making changa. I’m just confused as to how my partner seemed to get the full experience with this method, and I didn’t.

As for my intent, it seems so hard to pinpoint one specific reason for embarking on a trip with such a potent and incredible substance. I want to experience all that it has to offer me even if it leaves me with more questions than answers. I’m someone who has never had any spiritual experiences in my life despite being raised in a religous home, trying to pursue religion personally in my adult life, giving up on religion, and then trying to pursue meditation to find what spirituality means to me. I want to become more open minded and expand my understanding to the existence of there being more than meets the eye among other things.

I know that this isn’t a toy — no doubt. I have been researching it on and off for over two years now; although not in the right places. Ive watched the Spirit Molecule documentary multiple times and I’ve read and watched hundreds of trip reports. I tried to learn about the science behind DMT, its history, and how it works on the brain. I just recently discovered the nexus once I decided I was ready to actually acquire the substance.

I will continue to submerge myself in the resources available here, and I’ll hold off on my next trip until i have a better setup.
Hey dreaminggiraffe!

Sorry if I appear abrupt sometimes with how I call things, I tend to call a spade a spade but sometimes forget to explain. In my country it's not unusual for people to smoke off aluminium foil, I have seen that stuff degrade and and turn to ash over multiple uses. There is no doubt these people are smoking aluminium. Same with aluminium cookware, they stopped making it because over time it was obvious that it was degrading and people were consuming it... yet people continue to cook in aluminium foil. If the degradation isn't yet visually perceptible in single use it must be safe? I would think not.

Go for the changa brother, it really is Gods gift. :thumb_up:

I also enjoyed watching documentaries on DMT and reading about it, I can really identify with you. What I found though is it is nothing like any of my preconceptions and nothing like anything else I had ever done before. It was totally new territory for me and there was no real guide, I was a lone explorer in a vast realm. No "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' was available. The reality for me is infinitely lighter and infinitely darker than anything I had imagined, and often at the same time.

DmnStr8 has given you great positive advice, he perceives things beautifully and manages to communicate them just so too.


The only thing I can add, though it may be a paraphrasing, is to drop all expectations. Every time you do it it will be different. (once you get past the chrysanthemum) It's a dice with infinite sides and infinite possibilities, each more improbable than the last. Be pure in your intent and you will reap the rewards. Reject all things negative, focus on your love and light and let them guide you. We can never be ready for what DMT will present, but we can be prepared. :)
5A8R3 said:
DmnStr8 said:
The mind loops, and the mind is what is in the way. Can you see this? Can you step out of this loop and focus on whatever your intention is? Don't buy into the sideshows of the mind. Place it to the side where it belongs and go forward towards you intended goal.

Maybe I have been interpretting my experiences too narrow mindedly because I had come to the conclusion that these loops were intrinsic to the experience.
Over the time you have experienced DMT would you say you get the de ja vu loops less then, DmnStr8?

The only thing that is intrisic to the DMT experience is it's utter weirdness. The loops are weird. Everything about it is weird. I would say that over time, DMT has become familiar to me in many ways. I find that my mindset before my DMT journey highly determines what kind of experience I have. If you are in a mindset that no matter what comes up you will just accept it, that changes everything. I feel like it shows me what it what I need to learn and grow. I have learned to pay attention. I release what negative I can when the journey is over and keep that which feels true and positive to empower me in my life.

Example...feeling a sense of connectness with everything is something that feels true to me. Can't prove it, can't put my finger on it, however, this feeling remains and when I interact with people on a day to day basis, I feel differently about the interactions. I feel connected. That is very empowering and people do respond to this I feel.

Example on the opposite side of that coin... I have felt a panic and feeling of dying. This feeling is hard to deal with. It's hard to let go when it presents itself in a way that convinces you that you are now dead. When I have had these experiences I come out of it and say, wow, I am so damn lucky to be alive! I release the fear of it all in that moment. I do my very best to integrate both the positive and negative aspects of any given experience into something that empowers me in the here and now on a daily basis.

It certainly took practice and I feel like I am going to a classroom of sorts when I do DMT. It just wants you to pay attention in class.

What has helped me the most with DMT is to approach it with a certain sense of humor and humilty. Laughing at it all. Humility will be taught, sure. It will also teach you how to laugh with all of your being. Just let it be and it will let you be. It cannot be micro-managed or controlled. It must be allowed to fly. It must be allowed to be wild. In turn, I allow myself to fly and be wild. It is all so beautiful and wonderful! I give gratitude for it all!!

Check the video link below. I think Patricio Dominguez explains the experience very well. I can relate to what he says in this video.

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