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First Acacia Extraction - Strange result

Migrated topic.


I found a glorious Acacia Albida very close to where I live and decided just to try and go through the process of extraction although the tree probably doesn't contain a meaningful percentage of DMT. I collected some phyllodes and went through this procedure:
1. Dry phyllodes in Oven – 60c for 3hr
2. 90g dried phyllodes + 10g dried twigs grinded in blender
3. Boil 1 – 30min - 400ml distilled water + 400ml 5% Vinegar = Filtered 400ml liquid
4. Boil 2 – 30min - 250ml distilled water + 250ml 5% Vinegar = Filtered 250ml liquid
5. Boil 3 - 30min - 250ml distilled water + 250ml 5% Vinegar = Filtered 250ml liquid
6. Boil 4 - 30min - 200ml distilled water + 150ml 5% Vinegar = Filtered 250ml liquid
7. Filtered all liquid through a filter paper = 700ml filtered liquid
9. Reduced by Boiling = 300ml liquid
10. Let it cool
11. Add 40g NaOH + 10g Salt (pH=14)
12. Let it cool
13. Add 250ml Naphtha and shake
14. Wait 60 min and pull
15. Add 250ml Naphtha and shake
16. Wait 60 min and pull
17. Add 250ml Naphtha and shake
18. Wait 3 hours and pull
19. Wait till Naphtha fully evaporates.
20. Collect the crystals (Image Attached)

Everything went as planned, the end result was around 250mg of fine yellow crystals with an unmistakable smell of DMT. I was quiet happy with the result, especially with the amazing smell but when tried to smoke it (using my GVG as always) it didn't give a lot of vapors and no effect at all or maybe some light head feeling. What can those crystals be if not DMT? if a tree is not potent should I find crystals at the end of this process? what other substance can have this very distinct smell of DMT?


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endlessness said:

Hi endlessness,
thank you so much for your reply, you helped me a lot during the last several months, on several other topics I was researching. Thanks!
I read the info you referred me to, I read it before.
Yesterday, before vaping, I did a test with Marquis reagent and results looked as expected (image attached). So when I combined the yellow color, the Marquis test results and the very strong and distinct smell I was expecting to feel the effect which I didn't feel after vaping 25mg. So I am wondering, especially about the smell, can something else smell exactly as DMT?


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Glad to help, friend!

How long was that after the reaction? Do you have any other reagent? That pic isn't very clear but it seems kinda dark reaction for DMT, IIRC it was lighter, like yellowish,before slowly going more brownish.

A lot of other substances have the smell very much like DMT.

TLC would give you a better idea of what is in there, or at least multiple reagents too..

Keep a small sample like 15mg, if you dont find out any other way, I can help you getting it lab tested. We have to wait a couple of months though because they need to do some maintanance on the mass spectrometer and are still waiting for the funds for that. Store a sample and PM me towards mid/end november to remind me, and I'll help you get it tested.

Either way for the future for other tests I def recommend you getting multiple reagents and/or TLC kit.

Be well!
endlessness said:
Glad to help, friend!

How long was that after the reaction? Do you have any other reagent? That pic isn't very clear but it seems kinda dark reaction for DMT, IIRC it was lighter, like yellowish,before slowly going more brownish.

A lot of other substances have the smell very much like DMT.

TLC would give you a better idea of what is in there, or at least multiple reagents too..

Keep a small sample like 15mg, if you dont find out any other way, I can help you getting it lab tested. We have to wait a couple of months though because they need to do some maintanance on the mass spectrometer and are still waiting for the funds for that. Store a sample and PM me towards mid/end november to remind me, and I'll help you get it tested.

Either way for the future for other tests I def recommend you getting multiple reagents and/or TLC kit.

Be well!
The brown color reaction was quiet instant. I don't have other regent, I'll order some for my next extractions, I'm going to test some more local Acacias.
I will certenly keep a sample and send it to the lab if it will be possible, I'll PM you.

Again, I want to thank you for your kind and friendly help.

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