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First Ayahuasca experience

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I had my first Ayahuasca dream yesterday! I'm not sure how much I drank in my dream, but it was about a 2/3 of a normal sized glass and the 56 grams of root juice filled up a big popcorn bowl.

When I first drank it I was a little scared about what it would be like. The effects started sooner than I thought, and the nausea was overwhelming. I was freaking out a little bit because the effects were coming in already and I thought I would feel like shit the whole time. I stood up and then I had to run to the bathroom to vomit (the projectile kind).

After I threw up I felt like I was on heroin or something I felt so good. I felt so playful and everything was magnificent. I could sort of see this pink energy like glow to everything, and patterned visuals coming on. I felt stupid for every being scared of this. I was super glad I took such a small dose to start out. There were some cool trails behind everything. A fly flew in front of my face and it looked so awesome; it was like a little energy beam.

Overall the dream was very euphoric, lasting about 3 hours. Now I know what its like so I won't be as scared of more intense dreams. Now I understand The Purge and it's necessity to the dream. I was almost completely functional and could have gone into public. I might have been giggly and overly playful. I know some of you might think this is a bad idea, but a small dose like this would almost be a good party drug after you purge.

Edit: eer I wrote this a few weeks ago so it isn't yesterday anymore..
Sounds like you had a good introduction!! Congrats :)
Ayahuasca is amazing, just as long as you respect it and start small and slow, esp if doing it alone.
Beelzebub said:
I was almost completely functional and could have gone into public. I might have been giggly and overly playful. I know some of you might think this is a bad idea, but a small dose like this would almost be a good party drug after you purge.

You may want to experience Ayahuasca a few more times before making that call.
It can be very, very different experience each time & it is also quite normal to have the exact same size dose give nice subtle effects one time & the next time have it be 100% overwhelming with emotional power & visions that completely replace the physical world.

So be careful with using it as a toy!!! It is not!!
It sounds like you took a very, very small dose & only got the beginnings of the true experience this time, next time you may feel nothing at all, or get your dick throw in the dirt!!! Even if you take the same, or even a smaller dose the effects can vary....very much!!

Ayahuasca is no part drug & if you continue down that kind of path with her, you will find out the hard way!!
If you read through my past posts, you can see that I'm not the kind of person who puts human personality's into the visions I have with DMT/Salvia, etc...
But with Ayahuasca, (Cappi/Chacruna or Chaliponga) there is something else going on, there is another presence there with you!
It is undeniable when you reach a certain point!
And I don't mean you can "feel" her presence...She is there, interacting with you, guiding & reassuring you.
She can help you through the heavy times, or completely ignore you & leave you to fend for yourself in total isolation...that part is up to you though.

Just sayi'n...
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