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First breakthrough with a friend! but no afterglow :(

Migrated topic.

Giving a suicidal person a hefty does of Aya and then letting them "sort out their demons" is dumb..plain and simple.

Other advice has been offered. Traditional western psycotherapy could be useful, as could drug therapy.

Caapi tea, in moderate (non-visonary) doses has been helpful for many when dealing with depression.

Iboga, in low doses has been very helpful as an antidepressant.

Saying fuck all to someones mental well being looking for a quick fix is not helpful, dangerous, and not really being a friend.
.. and a liability to this community if something bad happens and you got support from us for doing what you are doing. So I just want to make it clear that our position is that your actions are potentially very risky to someone else, that you should reconsider it and that we are openly not in agreement with how you are carrying this out, seems contradicting to the harm reduction we stand for in the Nexus.
You have your theories and I have mine. You don't know the situation and I do. But thanks anyway for the input. Ultimately it is my friend's decision whether to live or die or what treatment to try. I understand you do not want this kind of approach to be associated with the nexus, and that is perfectly understandable.
On depression, while it can be a completely separate condition to psychosis (and a common one too), it is very often an experienced symptom of psychosis as well. Whatever your plans though dude, drop the Moclobemide, it might be cheap, but it ain't worth it, it doesn't guide the experience, as clear as it may be, and I say this based on personal experience. One such experience....150mg Moclobemide + 125mg DMT fumarate dissolved in orange juice, was shockingly intense and revolting, pure unrelenting chaos, it had me curled up in the corner of a field in the fetal position for the duration (wasn't expecting a strong experience, due to my last experience before of the exact same dose taken in a gel cap...the intensity was worlds apart). I swore off it then for good. I believe that the anti depressant effects of ayahuasca are more down to the caapi (preferable to Syrian Rue in my opinion and experience) than the DMT plant. Iboga micro dosing may be a great help too.
moyshekapoyre said:
Thanks for the repeating of mainstream advice, but no thanks.

Why did you post here if you were not seeking some opinions other than your own?

It is not a good thing to lay a 4+ hour trip on someone who seems very ill equipped to handle it regardless of what you think or what his pleadings are.
Also I think it would be appreciated if you showed the members the same respect they're showing you. Everyone's simply trying to help, but your responses are quite aggressively defensive.
I am being defensive because I am being attacked, gobalswg. In this thread, I have been called foolish, irresponsible, a rotten friend, etc. Yet I have not stooped to your level. Have you seen me call anyone on here an irresponsible fool? If so, I apologize, but I don't think I have.

All I am saying is, I got the message, and I understand that you think the way you do, and obviously I disagree with your mainstream perspectives. I find it cruelly ironic that some nexians--people here because, I can only assume, they get some benefit from use of DMT--would deny someone access to these most powerful, life-transforming experiences simply because the potential experiencer is depressed. That's a vicious circle if I ever saw one. It is really odd to find so much parroting of the anti-drug propaganda machine here. As if psychedelic drugs are more dangerous than SSRIs. If you don't think DMT or ayahuasca are powerful healers, why are you on here? You think it only works for a chosen few, and you are the lucky ones? I think it can help most people, as it has throughout history. This is not new, untested ground for humans, unlike western medicine.

It is true that I asked for opinions, and that's fine that some of them are quite in opposition to my perspective, but I just hate having to read people saying the same thing over and over again which is the same message I get everywhere else in the world besides the nexus. I could ask anyone and get these responses. I come here to get more nuanced perspectives, like those that were shared in this thread initially. Like bancopuma's suggestion to not use moclobemide, only caapi for healing (I agree).

Please be humble. You do not know that ayahuasca is more dangerous or less effective than standard western medicine. Evidence abounds to the contrary.

I'm done with this thread.
I'm glad your so cool and underground and alternative to the mainstream, good for you!

In the meantime; your friend's life may be in danger.

Taking ayahuasca a couple times does not make you qualified to diagnose and treat neurochemical imbalance with psychoactive drugs.

Please don't put your friend in danger because you have a grudge against pharmaceutical companies and some blind faith in the magical healing abilities of psychedelics.

Be intelligent, be humble, be responsible.

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