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First Bufo experiment [advice please]

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey there,

Just did my first basic bufo extraction this weekend [using the basic tek from the wiki].

Here's the results I got,
hoping others with more experience will care to comment / advise.

Did this twice with very similar results

Smoked the bufo changa [with added Caapi infusion].
3 1/2 filled cones/bowls on a water bong with caapi leaves on top.

After approx 3-4 mins felt a hot flush and tightness around the face, and slight nausea, nothing that was any real concern though.

Went and lay down in a dark room to observe for closed eye visuals (CEV)
After a few mins (i.e. t = 6-7 mins) visuals started.
They were subtle (i.e. not full immersion) but had the following character
rapid switching of images, may 5 per second, normal non abstract style (i.e. real world shapes and images).
At about 10 mins in there appeared every 5-10 seconds in the centre of the visual field a more classic DMT style shape for a few frames.
This repeated for maybe 10-20 mins, gradually tailing off.

After this i felt tired and drifted into sleep.
During the sleep period I had an interesting sequence of dreams
First I would have a dream where I would get snapshots/small movies of normal day to day scenarios [e.g. a thing moving from one place to another]
later in the sleep I would have a dream where I would be in the same place as the previous dream snapshots.
The dream would run normally, but then i would realise that I had seen parts of the dream before, or would know where something was going to be or what was going to happen.
To summarize it was as if the first dream gave me a prediction of the future dream.
Quite an interesting experience.

So.. .
Anyone had anything similar from smoking bufo extract from Cebil seeds?

any feedback appreciated
Yeah, thats actually the best description of what it does ive read in someone elses report..Ive taken bufotenine many many many times, I know this stuff very well and what it does..

"rapid switching of images, may 5 per second, normal non abstract style (i.e. real world shapes and images).
At about 10 mins in there appeared every 5-10 seconds in the centre of the visual field a more classic DMT style shape for a few frames.
This repeated for maybe 10-20 mins, gradually tailing off."

That is classic bufotenine peak for me..if you take a bit more those images open up a bit more and you sort of move off into them..

The dreams that come after are really facinating..I once took vilca with caapi extract almost every single night for about a month and that was rediculously amazing..some really interesting and mind blowing stuff can go on in those dreams..and the bufotenine can really be working in those dreams and well it can be very mentally psychedelic, totally unlike the main peak...this iswhy its good to take bufotenine at night in bed, and let yourself pass out afterwards without turning the lights back on..you just go from the peak adn faze off into the dreams effortlessly since bufotenine is so sedating.
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