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First Changa

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Rising Star
Looking to mix my first batch of changa. I have no experience at all with harmala/harmaline/thh so I am looking for an ideal place to start.

I have available:
- caapi leaves
- caapi vine (red & yellow)
- extracted caapi FB (gibran's method) 200mg

I've started 2 tinctures:
- 11.11g caapi leaves + ethanol (everclear)
- 11.11g red vine + ethanol (everclear)
I plan on evapping these onto caapi leaves after a month elapses.

What is a good place to start?
12x caapi leaf as a base (either leaf or vine menstruum) or FB extract dissolved into leaf?
Should i start with a weaker concentration such as 6x or 3x? If dissolving FB what is a good ratio for a first time blend?

I have some concerns especially after reading about "changa flu" in some posts. I would like to avoid self induced sickness if at all possible.

much love everyone
Have you used DMT before? Try smoking some caapi leaf before a dose of DMT. If you need alot of caapi leaf, make some enhanced leaf by infusion like 10x or 20x, then smoke that before a dose & see how it effects the experience.

If you do it like this you will figure out how much harmalas you need beforr mixing up a batch of changa. For me it does not seem to work right unless i use refined harmalas but others seem to have good luck with 10x leaf.

This way it saves you from using more of your supply of harmalas than needed or using too much in a changa blend & getting harmala flu.
concombres said:
Have you used DMT before? Try smoking some caapi leaf before a dose of DMT. If you need alot of caapi leaf, make some enhanced leaf by infusion like 10x or 20x, then smoke that before a dose & see how it effects the experience.

If you do it like this you will figure out how much harmalas you need beforr mixing up a batch of changa. For me it does not seem to work right unless i use refined harmalas but others seem to have good luck with 10x leaf.

This way it saves you from using more of your supply of harmalas than needed or using too much in a changa blend & getting harmala flu.

I have used DMT FB a few times with great success and no (noticeable) negative side effects. It still scares the everloving sh*t out of me every single time. I've recently tested a bowl of straight caapi leaves (not before lift off) and noticed a headache developed an hour or so later but could be unrelated.

I've spent hours reading about changa/harmalas and while the information is great there is a wide spectrum of subjective information about appropriate dosing/blends when it comes to added harmalas. I suppose it comes down to personal tolerance and preference when potentiating a blend with a harmala derivative.

Thank you concombres for the sound advice, I did not think to smoke them separately

For reference, I'd love to hear other suggestions for 1st time changa/harmala dosage. Has anyone experienced the sickness from a 10x blend?
If you are concerned about the 'changa flu', you can always use another herb. Here you have a list https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Changa. There are some herbs I wouldn't advise you to use such as brugmansia and heimia salicifolia.

But if you want the 'smoked ayahuasca' experience, well, you must use your caapi or other harmalas and see how your body reacts to it. After some tries, decide which is the best dose for you. As concombres said, take them separately and then figure out the proportion for your changa so that you don't waste caapi and spice.

About the changa flu, ayahuasca can make you have some flu-like symptoms especially in your first times, so start low and increase the dose in each experience. If you are afraid not to take enough (and scare in DMT land) or too much (and get the changa-flu), you can always take a low dose of caapi and add another herb so that you get neither scared nor ill.

I hope you found this helpful.
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