lbeing789 said:
I dont have any because I cant deal with the repsonsibility or mess, but if I did I'd assume it'd be a bit like a friend rather than a possession
Right on! That shows some full thought processes!
I love animals but didn't have a pet for a long, long time for that same reason. I couldn't afford to care for it..
all the time. There used to be periods when I would be flat broke for weeks at a time & couldn't be the person who would have to let his pet starve because he can't afford to buy food.
I'm happy to say that those times are past for me & I now have a cat who is my little buddy!!
To some people (like me) a pet
is a close friend, we care & communicate with each other 100%!! There is no doubt that my cat knows what he is doing & understands most of what I say to him. If he wants something, like his food dish is empty or something, he'll come get me & pull on my shit or pants until I realize that he's trying to get me to follow him. Then he runs over to whatever he is trying to show me & stands on it meowing at me until I get the picture. Smart 'lil guy!!
To other people though animals
are nothing more than a possession
like lbeing789 said so eloquently! And that makes me sick!!
Like these idiots who buy a pit bull (
or other bigger dogs) to throw in their backyard & never play with it, never take care of it, never show it any's just a
security blanket for them!
They think all they need to do to have a watch-dog is to buy a big dog & throw it in the yard. Some people even purposely beat them to make it vicious towards people. (
protection?:roll: )
Luckily these jerks end up getting the brunt of the dogs aggression a lot of times. (
go dog!)
Unfortunately, the people who think this way a lot of times also see everything else that way too...
other people for instance are just another possession or tool to use to get what they want.
It is sad.
BTW, my cat loves the
smell of pot smoke!!
If there is some in the air wafting by him, he closes his eyes & breaths it in, then comes & sits down by us & continues to that.
But I have no clue if he
enjoys getting high!
I don't blow it in his face...I don't know if he breaths in enough 2nd-hand smoke to get high. He doesn't act any different afterward & I'm not about to force it on him either.
But he does love to smell it!!
can't really blame him for does smell so damn good!
That is some seriously brainless high school shit to force drugs on animals!
And it's that kind of crap that continues to give people the idea that MJ makes you stupid!!
But it's the result of stupid people to begin with, not stupid pot smoke!