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First DMT experience...Thoughts?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I tried DMT for the first time last night and want some feedback around what I experienced...

So I took my first hit and it hit me instantaneously, I remember holding it for a while before blowing it out. My eyes were closed and as soon as it hit me I leaned back into the chair and let the ride begin...

It started out with patterns in my head and then I remember being catapulted through these amazing shapes and squares which progressed to doing complete circles in a space which I'd never seen before in my life.

An entity then appeared in front of me which I can only describe as being similar to some South American skull art which was coming in and out at me, I remember the first time he appeared, he reached his hand out with a friendly smile on his face and I didn't want to grab it out of fear, now at this point he got angry at me and kept coming back and forth at me which at this point the smile turned into an evil smile, almost joker like...I kept pushing his hand away as I was frightened because I seen the hostility in his smile...

At this point I remember telling myself that this is just a trip, at this point I opened my eyes and started laughing and smiling, I still felt that I was in a completely new dimension that was moving in waves and was layered with different colours and vibrations, when I moved my hands through the dimensions I could feel the vibrations which felt absolutely amazing...

I want to know what you think of this entity that was angered when I didn't take his hand? (It was definitely a male)...

I'm not sure if I would consider this a breakthrough or not either? I think if I took the entities hand the first time, that would've allowed me to "breakthrough"...again...thoughts?
mikkhail said:
I tried DMT for the first time last night and want some feedback around what I experienced...

So I took my first hit and it hit me instantaneously, I remember holding it for a while before blowing it out. My eyes were closed and as soon as it hit me I leaned back into the chair and let the ride begin...

It started out with patterns in my head and then I remember being catapulted through these amazing shapes and squares which progressed to doing complete circles in a space which I'd never seen before in my life.

An entity then appeared in front of me which I can only describe as being similar to some South American skull art which was coming in and out at me, I remember the first time he appeared, he reached his hand out with a friendly smile on his face and I didn't want to grab it out of fear, now at this point he got angry at me and kept coming back and forth at me which at this point the smile turned into an evil smile, almost joker like...I kept pushing his hand away as I was frightened because I seen the hostility in his smile...

At this point I remember telling myself that this is just a trip, at this point I opened my eyes and started laughing and smiling, I still felt that I was in a completely new dimension that was moving in waves and was layered with different colours and vibrations, when I moved my hands through the dimensions I could feel the vibrations which felt absolutely amazing...

I want to know what you think of this entity that was angered when I didn't take his hand? (It was definitely a male)...

I'm not sure if I would consider this a breakthrough or not either? I think if I took the entities hand the first time, that would've allowed me to "breakthrough"...again...thoughts?

I wouldn't think too much on the 'entity' tbh. Try not to get too hung up on that. Many here have experienced entities of all types. Who knows what exactly these are, let alone the entirety of the dmt experience itself.

But honestly, how on earth could I ever describe that dimension or what's present during it? I mean, it's a very hard thing to articulate or word. We tend to look at these things [while baseline] in a dualistic framework, almost by default it seems.

Like when we experience something during the dmt state - like an entity that feels off kilter or 'negative' or 'angry', or some part of the experience that starts to trend towards something darker - these things to me never feel like they're one concrete 'thing' happening to me, i mean the experience itself is highly evolving, in constant transition and transformation, all typically falling far outside of linear a-b, subject/object, dualisms. It's very ethereal, slippery. Also, the whole of the experience, every bit of it - all seems to be made up of the same 'stuff' - whether it's the architecture, the entities, the objects, the scenery, etc -alllll theee same stuffff.

Don't worry about the word breakthrough. Smoke, assess, raise dosage if you're ready, assess, repeat over a span of time. Everyone has a limit with dmt as to how much they're able to handle physically and mentally eventually before not remembering and/or blacking out. You'll know when you blasted the doors clean off, trust me :p :twisted: Take your time, be careful, raise dosage maybe 5mg at a time. Commitment will pay off.
I am just curious as to where he wanted to take me before I refused his hand and he got upset/turned hostile. I believe that it has shown me to let fear go and not be scared in life where no harm will be done either physically or mentally. This was a great lesson.

I described it as best as possible, I know my words do it no justice as it is unexplainable.

To be honest, I feel like I did blast the doors completely off because I did travel through some sort of "hyperspace" which had multiple dimensions.

I am looking forward to trying it again.

What are your thoughts on doing it alone without people around?
The majority of my experiences with DMT have been by myself. If you are comfortable enough to go that route, I don't see the harm in it although after my first real breakthrough I was so blown away that I felt the need to connect with someone and talk about it.

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