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First Experience with Changa

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

So I'm just back from ... whatever that was. Slowly feeling like myself again. This was a very disturbing experience. I've smoked some Changa I've made myself before, just sub-breakthrough doses. I just got some nice visual distorsions and a strange but not bad body buzz.
One or two days ago I tried a breakthrough dose and it worked but I don't remember it very well. All I can remember is surreal humanoid creatures that were dressed like some character out of the Marilyn Manson's Golden Age of Grotesque showing me intertwining "snakes" of all colors. It was weird but not bad at all, it was a good first experience.
However, today I smoked some more Changa and it was very different. I loaded up my bong with 70-80mg of Changa (1:1 ratio mix beetween DMT and Calea Zacatechichi) and lit it. Took a big first hit, was already feeling the effects very strongly, but decided to take another big one.
Well I got my ass kicked to oblivion. Everything started moving, all the noises had now a "metallic" ring or echo to it (dunno if that makes sense), I started feeling extremely weird very quickly, my body quickly became "one big vibration", I could barely feel it.
I lost any notion of space and time, and just managed to crawl to my bed before almost being forced to closed my eyes.
I saw again this strange place with those strange creatures mentionned before, but now there was something scary and extremely uncomfortable about the whole thing. There was a moment where I was actually very scared.
They (or actually it this time) kept showing me impossible things, colors and other stuff until I was able to open my eyes again and gradually (but quickly) leave that "world". I then layed on my bed, slowly coming down, slightly shaking and trying to regain my identity (I kept feeling strange, looking at my body and hands like they belonged to someone else, like I wasn't myself but more of a spectator).

So I can't honestly say it was a good trip. I was almost terrified at times and it felt like I was crossing the barrier to insanity.
But maybe it's just a lack of experience, it was really my first full-blown breakthrough and I probably panicked a bit (dmt is my first psychadelic).
I just thought I'd share this with you, maybe some of you experienced something similar or have a few tips for me 😉
I'm sorry to hear that. But it sometimes really seem to be a matter of judgement. If you think of it as horrible..it'll be horrible. In my opinion, it's better to keep an neutral look and smoke only if you're feeling calm and happy. A pre-dose might really assist you with this.
Learning to deal with the terror of such an overwhelming experience is part of the learning process. You are probably lucky to get your initiation into just how serious the experience is and can be early on with a technique that allowed for a short duration experience. There is a world of techniques that can be used to deal with the experience, such as learning to see the colors and patterns as colors and patterns and avoiding making movies out of them or seeing them as objects and also being resigned to the experience and relax and transcend the fear. Learn that the only thing that can really hurt you is your own fear (as long as you are safely lying in bed or have a sitter etc.). After just about 40 years of dealing with the experience I still have trepidation and treat all psychedelics with much respect. I still jump into the deep end now and then but usually 1 good hit of 1 to 1 changa is plenty for a powerful enough experience. Congratulation! You are experienced as Jimi would say. Check out this thread there's some wonderful advice:
Thanks for your advice.
I tried it again despite being a bit aprehensive.
Well it was the exact opposite. I smoked 4 times I think (one trip ends, during the comedown/afterglow, load the pipe again with 40-60mg and boom! here I go again :p ).
I have never ever felt such joy/pleasure/ectasy. The first experience was very interesting and the visuals and patterns great. Then came the second one and ...
wow ... it was really ectasy. I felt like some entity/energy was making love to me. That's the best words can describe I think but I'm sure those of you who have experienced it know what I'm talking about 😉 . The 3rd and 4th trip were similar but less intense (in the ectasy/pleasure department I mean)
Also, I know some of you prefer no music but I just have to have a song playing. It actually played a great part in the feeling of sheer joy I experienced.

I'm probably forgetting some stuff but I don't really care. I'm just enjoying this afterglow and I feel great, with a big smile on my face.
This is really an incredible substance.
So glad to hear about your recent experience. Swim has had similar "not coming back to sane town" feelings with other psychoactives (esp LSH and Salvia). Yet Swim is still looking forward to a B/T experience, and is fully expecting it to scare, shock, terrify, reveal, comfort and possibly console. But most of all, swim is aware of the wonderful people at the Nexus and beyond who have related to my trepidation and guided me through the first steps of the experience.

I started that thread Memo linked, and he is right, most of the great advice I have received is contained in that thread, but alas you may not need it anymore 8)!

I would be truly blessed to have such an awakening endeavor as yourself my first time!
Take care,

obliguhl said:
it was really ectasy. I felt like some entity/energy was making love to me.

It'S not sex but a drowning shower of love, isn't it? :d

Yeah, the best sex you could possibly imagine has abolutely nothing on that.
I remember I was squirming like a worm and shaking a bit, it was so overwhelmingly good.

As for G7, I read your thread and you have the best advice one could hope for.
Only thing I can add is, no matter how bad one experience is, just try again. Each trip is unique.
Look at me, my couple of first tries were not good, especially the second one.
The next few were absolutely fantastic 😉
Update :

Despite what I've said previously, I think DMT is not for me. I just had the worst trip ever.
I decided to smoke a little bit, so I loaded up my pipe and put on some nice Goa again. The trip was good, the visuals were warm and full and calm.
But I felt something was missing somehow. So I waited till I was completely down, and reloaded the pipe. The trip started normally, I was completely relaxed and enjoying the visuals. But then I started feeling like something was wrong. At first I ignored the feeling, telling myself to be quiet and enjoy.
But it started to get bigger and bigger, and I just couldn't control it. Then I found myself again in the land of complete weirdness with those clown/freaks creatures. From that point on I just went into what I think was a big panic attack.

I felt like I was gonna be stuck in that place/state of mind forever, that I was gonna go insane and I couldn't do anything to calm myself down. It was pure horror during 15-20min. I even thought about waking up my mom and telling her to get me to the ER so they could give me something to stop my "psychosis".
Then I started to painfully calm down for the next 25 mins. Thinking about friends and family and good memories.
I then called two of my friends who are on a road trip around Europe, just to hear their voices and laugh a bit with them. It turned out to be very positive and reassuring. I still feel a weird sensation on my right leg, like it's lighter or something.
I just wanna watch some comedy sitcom and have a chat with someone before going to bed and waking up (I hope) completely normal and rested again.

So, there it is. If it's gonna be hit or miss like that (as in either overwhelming beauty and love or absolute horror and terror), I think I'm just gonna walk away from the Spice. I like to think that this is due to the lack of a sitter with me, but I'm to frightened to try again anytime soon.
^^I know the feeling..I think most of us here that have been around the block a few times have been there..DMT is not a toy, not a walk in the park...it can be real work, and it can be real frightening.. andit can be really REAL!..you need to understand that if are going to choose this path. You need to learn to let go..once you can do that it is sooo beautiful, and will carry on into other parts of you're life..

Smoking DMT for me is also not a 5 minute ride..sure the peak is 5 minutes..and then I feel like I am on LSD for the next hour or so..so keep that in mind. Do not just expect a short blast around the galaxy and then to just walk it off 5 minutes later..it definatily does not always work that way..

When I eat mushrooms..I get that feeling you are speaking of EVERY SINGLE TIME. I get cold, I feel alone and helpless, I shake etc...same with ayahuasca. Then I die (metaphorically), and let go..there is nothing else to do at that point..but that is also when i realise how pointless the struggle is and that all I was clinging to was an illusion. I am not alone, and I am not helpless..I have loving people all around me in my life..and that dying process is what reaffirms that for me..brings it to the surface and really slams it into my face..

I am not saying go and smoke more DMT and face you're fears...we all have a time and place to do these things..if you dont feel ready..don't beat you're self up becasue of it..just accept it.
Psyckoz said:
So, there it is. If it's gonna be hit or miss like that (as in either overwhelming beauty and love or absolute horror and terror), I think I'm just gonna walk away from the Spice. I like to think that this is due to the lack of a sitter with me, but I'm to frightened to try again anytime soon.

No offence here..but reading that makes me think that maybe you aren't ready for DMT...if you aren't EXPECTING overwhelming beauty and love combined with absolute horror and terror, than you may be in for a surprise over and over and over again...if you really feel that way, and aren't prpeared to surrender and let go into that terror, than all you are doing essentially is setting you'reself up for disaster. Sometimes that nirvana is perched up on top of that huge mountain...and sometimes you start at the bottom..you gots to rally want it..to climb that mountain man before you can reach that peace..

You cannot approach entheogens expecting to obtain nothing more than a blissful high every time...maybe empathogens like MDMA..but thats a whole differnet ball park. These things are like mirrors...it's lke hyperspacial psychotherapy...sometimes you got to face the demons or they will just eat you up.
Thanks a lot for sharing your views.
Well yes, I'm probably not ready, I think you're right. I only managed to sleep for 2h30, still got a weird sensation on my right leg and that dmtlike sensation you get in your stomach/crotch area, like they're lighter and you can't completely feel them. I've also experienced what I think is slight nausea but never managed to throw up.
It's been 7h since I took the dose and my body (or my mind I think would be the main suspect) still hasn't completely recuperated from the experience.

So if I have to go through this kind of thing again, DMT is definitely not for me, at least not now, I'm not ready at all.
I learned the hard way, but at least I learned.

PS: btw, is it a common occurence after a really bad eperience that shook you to still not feel perfectly well the day/couple of days after ?
I'm worried that I'm gonna have to go to the doctor if this doesn't go away soon (and being worried/stressed is the last thing I should do right now I know, I should be resting and trying to slowly and calmly process this whole thing).
Just calm down. It's no good to have these negative thoughts, as they'll do nothing but blow your problem up to the point, where they become the problem itself. Listen, everythings gonna be alright, it just needs time to re-integrate the experience. This is a perfectly normal process, even with "good" experiences, as you learn to ...well...learn from it.

I can even see this hoorrible experience of yours as the beginning of a new and stronger you, if you are willing to let it happen instead of spiraling down in terror.

We all get chances in life, and the hardest ones to take are often the most rewarding.

Good luck!
obliguhl is right..you need to calm down. You may be thinking about it too much, holding on to the fear and axiety you felt. Go do something to get you're mind away from those thoughts..go jogging or play some sports, go hiking, see friends, find a nice girl to spend the day with(or guy f you are a girl) etc..whatever makes you feel comfortable and happy.

If I may respectfully suggest: The past two posts are worth reading. Time, as well as regular cycles of eating and sleeping can pay off quite nicely in your situation. The feelings of weirdness should fade, including the odd body sensations. Immerse yourself in the wonderfully mundane: Go to a movie, drive to Grandma's house, clean the bathroom, bake cookies, change the oil . . .

Pay attention to the messages from your sub/unconscious. Write down your dreams. Perhaps abstention is a good choice at this point in time. You have plenty of time to fully explore the Spice. Your life most probably will have at least five decades more . . .If you do not feel an imperative, a drive, a willingness to face anything, including your own (ego)death with at least a modicum of surrender and relaxation, this may not be the sacrament for you to find your (higher) path. If you see bad trips instead of rough learning experiences (sometimes the most valuable of all) and you are having bad trips, what is the point? Don't worry - things can and will change in the future. You will change and grow and the Spice may call to you again in a new way . . .

Also, I wasn't clear if the other experiences (than the 1st) were this Changa combo or straight Spice. . . Again, if I may respectfully suggest: Perhaps any future experiments should just involve straight Spice without any combos. Starting with lower doses (pre-dosing) worked nicely as an introduction for me and continues to work nicely to ease me into the process of vaporizing a breakthrough dose.

Please try not to obsess. Give it time and enjoy down-to-Earth life.

Best of luck to you in your journey . . . I hope you will continue to post one way or another.

Peace & Love,
Psyckoz, I would suggest that you leave it alone. If someday you decide to go at it again good luck. No need to subject yourself to the ordeal. Some people go for a long time before finding out just what an ordeal it can really be. Good luck.
Well again, thanks for your advice 😉

I can understand that what I experienced is a necessary/inevitable step when you decide to start taking DMT. It's gonna happen sooner or later.
But for me, it was too much. I definitely wasn't ready fo it and I'm still not.
So I'm gonna leave the Spice alone, I don't know for how long, only time will tell.
I'm gonna offer the rest of my Changa to close friends who are willing to experiment with it, now being able to give them precious advice and make sure they do it in the best setting.

Thanks everyone and good luck.
IMO sub-breakthrough Changa is best for social occasions. Having other people with you, experiencing the same love and extacy that you are makes it 100x better. It reminds me of a story about French royalty who would take magic mushrooms and dance for hours, then when they all came down they would eat a fancy dinner and discuss the experience. It was a much longer story, but you get the idea. On the other hand, I do not like to breakthrough when other people are there (I like complete silence).

When ever I start to feel anything I don't like, I just remind my self that it will be over in 10 min and that everything will be all right when its over. That normally calms me down a great amount. If thoughts are not present, then you must just accept your fate.
Ok so a little update 3.5 months later :

In the 2 weeks following the experience, I felt like I was recuperating just fine.
But then I smoke (on the bong that I used for DMT) some weed (Amnesia). At first I was fine and then I started to have a panick attack, strong one, that lasted for 3-4h, until I managed to go to sleep.
From this moment on, anxiety/panic attacks have stayed as well as feelings of impeding doom and stuff like that. Finally, I decided to go see a psychologist because I felt I couldn't take this anymore.
A few sessions as well as time have done wonders so far (and I hope it continues) and I'm feeling much better now. But still not normal (I doubt everything, stress easily, ...)
I'm confident this will eventually go away, especially now that I've gone through what I feel was the worse part and have some medication to help me if I'm feeling bad (very light doses of benzodiazepines). I also feel that some of the anxiety/panic I felt was due to the fact that I was feeling anxiety/panic, as opposed to being a consequence of the root "problem" of that same anxiety/panic (so it's kind of a vicious circle).

My theory is that DMT and later weed have sort of brought out some underlining issues I had but didn't know/understand I had.
My guess is that they would have eventually come out on their own, but the use of psychedelics made them come out all at once, in this very agressive way.
So I would just like to "warn" some of you this possibility. I was feeling happy and fine, just had a great summer and began my last year of the first part of my cursus in college and had had several good DMT experiences before. So nothing was bothering me when I had that (very) bad trip.
I'm absolutely not saying drugs are bad blablabla or that you shouldn't/should stop taking DMT or others psychedelics, everyone is different and reacts differently. But I'm just warning you of some of the adverse effects it might have though my own experience.
It sounds like perhaps DMT has aided in negative stuff coming to the surface. The best thing you can do is see it as an opportunity to understand and learn from the negative feelings. Melt into it... don't be afraid. Thats the key. Let yourself dissolve into your pain. Try and understand it. Become it. It can be hard this way... but I find its a good way to disperse and deal with the negativity/fear.

I would look into Caapi - only brews... lots of good reports and info here on the Nexus. Seek out like-minded people.
Good luck on your journey..
Psykoz, did you remember to clean the bong before loading it with weed? I cleaned my piece after smoking changa and could still taste it a bit after a bowl of MJ. FWIW, I found MJ tended to lead to anxiety/panic feelings in college as well.

Do you mind if I ask what changed between your second trip (the one that inspired your first post in this thread) and your third (the really good one you described)?

So far I have only had one so-so sub-breakthrough experience with changa. It was neither good nor bad, but was enough to tell me that I was dealing with some very powerful stuff... like, maybe a bit more powerful than I bargained for. I have been pondering what to do with the remainder of my changa since then, but reading your story has me convinced I'll try it again (at some point).
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