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First experiences with pharma; comparison with brews

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Ime, 3 grams is a nice stable low dose of Mimosa, it can be powerful/strong in it's own right, but it's rather light in comparison to a fuller dose like 5 to 6 grams, 8 grams is too strong for me so i stick to 5 to 6 grams usually, sometimes though i lower it to 3. 1 gram of Mimosa is pretty light, you can feel a little something but to me it kinda reminds me a bit of like a mild stimulant or something, like there's something there but not much, 2 grams is similar to that but like slightly stronger/more noticeable, 2.5 grams is where things start to kick up, 3 to 3.5 grams is nice, 5 to 6 grams is the full shebang.

Mainly what you should notice/feel is the TAAR1 agonism as well as the Adrenergic Alpha 1 stimulation (which can cause the intense bodyload), so there's not really going to be any Psychedelic effects at 1 gram of Mimosa, 2.5 to 3.5 grams you can definitely get some Serotonergic 2A stimulation though, and hence some Psychedelic effects.

Just remember/keep in mind, if you want to get the most out of your oral DMT-containing plants, take a full dose of Harmalas/Rue/Caapi, you want to inhibit gut MAO-A as fully as possible for maximum DMT bioavailability, and of course take the Mimosa 30 minutes to an hour after the Harmalas/Rue/Caapi (take the Mimosa 30 minutes after the Harmalas if you're dosing the Mimosa powder encapsulated, or take the Mimosa an hour after the Harmalas if using a Mimosa tea, powder capsules take a bit longer to digest because of the plant material itself, but teas absorb pretty quickly).
Maximum possible DMT content for really good MHRB is reportedly 2.4% - "you do the math(s)".
It is quite a lot compared to other dmtt plants, so I have doubts how strong a trip of 3-5 g of harmala can be. And 1 g MHRB, I read of people who say that with 0.5 g the trip is already strong and others who take 6 or 7 grams,And 1 g MHRB, I read of people who say that with 0.5 g the trip is already strong and others who take 6 or 7 grams,
It is quite a lot compared to other dmtt plants, so I have doubts how strong a trip of 3-5 g of harmala can be. And 1 g MHRB, I read of people who say that with 0.5 g the trip is already strong and others who take 6 or 7 grams,And 1 g MHRB, I read of people who say that with 0.5 g the trip is already strong and others who take 6 or 7 grams,
Yes, well - you would need to accustom yourself to each particular batch of plant material, and to your own range of responses. Your plan of starting low appears to be in keeping with this. Natural materials will vary in the amount of active components they contain.

Another approach would be to ascertain the alkaloid concentration of the plant material to proceed in a more quantified way. That in turn would require a measure of confidence in your analysis or extraction methods, and some level of insight into how effective your preparation method might be with the plant material you're planning to ingest, which sounds a bit over-complicated.
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