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Rising Star
Hey good people, I have just had my first experience with the spice. I loaded about 40mg into a glass pipe. I was by myself so wanted to do a low dose for the first time. also the crystals were a bit green but I didnt have enough to purify further. I vaporised it and held the smoke down for as long as i could hold my breath. as I was breathing it out I thought "Well, that didnt work". As I thought this a buzzing sound came into my head and my vision started vibrating extremely fast. I put the pipe down and closed my eyes. Within seconds I was in a swirling vortex of amazing and intense colors and had totally forgotten I had a body. for the next minute or so I was actually quite scared and thought to myself that maybe I should have waited for my wife to babysit and not gone on alone. I have felt the same fear on mushrooms before and talked myself down many times so was familiar with the feeling and I managed to let it go. For the next 5 - 10 minutes I was just a consiousness surounded by intense color. After this I opened my eyes and my wooden roof was totally 3D and made out of some sort of gel in which the knots in the wood were swimming around and sparkling. Then it slowly faded away. While not a breakthrough to meeting entities it was awesome and I am glad I only went that far as an introduction to the spice. Next time I will up the dose to 50mg and see what happens. After reading so much about it I was not dissapointed.
I would love to hear of other peoples first experiences as well. Especially experienced users and how thier trips and emotions while on dmt have changed over time.
Hi Sillysyban, My first experience was an Aya brew as I'm yet to smoke it. It was a very powerful experiance with some amazingly beautiful insights and bizzare and otherwordly visions of technorganic angels, neon tiled purplish, pinkish tunnels entering into liquid caverns of wonder or something! :p Nearing the end of the journey I went on this huge 3 hour Terrence Mckenna like shpeal about life, god and the universe to my trip sitter a who recorded a little part of it on his mobile phone (which I didn't even know until later ;). I just had to get all these cool ideas out and it was as if these insights were just cascading into my mind and I had to tell someone about them. All up it was a very positive 1st experiance with DMT.
ive recently had my first good dose (roughly half the size of three U.S. dimes stacked on top of eachother of powdered off white dmt flakes pushed together) in a pipe with a little herb under it. first toke- that firmiliar rush comes over me like everything in my body can be felt all at once while the dmt transfers istelf from my lungs into my bloodstream streaming thoughts at a million miles per hour buzzing frequency growing throughout the newly connected senses second toke- gotta keep going ooh that one was big lines forming into geometry my eyes vision distorting inhale! INHALE! the flame lights more dmt e m t m tmtmtmesd. .. ... the room melts as i shut my eyes the pipe has become another peice of any peice of matter that my body flows into body? what body other than the body that has just now become everything everything has become these jewels that shine infinate colors that you cannot see, but only supersense with all of them together flowing stream of eternaty as time's stream becomes unnesesary only reminded by the suddle beat of my heart as my eyes open into a world of splitting patterns and morphing swirling nonsense that is all that makes sense sense ceases to be what now IS what everything just is love for this brotherhood of matter floods me as it is itself i have become that, or always was part of this glowing framework that is reality at the same time i close my eyes again back into this flowing world of overwealming psychedelia then apears a woman. the most beautiful i have ever seen she is made out of the transforming melting flow of trillions of infinate fluid spheres that everything is made of. how long has it been? 4 minuets. ok. the colors change constantly racing as fast as my infinate mind can generate them. i open my eyes to the room of still changing colors. this state is demanding if you refuse to flow i have a body? i can controle a peice of this matter and communicate with other distinct peices? just a second ago i was all of these peices instantly comunicating with everything? is this sad? is this good? no it just IS i am still glowing as i try to speak a voice splits into the music that is on my voice? deep and distorted, fuzzy almost, like two reflections of a million oscilating record players being played at diferent times but all at once layed over eachother back into the world of psychedelic visuals beyond any kind of image that you can imagine i drift back into the state again and again until i slowly come into a state where the distortion of my voice has tapered into just a reminder of how deep a spell i had just been under but oh am i still under the room still moves with infinate life and expression swirling itself into every crazy way imaginable i remember this thing called a carpet and look at its dripping L's my freind pulls out some piff ahh the piff i love you i love the box with the piff i love the piff is all i could blurt out life gradualy comes back to normal from that avalanche of psychedelia it had been about 20 minuets then the feeling tapered off into nothing by an hour after that...
^^^Nice! Great report. All of my recent DMT experiences have that 'becoming everything NOW' aspect as well! My first experience wasn't anything too unique (in the context of breakthrough DMT anyway...it certainly was unique to me at the time!) More fascinating to me was what led up to me first DMT encounter. The night previous I went to a party a friend told me about in the hopes of getting some mushrooms. I show up an everyone is doing coke. I was partial to it at the time, had done it a handful of times previous...so I bought a couple grams. Tooted a line, and put it away. Gifted another line a bit later. Then I decided to test my willpower by stopping right then; while I was coming down and everyone around me was still high and I had it in my possession. Felt all crappy for a bit then started to feel better. Knowing that I had the willpower gave me a very similar high to coke itself! The next day I decided to never do it again, due to the dark and destructive cocaine trade that buying/using it creates and for my own health. I ran into a friend and gave it to him...and he told me of some people who were looking to let people smoke DMT. I of course was interested. I wouldn't have run into my friend and thus these people had I done the coke. We departed to a nearby park. The pipe starts going around...I take a hit...I'll never forget *it!*. Instantly the world around me has become mystical and enchanted, full of beautiful patterns and colors...the trees nearby almost unrecognizable as trees...a strong feeling of "THIS IS IT! DMT IS WHAT WERE MISSING!" Total awe and bliss and fulfillment...I was in love with everything. The girl who was there became SO BEAUTIFUL! All sorts of energy flowing around us! And the sky! The little voice says to me "Use your time wisely"...something I didn't fully understand until very recently. From that moment on I knew that DMT was my calling. I must stop forgetting this!
I recently had my first experience and it's in another post in this thread. It was unplesant and I was asking myslef while it was going on why the hell I was doing this. Got a bit scared and didn't like the colors that were just too intense and overwhelming. My next experience was just amazing and very positive even though I was really apprehensive and had a massive heartbeat even before I took the first toke. But I kind of left my anxiety in my body and left to some amazing world. I also wrote about this experience in the other post. But today I had my 3rd try and it was a struggle. I thought I smoked enough for a breakthrough and well maybe it was a breakthrough 'cause I was somwhere else but I could feel my body and my anxiety throughout my trip. And I was asking myself that question again. "Why the fuck am I doing this shit to myself". I felt like the DMT somehow tricked me to smoke it. Yes it so felt like I was being tricked into all this. What I experienced was, yes intense colors again but it was more. How they vere flowing through me and.....hard to describe but it felt like they were flowing over me like syrup! But the feeling was bad. Very spooky. I was just kind of drowning in a river of syrup that was flowing through me like snakes of spinning colors. And my mind was just fuckt. I was totally lost and I was really surprised that I had put myself in this position. And I felt anxiety that I couldn't get rid of. I was desperate for this to be over. And it felt a long time. It was just like this most of the time but sometimes I felt like some female entities were flowing there with the colors and controling them. And this all really sucked out my energy. And felt very kind of disgusting. But at the end of my peak I felt like there was a crack in all this, somwhere of on the left of me where some ligth was shining. And I felt like beyond that crack was a place from my childhood. It was the kitchen at my friends house. His mom used to babysit me when I was 4 and 5 years old and I felt like a memory from that time was just there within reach. But I was stuck in the flowing syurp and couldn't explore anything. I didn't feel any control of what was happening. And I didn't really try to control anything. I just did my best to go with the flow and relax but it didn't really help. Well I knew it was the only thing I could do untill this would be over. It was good to come down, but I felt sad. I just felt sick after all this. And I started thinking how am I ever going to be able to do this again. The reason I do this is because I'm an explorer and I want to know more about what this shit is doing inside our head. Why is this in our DNA makeup? Well I will give it a rest for a while but I will do some more experiments later. I'm not willing to give up on this. It just felt too much today like this was just some poison that was totally fucking up my system. Like all function of my brain was scrambled and just fuct up. I wanted just to give up on DMT but I'm just not ready to give up yet. I want to know more about what this can do. I need to improve my smoking tech and hopefully I will learn to deal with this stuff better. After my second trip I was very confident but that confidence faded away before I took the jump today. I want to eliminate this fear! Or at least see if it is possible to bring it down. I don't really know where it comes from. Well my life situation is not the best these days and maybe that's the main reason I have this experience. Well I'm not giving up yet :)
DMTTripper, your feedbacks are so 'helpfull' (sorry, no better word). It is not that often that someone take the time to relate so-so experiences, more often we read awesome reports or really bad trips. I guess that SWINM may encounter similar experieces and it seems that smoking DMT is not the easy thing once may think. Nobody directly answered me about the huge 'vibrations' SWINM felt at his second shy attempt. Did you felt it before the color flow ? [quote:25dba0b6b3]I was totally lost and I was really surprised that I had put myself in this position. [/quote:25dba0b6b3] So you 'knew' you was lost but without knowing why ? Like when ones wake up from a heavy sleep and during few second even don't know where he is and who he is ? [quote:25dba0b6b3]And I felt anxiety that I couldn't get rid of. I was desperate for this to be over. And it felt a long time.[/quote:25dba0b6b3] Can you estimate that amount of time ? It seemed minutes or longer ? [quote:25dba0b6b3]Like all function of my brain was scrambled and just fuct up. [/quote:25dba0b6b3] Can you elaborate a bit ? Loss of memory or logical thinking (like a cannabis confusion) ? Sorry for all that questions, beeing prepared is the best way I know to reduce anxiety :?
[quote:d012b6a03c="DMTripper"] I want to eliminate this fear! Or at least see if it is possible to bring it down. I don't really know where it comes from. Well my life situation is not the best these days and maybe that's the main reason I have this experience. Well I'm not giving up yet :)[/quote:d012b6a03c] "Unless you're stress-free, stay out of the D." I had terrible DMT trips after I broke up with a girlfriend and had a lot of negativity surrounding the event last year which I'm sure lead to those bad experiences. In fact I put it up 'for good'...or about 6 months. You have to be in a good headspace. If you're not than wait it out or change your perspective on the whole situation.
Garulfo I'll try to answer your questions about my post. When I say I felt lost I mean that I didn't know what to do and I didn't really know what was going on or something. Actually I can't really explain what I mean. I was just lost in my mind and I couldn't control it. And when I say it felt a long time I'm just comparing it to my other two trips. But the trip only lasted for 10 minutes. But I felt like the peak was probably 5-6 minutes but my other two trips felt like the peak was shorter. And saying it felt like my mind was scrambled I mean scrambled. Just my thoughts shattered and without focus. Not much logic. But I don't remember this too well anymore. The memories fade away so fast. But nothing like cannabis. I've actually never got confused when I smoke cannabis. I've never been able to find any similarities between pot and psychedelic plants. [quote:f6213c28a5="Garulfo"]What about taking a benzo or GHB half an hour before ?[/quote:f6213c28a5] I don't know but for some reason I'm quite sure it will just make things worse. Well at least for me. I've always felt that stuff very poisonous for my central nervous system and I don't want it in my body. I think DMT will not like that stuff. It's going to be in the way! So there's no way I will try that. But like Cilosyb says you just shouldn't mess around with this stuff if your life is not stable. And I'm not touching this until I'm through what I'm dealing with these months. But Cylosib! Can you tell me about your bad trip. What was bad about it?
At first I wouldn't even have DMT trips when I was stressed about all that. I could take several hits but have no trip at all. I kept trying to make it happen anyway, and eventually had several experiences where I had the most foul, deathly, rotten cancerous taste/feeling/sensation overcome me. Fucking disgusting. It strongly conveyed that I was so not smoke DMT perhaps ever again. For months and months afterwards, I stayed out of it, perhaps taking a small hit to chance the waters but immediatly being warned again with that feeling. Eventually one night (which I described in my 1000 years thread) I was letting a friend smoke my DMT and she informed me that I needed to take it, "You NEED to"...I was skeptical but holy shit it was more amazing than ever. I since used it a few times with unspeakably incredible results. But with moderation. I love DMT space so much...but am very careful to moderate my useage. You just have to get a sense of when it's the right time to plunge and when to stay out of it. *Edited to include: additionally, I think that there is a limit to what can be gained through freebase DMT. After some heavy use at about this time last year, I kept coming to an understanding that I it was time for Ayahuasca instead (and this proved to be quite true). I've gotten a sense of almost belittlement on several occasions, a feeling that it's primitive to have to smoke DMT to be taken to that state, that there is another way (I'm sure there is). F/B really is a bit too much, too fast, and is difficult to remember (although lately I seem to be able to better recall DMT trips I had over a year ago...strange huh?). Be your own judge I guess...but the novelty, the WOW, and the insights will wear off after a certain point, at which time I believe it is time to integrate what you've seen and experienced into your life. In my experince, all psychedelics are like this. You MUST integrate what you learn to be shown more or taken deeper, and for me this entailed quitting school, postponing a career flying helicopters, and being completely alienated from my family (they had me arrested for manf. DMT!! Luckily I was not, but I got popped with Poss. CS DMT, psilocybin, and mescaline...luckily my first offense so I'm getting a cond. discharge. I will never trust my family again though which is most unfortunate.)...but I have no regrets at all and have been shown and now understand basically everything I ever wanted to about human life and my place in the world.
Context: I'm a 55 year-old man who experimented a few times with LSD, mescaline and psylocibin during the early 70s. Recently I made some new, young friends who hooked me up with LSD which I have used four times in the past two months. The first recent trip was the best I've ever experienced. At a closed party this past Friday I dropped acid. A person I had just met came up to me when the acid was starting to really kick in and while I was playing congas. He had a pipe in his hand and asked me, "Are you mentally strong?" My answer: "Yeah, I think so." (I'll never say that again!) He then said, "Lean back and get ready for a real wild ride." I stupidly didn't ask what it was and kinda assumed it was crack (which I've never tried) or something like that. For some reason, maybe because I was flying high, I threw caution to the wind realizing slightly that I was rolling the dice and being very adventurous. I don't think he knew that I had dropped acid. When he put the fire to the pipe I toked VERY hard and deeply because of my habit of making the most out of the cannibis that's so hard for me to find here. I even hit the pipe hard a second time. As I handed the pipe back to my new friend it hit me like lightning in the form of a fast-moving freight train. All the colors instantly changed to flourescent, pastel, bright colors--orange, golden and yellow tones. The three or four friends around me were surrounded by geometrical outlines that framed them in bands of contrasting rainbow colors that were shimmering. I felt slightly paniced at first because when I saw and felt the intensity and speed of what was coming at me, I thought--O fuck! I stupidly have taken an overdose of something I don't even know what is. I was sure that it was impossible for my body (especially my heart) to handle it. My next thought was, well, it's too late now so just relax and let whatever's going to happen happen. I felt a slight touch of sorrow for the possibility of leaving my three children without me. They even flashed up in my hallucinations with the flashing auras. All of these thoughts were processed in micro seconds. My friends told me that my first facial expression was one fright or gigantic surprise. I then held myself around my chest and started trembling. One friend caught me as I fell back and hugged me from behind and assured me that I was OK and would be looked after. They then moved me to a sofa and after a couple of minutes I started realizing that I was alive and that my friends were watching over me. I then smiled before opening my eyes and starting saying thank you. Then I opened my eyes and starting saying, "wow!", "unbelievable!" When I stood up I asked what it was that I had smoked and only then learned that it was DMT. It was also fascinating that when I came down from the DMT I was peaking on LSD but felt like I had returned to relative straightness. Kinda like the DMT trip was totally unbelievable but it was kinda comforting to return to ONLY good quality LSD. Even though I was frightened momentarily because I was convinced I was going to die, all in all it was an amazingly interesting experience. I will, however, ASK about what something is next time before I consume something unknown to me. The guy that gave me the DMT said, "You were peaking on LSD?! Dude, you are HARDCORE!" I think I want to be a softy for a while. 😉
Thanks for sharing your experience, Wadidiz. So what has driven you to register to the DMT-Nexus forums? Are you still interested in taking DMT sometime, or is a specific person perhaps thinking about extracting a bit of DMT himself?
[quote:6eca970e12="Doerak"]Thanks for sharing your experience, Wadidiz. So what has driven you to register to the DMT-Nexus forums? Are you still interested in taking DMT sometime, or is a specific person perhaps thinking about extracting a bit of DMT himself?[/quote:6eca970e12]For one thing the experience has really peaked my interest and I've started doing web searches to find out more about what happened. I joined this forum because I'm so full of this experience that I want to share it. Especially since there are many of my friends and family that I can't relate this to. I'll probably try it again someday when I get over the initial shock/wonder.
[quote:2d5d238d83="Wadidiz"][quote:2d5d238d83="Doerak"]Thanks for sharing your experience, Wadidiz. So what has driven you to register to the DMT-Nexus forums? Are you still interested in taking DMT sometime, or is a specific person perhaps thinking about extracting a bit of DMT himself?[/quote:2d5d238d83]For one thing the experience has really peaked my interest and I've started doing web searches to find out more about what happened. I joined this forum because I'm so full of this experience that I want to share it. Especially since there are many of my friends and family that I can't relate this to. I'll probably try it again someday when I get over the initial shock/wonder.[/quote:2d5d238d83] Ok, I understand. I'm pretty new to DMT myself, but I can talk about DMT experiences with my friends. I'm here mainly to perfectionize the extraction of DMT and for discussing all kinds of DMT related topics. DMT-Nexus has members which have a lot of experience with DMT and have been in the scene for quite some time. If you have any questions, there's always somebody around to answer them :)
Doerak said:
[quote:737a177d76="Wadidiz"]...Ok, I understand. I'm pretty new to DMT myself, but I can talk about DMT experiences with my friends. I'm here mainly to perfectionize the extraction of DMT and for discussing all kinds of DMT related topics. DMT-Nexus has members which have a lot of experience with DMT and have been in the scene for quite some time. If you have any questions, there's always somebody around to answer them :)[/quote:737a177d76]Thanks. Since I had no tracked recent (and rediscovery of ancient) developments with hallucinogens I have become quite fascinated with the topic. Needless to say, I was amazed to find there was something that seems to take one to a whole new level compared to LSD and for a short time only.
Thanks for the post and welcome to the forum Wadidiz :) This was a scary story :p And this guy should be spanked hard. He should have explained a bit what you were about to smoke. Especially if he didn't know you at all. You could have been a person that panics easily and with heart problems. I think he was stupid but I'm happy you came out ok :) Good to hear how well you handled it.
Wadidiz, thats sounds really familair to my buddy's first experience. I was back for spring break last year, and met up with some friends from home I hadn't seen in awhile, they came out to the ranch I lived at. One of them had used a small amount of DMT before, but my other buddy had no idea what it was. I kind of told him about it...but neglected to mention the power of it (at that time I too was unaware of just how intense it can be). We ate 3.5g mushrooms each. At the peak, I loaded up the DMT pipe and hit it. It was beautiful day outside, and the setting was utterly peaceful. My yard, the river, and the hills nearby roared to life and color, the grass became something else entirley...I ran around jumping and yelling in bewilderment at how incredible it was, yelling to my friends to go take a hit. My buddy was taken back by my radical behavior, and went to go smoke the stuff himself. Like you, he took as big a hit as possible as well as a second. I didn't see this happen but wandered back that way right in time to catch his initial expression...of utter terror. He was clearly somewhere else. He got up from the bench he was sitting on, and started staggering around my yard. Totally out of control. He fell several times and couldn't walk straight. I found it incredibly amusing at the time but was somewhat concerned that it had just been too much for him to handle and hoped he wouldn't be shattered from it. He staggered his way up to my gravel driveway and walked straight into the back of a parked car, knocking him down. He crawled across the driveway and began digging through the gravel. I had been trying to talk to him the whole time but he couldn't hear me. He eventually spots his own car and makes a go for it. Scared me as I thought he was going to drive off. He got in and hugged the dash, which must have been really comforting to see, he knew he was back. But not entirely sure. He couldn't talk for about 10 minutes after this. He first demaded to know whether he was actually alive or not and if we were real. He asked how quickly it would be out of his system...he said it had killed him! After a bit of talking he calms down a bit and we talk it over. Both of us felt almost sober, as if the mushrooms were the equivilant of coffee compared to the crack of DMT. He wouldn't beieve us when we said that he had been outside. In his trip, he said that all of the sudden he had awakened from a dream INSIDE my house and had been actually walking around inside. He vividly recalled looking in the bathroom mirror at his soul! It's a hell of a trip when you don't know what to expect. Not that you ever really can...
SWINM finally get his first small breakthrough ! He did'nt expected it as he is still 'training' with low doses, seeing at best few colors, acclimating to the smoke harshness and enjoy the calm feelings it provides. But last day, he took an ambien (stylnox:zolpidem) to sleep sooner than usual and as it sometimes happens, the ambien kicked quite well and he felt really relaxed. Then he though that it would be interersting to see what would happend after few DMT tokes. He felt quite relaxed therefore he took much deeper tokes than usual and was able to keep the smoke a while. That was fun, with opened eyes, objects in the room were slowly pulsating and it looked so 'real' ! Then he closed his eyes thinking he would sleep. Hmmm, first a gentle feeling and nice colored shapes... but suddenly the fractal shapes 'organized' themselves in what looked like a dragoon with red eyes watching at him !!! Huh, what's that ?! But it was still something like close eye hypnagogic images except that it was stronger. This lasted few seconds and then SWINM was... elsewhere (??!) :shock: He can hardly remember the details, he was simply 'floating' near a vertical curved shiny surface. Later he thought that the best comparison would be like floating inside a giant shell. And he came back as fast as he moved in that strange space, still feeling the zolpidem effect but unable to sleep, like if the DMT had 'washed' the zolpidem. SWINM is pretty used to lucid dreaming and the second part of this experience (the giant shell) was somehow similar to a very strange LD without any way to control the trip. He wonder if the mix zolpidem+DMT affected the trip but at least, it greatly helped to relax and let go... He now have to experiment straight DMT 😉
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