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Migrated topic.
Wow. Just 15 minutes ago I smoked DMT for my first time. I didn't breakthrough, but wow, that stuff is powerful. Beforehand, my only psychedelic experience was with LSD, which I have only done once. This is my second psychedlic experience. Ok, so I loaded up my cone peice with DMT infused into leaves. I talked about this in another thread, do a google on 'Changa DMT' if you want to know more. The smoke was not too bad, when it hit my lungs it felt fine, but then seemed to heat up as in went further into my lungs, until I was almost choking on it. I took 3 hits. The first effects was a strange feeling overcoming my head, which was then overpowered by the huge body buzz. My whole body was vibrating, it was crazy. Then the room took on an LSD appearance, where everything sort of moves/shifts/morphs and your eyes seem to skip frames and fade into the skipped frames. I closed my eyes and seemed to only see fragments of a statue and a castle. I opened my eyes again and instantly sqaures which had kailedescopic moving circles inside them filled my vision. I could still make out my room but the squares were clearer. I closed my eyes again and the patterns danced around my eyes, whilst I had forgotten who I was. The fact I was in this house, and doing a drug seemed absurd. My friends and family became foreign. As the patterns wore off, so did my thoughts become normal again. I spent the next 5 minutes laughing and refelecting on how amazing that short experience was. The come up and come down were very similar to LSD to me, but the peak was alot different. I'm going to do a bit more next time and see how far I can go. Damn, DMT is awesome!
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