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First Experiment with Salvia Recognita leaves

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I collected from my Salvia Recognita plants (planted last sping) 1050 mg (dried) leaves, taken when they naturally get off.
I tried 300 mg in a waterbong, 3 times:

the smoke is nice and balsamic, something between eucalipt and mint, easy to smoke and to hold in.
Have clearly bronchodilator effects, first I started feeling pressure under my nape, nice mellow feeling through all body, calming effects and after that heartbeat was more accentuated and then my inner brain started pulsing.
I think the dose was too low to have more salvinorin A effects but this plant have others active that make it very nice and relaxing at low dose, like cannabis but with no euforia at all.
When I have a good harvest I make a 40X extract cause I'm very curious about how the others substances present can change the salvinorin A effect.


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I had many vivid dreams during the night, a lot of action going on, nice quality of sleep and a short but lucid dream.
It's good to know it's not an unpleasant smoke. I'm very interested to know how the extracts will turn out. Are the plants indoor or outdoor ? I assume they won't do well at all through winter outside but I need to do a bit more research.
The plants are some in a balcony and some inside near a window but they never had a winter, I have to test with some outside and some inside during winter.
Jagube said:
It's hardy to zone 5, which is -15F or -26C, so should be fine outside for most people.

That's good to know. I miss salvia and wouldn't mind giving this stuff a try, but my indoor space is too full of other magical plants.
BeJake said:
I think the dose was too low to have more salvinorin A effects but this plant have others active that make it very nice and relaxing at low dose, like cannabis but with no euforia at all.
When I have a good harvest I make a 40X extract cause I'm very curious about how the others substances present can change the salvinorin A effect.

Do you know what other compounds there are? Are you sure it couldn't just be a slight effect of salvinorin a? from the report done it contained between 1/4 and 1/20 the quantity found in divinorum so it might not be out of the question at something like 1/4.

Also, wouldn't making a 40x extract also double down on those "compounds" you speak of? How do you think that may feel? Unpleasant perhaps?
This salvia contain a strong bronchodilator activity, maybe for the essential oil part, that may have also others effects.
I don't think the effects I felt was only from low dose salvinorin. Of course the 40x extract could have also a strong concentration of others substances.
BeJake said:
This salvia contain a strong bronchodilator activity, maybe for the essential oil part, that may have also others effects.
I don't think the effects I felt was only from low dose salvinorin. Of course the 40x extract could have also a strong concentration of others substances.

How long till you have enough leaf to make an extraction? I'd really be interested to know the results
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