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First extraction + quick questions.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey everyone. This is SWIM's first theoretical extraction, and SWIM's thinking about some things that might happen as it goes along. If anyone can help out with these questions, it would be really appreciated. I'll be updating this page with the status and any additional questions. As a side note, this site is really amazing, and it has been a great help. I hope to join you all in the nexus some time soon.

(Only one question right now)

Q1. When doing the initial mix of MHRB and the lye bath, some material stuck to the sides of the jar. Is this a problem? SWIM's thinking it might dislodge and mix in/float on the naptha when the first pull is attempted since that material hasn't been dissolved in the basic solution. Is this correct?

The goings on:

T - 100g of NaOH dissolved in 1kL of distilled water in a large pickle jar. ~230g of MHRB added and vigorously mixed with the base solution. Some material is stuck to the sides of the jar (Q1). It will be left to rest for ~2-3 hours.

T+2h - ............tick.tock.tick.tock..............

Q1. When doing the initial mix of MHRB and the lye bath, some material stuck to the sides of the jar. Is this a problem? SWIM's thinking it might dislodge and mix in/float on the naptha when the first pull is attempted since that material hasn't been dissolved in the basic solution. Is this correct?

The MBRB should be shredded to a powder form. No need to worry about what is stuck to the side. Just remember to shake the bottle for a while. Let it sit for an hour or so before adding hot naphtha.

SWIM HIGHLY recommend you start with only 50mg MHRB.
Thanks for the welcome.

The MHRB has been powdered, but there are small clumps sticking to the sides of the jar that aren't in contact with the solution, so SWIM's afraid they'll dry out and float on the naptha, which isn't ideal from what SWIM understands. Anyways, if the clumps do float, SWIM figures the naptha can be decanted more carefully from the solution using a turkey baster so as to avoid them. Is that a good idea?

Also, it's too late to start with a small practice run. SWIM's dumbass kind of dove into the process in a hurry and made some promises he needs to keep. Oh well. Lessons shall be learned in any case.
Well, have SWIM take him time and everything should go fine :)
Nothing will float on the Naphtha. Not 100% what you mean by the clumps now... just make sure you suck up nothing else but naphtha with the baster.
T+3 - Naptha added, 250mL. Everything's looking good, though the naptha layer is smaller than expected. SWIM is wondering if he should add more. The jar will be rolled on the ground a few minutes at a time for an hour or two. After the first try, it seems the naptha takes a while longer to separate than SWIM expected, about 20 minutes, but no big deal. Guards was right, the top of the naptha looks pretty clear. If gunk does follow the naptha, SWIM will take HappyCamper's advice.
Would not suggest adding more naptha. SWIM usually does three separate 100ml pulls but SWIY did start out with twice as much MHRB than SWIM uses for an extraction so it probably isn't too much. The more naptha used the more evaporation is needed before a freeze precip works well. SWIM usually does his extractions in a crock pot 100gr powdered MHRB, 100gr Lye and 1500ml water. The crock pot is just a convenient way to make and keep the naptha hot while it is absorbing the dmt freebase. SWIM then just pours the naptha into a jar, usually a mayonnaise jar that gets small at the top and that makes it easier to remove the naptha using a turkey baster. SWIM removes the naptha making sure not to get any MHRB water and puts it into a baby food jar and then pops it into the freezer. He'll then put the MHRB water back into the crock pot and do another 100ml pull. Sometimes he'll just turn off the crock pot and have it wait until the next day when he pours the naptha out of the baby food jar full of crystals. He'll dry the crystals and put the naptha back into the crock pot (adding enough new naptha to make it 100ml again)and turn it on for a couple of hours stirring a few times to make the second pull.
T+15 - After some frustration attempting to remove the naptha layer while sleep deprived, SWIM decided to let the mixture sit over night. This morning, SWIM removed as much of the naptha as he felt comfortable removing (which is much less that he thought there would be); only a slim layer of naptha remained in the jar. Another 250mL of naptha was added, and the jar rolled around for ~1 hour. The jar was placed in a warm water bath (<38C). It will be checked in a few hours. / The jar was checked ~3o minutes after, and the naptha layer has yet to reestablish. SWIM asks if maybe the MHRB/base layer is too viscous. Should he add more basified water? At this point the mixture contains ~ 230g MHRB, 125g NaOH, 1.25L d.water and ~270mL naptha.

T+16 - The removed naptha was placed in a large glass baking pan, and a fan was applied. Most of the small amount of naptha evaporated quickly (~30 minutes), and there are a number of yellow crystal clumps spread around the 1/2 of the pan that the naptha covered. There are also a few small isolated pools of yellow liquid that don't seem to be drying as quickly - they are pretty thick, enough to stick to a razorblade. SWIM was planning a freezer crystallization, but the naptha evaporated much faster than he'd expected, so the first pull will be totally evaporated. SWIM really wishes he had a way of accurately quantifying the amount of crystals that have formed, but he tells me that, by eye, there's maybe enough to constitute a sunflower seed.
With the amount of MHRB that SWIY used he should end up with over 2gr of crystals in the end if the losses are kept to a minimum. The problem with a complete evaporation is that the crystals won't be as clean as a freeze precip. Also oils may prevent it from crystallizing at all and you end up with the sticky oil. SWIY can put what you have into just enough warm naptha for it all to dissolve (a very small amount)and then freeze precipitate. This could also be done to clean up crystals that aren't clean enough for SWIY.

About removing the naptha. SWIM has found that by pouring the mix into either a tall slim jar or a jar that gets smaller at the top like a mayonnaise jar that it makes for a thicker naptha layer that is easier to suck up with a turkey baster etc.
It doesn't seem like SWIY has an emulsion, it's just too thick to separate. I'm assuming your friend is using the lazyman's proportions. Def add water/lye to break up the sludge. Good luck
Oh, and don't use a fan next time. The crystals won't form is SWIY evaps too quikly, it will just be a goo
T+19 - The mixture has separated, and the naptha was removed and added back to the evaporation dish. This time a baster was used; most of the naptha was removed, and it's considerably more than last time. SWIM can tell this is going to take a while to dry. The crystals from last extraction were removed and dissolved in warm naptha, using ~6mL, which may have been much. The solution is an obvious shade of yellow; it was then put in the fridge, and will later be migrated to the freezer. Hopefully some nice crystals appear by tonight. Another 250mL of naptha was heated up and added to the mixture. It will be agitated for another hour before being left to settle.

I'll tell SWIM to take your advice, Happy, but SWIM'd like it to evaporate quick; my guess is he'll keep the fan further from naptha so as to reduce its effect.

EDIT: After 15min, the cloudy yellow mixture in the fridge is forming clumps at the bottom of the glass. What exactly is SWIM looking for, i.e., where will the crystals grow and what will they look like?
SWIM doesn't bother doing a complete evaporation any more since he gets such an abundance of clean crystals from freeze precipitation quickly and easily.
Your clumps are dmt crystals. In the refrigerator they will be bigger slower forming and in the freezer they will be smaller quickly forming.
Ah, good point! I think SWIM forgot that he can simply reduce the volume some and then freeze crystalize.
T+20 - The second pull was reduced to ~30mL and placed in the freezer. The third extraction is still being agitated. As for the first freezer solution, SWIM tells me that the entire bottom is now covered in a yellow-white solid, and that there appears to be next to no liquid left. Is that supposed to happen? Should SWIM add a couple more mLs?
Unless those are crystals something is not right. SWIM would pour off any left over naptha from that and dry it out, check the consistancy, then do a re-crystalization on it. Your SWIY should have some smokable crystals from one of the freeze precipitations soon. As long as he doesn't throw out any of the dmt containing oily liquid he should be able to tinker with it until it comes out right. I think his best bet is to do freeze precipitations because if there is too much oil carried over he won't be able to get it to crystalize by doing a complete evap.

Sometimes "Jungle Spice" that has some other alkaloids carried over and maybe some oil carried over is not pure white crystals but a yellow kind of waxy powder after drying. This is good product that some people prefer over pure white dmt crystals. It can be cleaned up but is good in it's own right. It may contain 5Meo-dmt and dmt n-oxide etc. along with dmt. It can be cleaned up later to make pure white crystals if that is what one is after.
T+22 - Yeah, all that was left over was a solid chunk of white-yellow; the naptha had seemingly disappeared. Just to be safe, SWIM redissolved the first extract in warm naptha; sure enough, right at the bottom of the glass were small fibers and some dark stuff, which was removed. The extract was placed back in the freezer, and again, within minutes, crystals started forming. The second extraction already has some good growth, as the attached picture shows, but SWIM wants to get as much growth as possible before disrupting the progress by removing the crystals. The third mix is still separating.

This is the second extract at T+22. Forgive the quality, SWIM doesn't have a very good camera.
Man, that photo is blurry but SWIM will tell you right now that you have mass quantities of beautiful looking spice!!!
Haha, you should see the look on SWIM's face. I've never seen him so happy.

T+24 - SWIM noticed that there was some residue left over from the full evap of the first extract, so some naptha was heated up and used to clean down the evap dish. This naptha was also set in the freezer. (At T+25 there's a good amount of growth in there too)

T+25 - The naptha from the second extraction was removed and set to evaporate. This time a huge amount was collected. Again, 250mL of naptha, heated up and added to the mix. It will be agitated for 1 hour, then left to separate.

T+26 - The second extraction evaporated to ~50mL, and was placed in the freezer. SWIM is very temped to tap into the batches that have been freezing for a while... SWIM's seen the instructions for washing the crystals in Noman's Tek, and he has the 10% non-sudsy ammonia. Why does Noman now say to abandon the ammonia? SWIM wants to know what he can use to make these crystal safe to consume ASAP.
T+29 - SWIM, in an act of total desperation, scraped the crystals from the first extraction and the run-off from the evap plate, and got this much material:

The extract should have been left to crystalize for longer, but SWIM can't handle the anticipation. SWIM wants to know what to do now? Does he need to bath it in something? Also, since SWIM's poor ass can't afford a decent scale, he has no idea how much stuff he has, and consequently, how much is a single dose. Can anyone help poor desperate SWIM out?

EDIT: SWIM has confirmed that the above picture contains 500mg, but it isn't pure DMT, so he figures the dose should be higher than 50mg. But by how much?
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