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First go

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
First things first- Thank you everyone. If it wasn't for this community this wouldn't have happened for me.

Wanted to start out with a low amount to make sure
I wouldnt have some sort of negative reaction.

GVG 7mg- closed eyes colorful rainbow like patterns. Afterwards felt very diffrent, happiness and proud.

GVG 15mg- eyes open everything looked rounded outand smooth.
Closed eyes odd colored symbols, id like to say somthing aztek but no clue. Everything seemed very much like aztek, seraphant like dragon flying through rainbow patterns. To the upper right was some sort of face, looked almost like the typical goblin. The mouth though is what i decided to focus on, rows and rows of sharp teeth with a snake like forked tounge. I had the thought
I wonder what's inside, of there was another area to explore. I tried to go in and see, but abruptly
I was some where else. There was a blue skinned woman she faded and everything ended.

Afterwards i felt happy again but very compelled to go back. I havnt been a happy go lucky person in a very long time maybe over a decade.. It felt amazing to be again.

The atek, mouth, and blue woman.
The symbols intrigue me, why would that pop out so much and go on from right to left in an endless row.

The mouth of well what ever that was, is that normal for anyone to want to go inside just to see what would happen or whats there.

The woman, ive read that shes been around other peoples stories...curious to know more.

I had no anxiety and wasnt nervous before or during. Im not sure if thats due to not having an experiance before or atleast somthing not traumatizing.

Thank you if you read through all of this story.
Im not the best at putting letters on a screen.
It's always best to get to know the substance in a gradual and responsible manner.

The first time I smoked DMT I took a massive dose, it was a fairly traumatic event, not negitive, but not anything I would ever want to repeat...all my DMT experiences from then on have always been fairly difficult, they have never been entirely pleasant.

Any way, you are going about things the right way.

You have just scratched the tip of the ice-berg, it goes deeper than you can even imagine, chances are you would give out before the compound.

Good luck, and happy travels.

Thanks eg, not sure when ill find time but ive been really looking forward to my next go. Havnt been able to stop thinking about it really.
Yep, just take your time with it. Gradually move up through heavier doses, taking as much time as you need in between. You have a great tool with the GVG, just use it cautiously because it can really condense a lot of product into one or two hits.

I totally understand what you mean by feeling "happy go lucky again." This is an after effect that I have experienced also. Very pleasant. For me it lasted maybe a few days before I felt "normal" again. Not that normal is bad.

''Haven't been able to stop thinking about it." Yes. It's such a profound experience that the mind can't help but recall it over and over again. Just wait until you get to those heavier doses... yikes. But like I said, take your time.

Good luck
sendokon said:
Thanks eg, not sure when ill find time but ive been really looking forward to my next go. Havnt been able to stop thinking about it really.

This is good.

After my first DMT experience I thought I never wanted to smoke DMT again, it actually took months before I had the courage to try again, and as I said, it's never entirely easy or pleasant.


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