as your namesake is significant, SWIM is assured that adventuring with SWIY will be... heroic and rewarding. While she cannot promise the Golden Fleece, she can provide provisions for a Northwest Passage! Believe it or not, there are buoys among the ice floes and guides lead the way between. Last night the guide was a scintillating curtain of interlocking diamond facets, portrayed in a color scheme of dark secondaries - cyan, magenta, yellow. She suspects the guides' raiments become more brilliant the farther one travels. It has been valuable to study in this Other's relatively dim penumbra; judging by the seductive and liberating power of last night's modest candle, the incandescence of a face-to-face encounter may very well "extinguish" us. Yet she is gaining confidence; she is strong and worthy of meeting the merry band and facing their furious music. Be well. Brush up on your navigation skills. See you soon.