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First steps in hyperspace and the double slit experiment...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I wanted to post this in a correct space, but me no member here yet...:oops:

After my recent experience with the SP Cactus spirit, I have been drawn towards quantum physics yet again. Specifically, the double slit experiment...and how it has created a new reality for me.

It seems to me that I was able to actually experience waveform energy and particle energy at the same time. Having that "vision" and "clarity of soul" allowed me to create reality using the waveform energy to organize particles into shapes, thoughts, etc. This is all a rather Lehman way of "linguistically" explaining things, but hopefully a springboard for deeper discussion on this particular area.

Without diving too deep into neurobiology, I'd prefer WE venture into the rabbit hole of discussing the implications of psychedelics on individual consciousness. More specifically, while on psychedelics are we actually creating a new reality or just hallucinating?

Since my trip, and concurrent integration of my experience, I'm convinced that our pre frontal cortex is rather limited. Thus, I am curious to hear from other nexians as to whether or not they believe our current state of consciousness is extremely limited as well? In other words, given an expansion of ALL human consciousness and a more UNIVERSAL access to our COMBINED Neuro networks, could our "hallucinations" become "real" particle formations???

It seems to me that we filter out way too much, which limits our capacity to be "creators". If we are in fact ALL connected, why couldn't this all be nothing more than a limited"hologram" WE project as limited observers of this reality???

I personally know that time is a farse...thus, if we could move our consciousness beyond time and particle form... could we in fact manipulate the underlying wave energy that truly connects us?

I have much more to share on this concept... looking forward to expanding the universe with you ALL!!!
If you could get a grips on the waveform counterpart of particles, why would it be (by default) something easy to manipulate? Like hey if we could do that we're set? Well maybe it is like that but I wouldn't put overly expectations on it.

I remember stages of creator level, but have not come home with a useful recipe :oops:
Nice ideas!
It seems to me that we filter out way too much, which limits our capacity to be "creators". If we are in fact ALL connected, why couldn't this all be nothing more than a limited"hologram" WE project as limited observers of this reality???
How many of us does it take so WE can project such a hologram? It seems to me maybe just 1 is enough because this hologram existed "at least" since we first existed... so it has been there and it was consistent when we were few and when we became many... but it seems that this hologram is becoming more complex as we become more, we are exploring(creating) more details, we did create a lot of things and added a lot to the hologram. on the small scale the hologram seems different than what it was long ago but on the big scale it seems the same.

Jees said:
If you could get a grips on the waveform counterpart of particles, why would it be (by default) something easy to manipulate? Like hey if we could do that we're set? Well maybe it is like that but I wouldn't put overly expectations on it.

I remember stages of creator level, but have not come home with a useful recipe :oops:

Firstly, it's always a moving canvas. To say I have a recipe is arrogant and not what I am proposing. Instead, I get this overwhelming sense that another evolution of our world/society (includes all cultural diversity on the planet) is in the works. My curiosity is whether a global acceptance and tolerance of psychedelics could help the pendulum swing along?

As far as waveform understanding vs. control over it...the implications are vast. Imagine a world in harmony with nature as technology becomes obsolete. I guess I am starting to see the real power of the mind through the proper use of these tools. I think to limit ourselves will stunt our growth as a civilization. Why not go deeper? Why not Integrate entheogens with particle physics and quantum mechanics?

Some research has shown that cultures are beginning to microdose these substances to expand consciousness. Seems the pendulum swings...
Sakkadelic said:
Nice ideas!
It seems to me that we filter out way too much, which limits our capacity to be "creators". If we are in fact ALL connected, why couldn't this all be nothing more than a limited"hologram" WE project as limited observers of this reality???

How many of us does it take so WE can project such a hologram? It seems to me maybe just 1 is enough because this hologram existed "at least" since we first existed... so it has been there and it was consistent when we were few and when we became many... but it seems that this hologram is becoming more complex as we become more, we are exploring(creating) more details, we did create a lot of things and added a lot to the hologram. on the small scale the hologram seems different than what it was long ago but on the big scale it seems the same.


Fringe Archeology is uncovering many "challenges" to our understanding of this world and it's origins/advanced knowledge prior to our 5-10 thousand years of habitation. I think we know so little, and hold ourselves back from fear...why not open the floodgates with the proper use of entheogens???

I don't know "how many", but I think that the simple mass acceptance of these substances as evolutionary tools vs. "illegal drugs" may be the shift? Am I completely alone in this understanding? My perspective has completely transposed after 2-300mg of mescaline and 5 days of integration. I'm a box of rocks... imagine what greatly educated/experienced scientists/spiritual healers could do when using that's appropriately? Imagine the rapid openness and collaborations. It would have an incredible snowball effect!!!

My $.02 anyway...
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