Rising Star
Moar moar
Hashketchum said:First thing that comes to mind is why are you dosing so high?
I can achieve a full breakthrough by vaporizing around 50-60mg on my dab rig.
Having a sitter who is experienced in the substance could have helped a bit as well.
If you ever choose to explore again make sure your doing it at smaller doses.
DmnStr8 said:Sounds like you let fear take over. It's inside you and came out. So you have some fears. Look at it. Feel it. Concentrate on the things you feared. An experience like you had holds many lessons. You can look at the experience in another way. Let it show you the fear. You may find that some of your fears are coming completely from the ego. You are more than your fears.
Sleeping. Hard to say what may help. Try and relax. Try and find a way to laugh off your off experience. Laughter is very healing. Anything positive you can muster will help. Lighten up if you can. Relax, breathe. Don't carry your fears around. Let it go. Drop it like it's hot.
Call your mom and say hey. Be grateful for your experiences, even the difficult. Mending begins when you can separate what the mind creates from your being. You are not your mind. You choose to create fear. So choose not to create fear by ignoring the illusions of fear your mind creates. Find a balance. Fear and love is within us all. Now you see and feel fear. You can choose love. Love yourself and your experience. Love the fear.
JustATourist said:I personally know of several people who have had terrible experiences with too high of a dose and they all get better over time. Time is all you need. You need to get patient and value the fact that you are clearly and rapidly making progress (from not being able to sleep to being able to sleep even if with nightmares, eventually without nightmares, etc). This progress indicates that you are on the right path (which is just inevitable anyway).
From what I read here, I personally don't think you have PTSD, you just describe the common phases people go through when the take too much and need time for these medium-term after-effects to fade away. Take the necessary steps with your psychologist or a psychiatrist to determine if you indeed have PTSD though, if that makes you feel better.
In my opinion residual effects like inability to sleep or nightmares can last for a few week from what I've seen but they don't take long to dramatically decrease, as they already have, as you stated.
Exercise is probably a good idea, and along with the anti-depressants you are already taking, it should help with possible mood swings and to get better sleep.
Personally I would focus on getting better first (which, I repeat, is mainly a matter of time), and only then you should start to reflect on the experience and fully start to integrate it. "Ruminating" about the trip is not a good idea at this stage IMHO, but it probably will be once you visibly get better.
You made a mistake with the dose and that's ok, we all make mistakes, you clearly learned from it and that's what matters.
You WILL get better, like anybody else who already experienced the same feelings you are experiencing right now
lsDxMdmaddicThc said:I just had my first breakthrough last night.
High dose Yopo + unmeasured mountain of DMT vaped at peak.
I orgasmically purged lots of negativity I have been harboring for years.
Then, I was engulfed in infinite fractals, entities, and rapidly changing worlds.
The universe collapsed in on itself.
Hell froze over.
"Hell froze over."
My dead friend repeated that phrase as I came back to an altered version of my room & world.
I'm in the parallel universe where absolutely everything goes wrong.
Humanity screwed up beyond repair. We are all facing impending doom.
Blood is covering my walls, demonic entities are coming out of the woodwork.
My dead friend is among them and they all are saying "HELL FROZE OVER"
I have never felt such despair and hopelessness in my life.
I died and went to hell.
This is an eternal nightmare.
My father dies.
A man is about to break in my window and assassinate me at knife point.
But what do I care, I already faced death when I took that pile of DMT.
I'm already gone.
I lay in my bed in this distorted, morphing, hellish version of Earth.
As my father's spirit lifts and leaves this world, I feel an incredible sense of responsibility and pride wash over me.
He was suffering for so long.
A huge weight is lifted.
A new day has dawned!
Humanity has broken through with me from hell into the parallel universe where universal truth is shining outward from every human eye.
How wonderful!
I've made it through hell and now I feel more alive than ever.
Okay so that was what I can recall of the most intense experience of my life.
I don't have alot of free time so this is me just venting.
Don't cling to your fear and anxiety.
It will consume you only if you let it.
Here is the unspoken harsh truth about DMT and life in general :
You can socialize and love people, but you die alone.
DMT is unexplainable. Don't try to hold it.
Let it be what it is.
Let go of everything you want your mind to be.
You are not insane, people have done much worse and still recovered.
You are just very shaken by this unexplainable experience.
It is so far outside normal reality that you shocked your system.
You will recover my friend, just remember : We go through hell to get to heaven.
Try setting up an exercise routine.
Yoga and deep breathing exercises are fantastic for grounding your energies.
I personally like to run
Also, some shamans use tobacco to ground people after heavy journeys.
Schizophrenics are also heavy users of tobacco.
I've also found tobacco to help with integration.
I wish you the best. Just keep talking to people on here.
Even though you traveled alone and that will be forever yours, you can still make peace with it and live on to your full potential
The Grateful One said:InAwe said:I forgot to ask: do you take antidepressants regularly? If so, you may want to stop before trying again. Not sure if you know, but SSRI's combined with DMT is very dangerous.
Mixing SSRIs and MAOIs is what is dangerous. Examples would be any SSRI mixed with changa, Ayahuasca, or pharmahuasca to name a few. The following quote is from our very own Corpus Callosum, a medical Doctor:
corpus callosum said:The combination of SSRIs and FB vaporised DMT ie with no MAOI is not physically hazardous; you may find that the olanzapine reduces the effects of DMT by virtue of its anti-psychotic effect (mediated through dopamine receptors).
As for the OP, you took too much and traumatized yourself. It's okay, though it does teach a valuable lesson as to why DMT (and all psychedelics) should be approached with caution and respect. Nothing can prepare you for a breakthrough, especially at such high doses, which is why the Nexus advocates that people start low and build their way up to breakthrough territory.
The breakthrough is startling, awe-inspiring, and extremely terrifying at times. Weird/absurd/impossible is the normal in DMT land. You will be okay. I will leave you with some tips from the WIKI on how to integrate from here:
WIKI said:
One of the fundamental aspects of a psychedelic experience is how to digest what one has faced and be able to put in practice lessons in daily life. Without this part, a psychedelic experience will become meaningless, dysphoric, segregating, schizo-generating.
This is not to say every single hyperspace image must be decoded into a particular lesson. A number of experiences may be so out-there that it will be hard relating it to daily life in some way. But in the very least, a sense of humbleness, of respect, the awe-inspired feeling, the happiness for being back and alive, those are all aspects that can be used for a positive change in one's life, as long as one wants it and works for it.
We spend most of our time in the normal 'waking/consensus' reality, and it is here that the real tests present themselves, it's here where we write the story of our lives and make due (or not) to our responsibilities of being alive. The difficulties of daily life shouldnt be seen as a problem we have to avoid at all costs, but rather they are opportunities for us to improve ourselves, to succeed in the tests presented by life.
While it can be extremely blissful during the effects, to see the DMT and psychedelic experience as an end to itself is a very dangerous attitude. Balance is always the key. Appreciate the gift of being alive and being able to deal with normal life. Psychedelics might be a beautiful part of the process but they are not self-sufficient and wont make your life meaningful if you dont yourself make your daily life meaningful.
Tips how to integrate
Talk to different people and listen to what they have to say. By definition, our vision of life and the events we went through are single-sided and self-biased. Other people, (experienced with psychedelics or not) can provide us with differing view-points that aid in our learning process, like mirrors that help us notice our blindspots.
Put the lessons in practice, specially before taking it again. If during the experience one has received messages about how he/she should change the eating habbits, or should treat others better, or should study more, then by all means make all the effort possible to put that in practice and avoid taking psychedelics again before having achieved one's aim (even if not completely, as we can always be better, but at least to a significant degree)
Express yourself creatively. A large part of the DMT experience is ineffable, impossible to describe in words. Yet, it is important we try to digest it one way or another, to integrate our emotional/spiritual experience. Expressing oneself creatively after smoking DMT (or taking other psychedelics too) through drawing, painting, music, poems or other art forms can be of great help and are very recommended for integration.
Question things! Do not believe literally and take at face-value what anybody tells you (whether its religious leaders, politicians, your friends or your psychedelic experiences/entities). Be self-critical, put things in perspective. Specially doubt and avoid believing any experience/feeling that involves "grandeur" ideas and anything that leads to extreme dissociation from other human beings ('im the chosen one, others are sheep'). Be extremely careful with suicidal thoughts (read point 7). Anything involving violence or ideas that would disrupt other people's lives should be avoided/disbelieved at all costs.
Balance is the key! If one is investing much more time thinking about and putting effort on psychedelic-related issues while neglecting other areas of life (family, work, health, studies), take a long break! Dedicate to life, dont worry, psychedelics will still be there in a few weeks/months/years, no need to rush.
Remember: You may have experienced Eternal Bliss and saw the Fractal All and Everything while interacting with Hyperspacial Beings, but....... The bills still have to be paid, the house still has to be broomed, the food still has to be cooked!
Health is a main priority! It highly pays off both in consensus reality as well as in the psychedelic/hyperspecial realm and one's conscience, if in daily life one is eating healthily, improving interpersonal relations and dealing with emotions, exercising, etc. If DMT/psychedelic use is negatively affecting your health (physical, emotional or intellectual) directly or indirectly, stop taking it, and only do it when one has significantly been working on one's health issues.
Do not make strong decisions during/just after a psychedelic experience. So if you really feel like saying something important to somebody, or quitting your job due to a realization, or any radical decision, write it down but please always wait for the next day (or week or month), to think over and get the perspective from another state of consciousness. If its the right decision, one can still make it afterwards even if one has waited, but if its the wrong decision and one makes it impulsively, there might be no turning back and one can seriously disrupt his/her or other people's lives.