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First time extraction help and tips/pointers from the experienced.

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Rising Star
Hello all, I am going to attempt the most simple Straight to Base extraction i could find using potato masher and lye and naphtha and vinegar and water for my first attempt at DMT extraction as soon as my Mimosa bark comes. I have done quite a bit of research into this but still have remaining questions and would like tips and pointers from the community. What i am seeking is someone who is experienced to simplify these short and what seems like simple steps for me. The mental questions i have and the answers i desire are hard to explain. they are questions like do i add the bark as is and no need to further breakdown/grind the substance up? does Lye come in powder or liquid form? which brand of chemicals required do experienced people recommend? what should i expect to yield from 500g of Mimosa bark? what is the best method of collecting the top clear solvent layer of the solution and not mixing in the bottom dark colored layer in with it? injesting the substance via "green screen" or use a vaporizing contraption? is it better to dry with fans or stick in freezer?(tek says fan it) Again for my first attempt i am following a tek that is geared towards people who are not very concerned with quality or yield of product. I just desire a successful first yield which is why i choose the most simple method for me to follow. I will post the link to the tek im follwing and its one of two titled "The Quick Version"

If someone with experience would be kind enough to simply these few steps for me and go very in-depth as how to follow them to a tee so i can understand/imagine/expect and anticipate whats going to happen in detail step by step.
one wouldn't realize my thanks to anyone attempting to help me as i have only experienced this compounds effects only twice and truly believe in its profound effects and how they can aid in the betterment of ones soul in too many ways.

let me know !

STB extractions are quite straightforward. And the tek you linked is indeed very simple(because most stb teks are simple? :?). If you follow steps one by one you should be fine. No need to further simplifying it.

You can also checkout wiki and take a look at other teks Category:Extraction Tek - DMT-Nexus Wiki

Regarding your questions:

1. you can use your bark as is, but will need more lye and time to get broken down(?). grind them if you can.
2. lye looks like very small white round granulated balls. It's dangerous get in contact with tour skin, that's why you need safety googles, gloves and vinegar to neutralize it in case that happens.
3. I'll pass chemicals question, others will answer better.
4. Yield can be 0.8%-2% sometimes more. depends on the bark and extraction tek. Absolutely DO NOT use all of your bark material on your first extraction. Work with 20-50gr before you master extraction teks or you'll waste lots of stuff.
5. for pulls you can use pipette(10ml+) as your tek says, or syringe(glass prefferable)
6. After ~24h freezer time I remove solvent from the dish with pipette or syringe and then put the dish back in fridge upside down for few hours (beware of floating crystals)
Thank you greatly for your reply and prompt it was if i may add lol your reply to my queries has provided me with enough insight to realize that there may just be a bit more research i need to do before attempting. What stuck out most to me is the trial run using only 20-50 grams like you mentioned above, how would one go about converting all neccesary ingredient meausurements to the proper ratios for said trial run amount? How much lye/naptha then for only 20-50 gr bark.
ScientistR said:
Thank you greatly for your reply and prompt it was if i may add lol your reply to my queries has provided me with enough insight to realize that there may just be a bit more research i need to do before attempting. What stuck out most to me is the trial run using only 20-50 grams like you mentioned above, how would one go about converting all neccesary ingredient meausurements to the proper ratios for said trial run amount? How much lye/naptha then for only 20-50 gr bark.
As for ratios I use:
- 1/5 lye : 1 bark powder (5gr lye for 20gr bark powder. I think up to 1:1 ratio could be used without a problem).
- 1:1 for naptha : bark (I've used ~50-70ml for 100gr powder though, not sure how they should be scaled if more bark is used. I always prefer doing small and multiple extractions)
:!: whoa! It doesn't sound like you have a very good grasp of what you are going to do. Go ahead and do it, whatever, but the more you understand the better you'll do and the less chance you have of GIVING your friends something nasty. Read moar.

The nexus is notoriously hard to search using the on-site function. Use your home googler, enter your query and add dmt nexus.

Good luck!
Hi ScientistR !!

Good luck with the 1st tek!

Do a 50g extraction - it's a nice even number and use the ratios suggested here already or scale to what your tek says - should be easy with 50g to work out % :)

You can use more Lye - it can make it easier/better it seems from reading around on the Nexus - SWIM knows someone who has only done 2 teks and it was ATB so I don' know about the tek - but more Lye worked wonders with the 2nd try, it really broke everything down more

Your 50g should get you .5 g or up to 2grams of nice stuff - enough for quite a few launches

You really have asked some questions that you really should research a bit more.. Give it a go! It's good fun and you will get product! If you want your product to be a bit nicer if the first lot isn't very good you can do a re-crystal (reXtal) and it will make it cleaner.. evap works fine I believe right? the freezer will get you nice crystals hopefully.. if you want to reuse it you can suck out your naptha and reuse for next pulls.. like was also said, do lots of little pulls, get as much as you can :) You may not get crystals but you can smoke what you have - the jugle and it will be very potent when you dry it out - enjoy the journey, tread lightly it is not an easy journey!!!!!!!!!
A good place to start is here:


The FAQ goes through the basics of extraction from beginning to end. Read it, read it, read it some more, and then read it again. As others mentioned, I would also recommend reading through several different extraction teks found in the WIKI to learn the methodology behind the steps. Understanding the basic chemistry concepts behind DMT extraction (before you begin) will help you gain insight about the procedure. While you are researching through the FAQ and WIKI, be sure to read through the attitude section too, as it outlines the rules and guidelines of the site.

Your first extraction can seem like a daunting task at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature. Definitely a worthwhile process that takes patience and dedication. Good luck!

ScientistR said:
Thank you for reply, Perth Guy.

What is an indicator that more lye is required to be added to the solution?

Follow the tek and you should be all good! Ideally you will have a PH tester.. but the extractions are pretty forgiving at the Lye stage I think and if you put a tad more it won't matter dramatically.. but follow the measurements for best results - they have calculated the amounts to get the right PH (if you have a PH tester I think you want PH 12.5 - 13 roughly? I've read that's the sweet spot)

It is going to be powerful medicine that you extract.. use it with care - ego death (breaking through completely) can be hard to handle.. hopefully you are an experienced astronaut because deep space may be waiting
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