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First time report....how do you prepare for the unpreparable?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi there everyone. I am new to this forum, and this is my first post. Earlier today I had my first DMT experience, and, perhaps unsuprisingly, found the experience to be so absolutely mind-boggling that I simply had to tell someone about it.....consequently I created an account here. I've also 'lurked' around the forum for a while whilst doing my research on DMT.

This morning I took 35mg of DMT, using a 'dry bong' method....essentially a 1L plastic bottle with the bottom third cut off and a foil sleeve wrapped around it with a little well in the bottom to hold the material, which was heated from underneath. The bottle filled with vapour, and I unscrewed the cap and took the biggest hit that I could.

Within about 10 seconds I experienced an enormous 'BLAST OFF!!!!' and I decided that laying back on the bed would be a good idea, and that I better do it quick, as the DMT was hitting me much harder than I was prepared for. I have experience with LSD and mushrooms, and although I had been reading lots about DMT, both here and elsewhere on the internet, the intensity of this initial blasting-off experience was something that I don't think any amount of reading could have prepared me for! Within seconds I was laid out on my bed, eyes closed, and flying through a tunnel of immensely complex, vivid, ever-changing fractal patterns.TIt felt realer than real. Sharp, focussed, detailed, and very much 'in your face'.

The sensation of getting deeper and deeper into some kind of 'other place' was overwhelming. The last thing I remember about about being 'in the real world' before hitting the tunnel was saying 'it's so beautiful!'...my own voice sounded as though time was slowing down, reality as I knew it was fracturing and this new place was almost instantly saying 'we are here now....the world you know is gone.'

This incredibly fast and intense experience then began to get MORE intense...the kind of energetic buzzing sound that people sometimes talk about was enveloping me, the tunnel became all and the world outside the tunnel became nothing.

Now, at this point, I think I may have got it wrong. I became aware of entities who obviously inhabited this other place, and they were gesturing me to come in, to go 'into them', to become one with them. But I was a little freaked out by how quickly this was all happening, and I concsiously decided that I wanted to 'hang on' to this side. The entities appeared as something you might imagine from a voodoo dimension, there was lots of imagery reminiscent of the Mexican 'Day of the Dead', and I was a little scared of them. Then, that initial feeling of incredible intensity and force, the feeling of 'YOU'RE COMING HERE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!' subsided, and I began to hear what I'll describe as music - but the music was language...this is kind of hard to explain, but the music defintely felt as though it had a direct communicative purpose, and that what is was communicating was 'calm down, relax, just relax'. It was soothing, it felt as though 'they' were almost stroking my head the way a nurse might do to a patient in distress to calm them. Then I opened my eyes and realised that I was 'back here', but that the door was still ajar to the other place. The patterns and fractals were jaw droppingly real and beautiful, overlaying the room and somehow more real than the room. I began to sense that through this door that was still ajar, there were angelic entities, who I realised were the senders of the calming music / communication, and there were also the voodo-beings, who seemed malevolent and scary. Soon I was straight enough to realise that I was definetly coming back to earth, and was very relieved to be doing so.

The last thing, the very last whisper from the experience, was a feeling, (again, it felt like a definite communication from something) was 'The angels were us...the voodo-creatures were YOU. You held on, you fought too much and that manifested the voodoo creatures'.

So, my feelings on the experience are:

1) There was no way I was prepared for the intensity of the blast-off, and I think that scared me a bit. I cannot overstate this!

2) I clearly fought aginst the full breakthrough, and this fighting or clinging on was responsible for some of the frightening aspects, I wonder if another hit might have been a better idea at this stage (but I don't think I was physically capable of litting the bottle!), or failing that, certainly a more sincere attempt to 'surrender'.

3) The absolute mind-bending bizarreness and wonderfulness and frighteningness and amazingness of this experience was WAY beyond any psychedlic experience I have previously had. I'd even hesitate to call it 'psychedelic'. This was something much more powerful and direct, this was a glimpse into universe completely incomprehensible to me.

4) I'm glad I did it. I'll almost definetly do it again, but it was pretty humbling. The vastness of it, the sheer incomprehensibleness of it... 'You think you're ready? You ain't nowhere near ready!' 😁

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments to offer I'd be interested to hear them, especially comments concerning the 'ego-fight against breakthrough'. If anymne else has had a similar thing I;d be really interested to learn from that.

With love.
That was an enthralling report.
My first time was pretty crazy as well. :lol:
Interesting way of admission as well, I just mix it in with a bowl of flower.
Look forward to the next one :thumb_up:
Fall said:
The bottle filled with vapour, and I unscrewed the cap and took the biggest hit that I could.

If you plan to delve further in the near future, if you're able to ..try to look into getting a glass vapor genie, or look into one of the methods for enhanced leaf, or look into changa [the ratio of harmalas in changa can vary widely, individual basis, so changas sort've a blanket term when it comes to the harmalas amounts used imo]. Not trying to bash your current method, though if you were to adopt one of these other methods down the line .. I'd bet you would be very satisfied.. <3

Good to hear that you went for as big a hit as you could get with what you had. It's good to work up to a dose, but I respect greatly those who make the decision to put it all aside, intentful on getting somewhere, and going for it. Sounds like from reading your report that it definitely got you good .. that's great to here. :)

Fall said:
the DMT was hitting me much harder than I was prepared for. I have experience with LSD and mushrooms, and although I had been reading lots about DMT, both here and elsewhere on the internet, the intensity of this initial blasting-off experience was something that I don't think any amount of reading could have prepared me for! Within seconds I was laid out on my bed, eyes closed, and flying through a tunnel of immensely complex, vivid, ever-changing fractal patterns. It felt realer than real. Sharp, focussed, detailed, and very much 'in your face'.

Yup, sounds like you went the course :d :love:

Reading, words, relative to what can be encountered during that experience - they're incredibly short sited more times than not [if not completely so], language falls back when in the face of it. We all talk alot about it , which is good and I think it's fun to talk about, even if things get repeated :lol: though when you have a solid breakthrough, release, whathaveyou - all the talk, evaporates like if you were to throw a cup of water into a blast furnace, as it's happening, when you're under the experience as it unfolds and envelops you - all the ideals, descriptions, talk - just melts in the face of it. Transcendental.

Not bashing talking about it, I think it's important to talk about it, 100%, especially with new people who decide to explore. It's important I think. :thumb_up:

Fall said:
The sensation of getting deeper and deeper into some kind of 'other place' was overwhelming. The last thing I remember about about being 'in the real world' before hitting the tunnel was saying 'it's so beautiful!'...my own voice sounded as though time was slowing down, reality as I knew it was fracturing and this new place was almost instantly saying 'we are here now....the world you know is gone.'

This incredibly fast and intense experience then began to get MORE intense...the kind of energetic buzzing sound that people sometimes talk about was enveloping me, the tunnel became all and the world outside the tunnel became nothing.

Now, at this point, I think I may have got it wrong. I became aware of entities who obviously inhabited this other place, and they were gesturing me to come in, to go 'into them', to become one with them. But I was a little freaked out by how quickly this was all happening, and I concsiously decided that I wanted to 'hang on' to this side. The entities appeared as something you might imagine from a voodoo dimension, there was lots of imagery reminiscent of the Mexican 'Day of the Dead', and I was a little scared of them. Then, that initial feeling of incredible intensity and force, the feeling of 'YOU'RE COMING HERE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!' subsided, and I began to hear what I'll describe as music - but the music was language...this is kind of hard to explain, but the music defintely felt as though it had a direct communicative purpose, and that what is was communicating was 'calm down, relax, just relax'. It was soothing, it felt as though 'they' were almost stroking my head the way a nurse might do to a patient in distress to calm them. Then I opened my eyes and realised that I was 'back here', but that the door was still ajar to the other place. The patterns and fractals were jaw droppingly real and beautiful, overlaying the room and somehow more real than the room. I began to sense that through this door that was still ajar, there were angelic entities, who I realised were the senders of the calming music / communication, and there were also the voodo-beings, who seemed malevolent and scary. Soon I was straight enough to realise that I was definetly coming back to earth, and was very relieved to be doing so.

Yup, sometimes it just keeps piling it on you, when you think you couldn't stand anymore ..it just ups the tempo, deeper and deeper we go. At a certain point it's good practice to just die with it imho.

The sensations that you feel as it's happening, sometimes it can feel unbearable [or in short moments at least], though it's best to just die with it, no fight, flop over like that special fish you are and just 'give up' 😁 you really don't end up with much of a choice at a certain point :d IT can encompass a wide range of impossibly powerful feelings, sensations, emotions, not to mention that in addition to all this you're also in a dimension/reality that's completely active, alive, in alot of ways structured as a place of stunning, impossibly rich and detailed atmosphere. [and by place I don't necessarily mean a place we 'go' as in traveling A to B ..I think IT to be everywhere, it's everywhere, it's us]

The autonomous forms that come out, alot of the times I start to see them on the outer walls oredges of the space I typically would end up in, though most of the time pretty quickly they would come up close, made of the same 'stuff' as the space they inhabit, though distinct and completely independent and active, alot of parties, dancing, an eternal city of infinite structure, often domed. Sometimes sprawling vistas, valleys, pastures, lakes, beautiful open expanses. Organically twirling coded skin in continual lines, constantly flowing like a river over themselves, continually morphing, shifting, twirling, sometimes shifting into entire other scenes, motifs, structures, sometimes back to themselves, though most of the time they appear distinct from the space and stay that way.

And yeah 'jaw dropping' is apt [as you'd said] when it comes to describing the visual aspect - how incredibly detailed, yet soft, though intensely rich and defined it all is, and all the many things that can reveal themselves during.

I've cried numerous times on some of the deepest ones, the beauty, the power felt and how inseparable it all was, at times I felt like a fool :lol: ,not sure why exactly, like it felt as if I had massive blinders on at to how beautiful it all can be, and going through each day, living, totally unaware at how incredibly special all this is and what can be felt in those depths.

Glad to hear that this all hit you as it did. :) It's good to see stuff like this imo.

Fall said:
The last thing, the very last whisper from the experience, was a feeling, (again, it felt like a definite communication from something) was 'The angels were us...the voodo-creatures were YOU. You held on, you fought too much and that manifested the voodoo creatures'.

It's all you I feel, it's all everything .. could it be otherwise? Great writeup, and glad to hear that things went as they did for you. Post more if and when you decide to go back.

Thank you Astonish and Tatt for your replies.

Tatt, a lot of what you have said here resonates strongly with me - I particularly like the part where you say that the autonomous entities are made of the same stuff as the place, rather than being mere inhabitants of that place. I also plan on getting a glass Vapour Genie for future journeys.

Now that I have had my first experience and had some time to process it, I think (or at least I hope!) that my initial fear on blast-off might not be as great next time. The thing is, I was expecting to be 'the observer' of whatever manifested - however, it was so intense that the experience was all there was - there was no 'experience' and 'observer of the experience'....there was just 'it', and this 'dying' (for want of a better word) freaked me out and I made an attempt to hold on to myself. I take your point about letting yourself die into it and on my next journey I'll try to trust in it more and let that happen.

Again, thanks to you and to Astonish for replying.

With love.
You have a good attitude and curiosity for the Nexus, I do not see why you wont have a promotion soon if you keep it up. :) Good to have you here.
You should message me if there is anything I can ever do for you.
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