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first trial with black caapi leaf tea and vaped dmt...

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Rising Star
Im very surprised at the results!:d

Using one heaping table spoon of dried black caapi leaf in a tea bag... i let the caapi leaf steep in the hot filtered water for about 15 minutes then started the water to boiling again for a few minutes then let it steep for another 10 minutes...

After tasting the tea it wasnt bad tasting at all . [ not harsh like rue tea]...it was kind of mild tasting and could have sweetened it a little but just siped it slowly..

The tea was a light yellow color...

Within 10 minutes i was defenantly feeling something..! and it felt similar to the mildly sleepy feeling that rue tea causes..

I wated for 35 minutes befor vaping the dmt... the caapi leaf tea was causing a dreamy laid back feeling ..not bad at at all for such a small amount of leaf:thumb_up: ..[one heaping tablespoon of dried leaf]!!

I thought it was 5:30 pm when i smoked the dmtbut maybe it was 6:30??/8)

Anyway the spice came on smooothly and strong i laid down listening to some music and it was all strong awesome CEVs i felt like i went to heaven!!

I could feel the ..[aya] caapi feel ].. during the trip it was gentle but very visual!

I didnt have a tiny bit of anxiety durrring the trip..

The caapi tea surely had a good effect with the dmt it was black caapi leaf i just received...

Honestly i had doubts that this small amount of leaf would work at all but it did and it was mild tasting not bad!!
I forgot to mention that it was 8:00 pm when i came down!

That means i was lying there triping for either..[ 2 and a half hours]... or ..[ 1 and a half hours?]

I thought it was 5:30 pm when i smoked the dmt...but it could have been 6:30 pm but no later!

I was so surprised to find it was almost dark outside and 8:pm!

So this combo kept me tripping that long!:thumb_up:
several years back...I once tryed hard boiling [[for over and hour]..a whole bag of caapi leaf that produced a dark redish liquid that thickened after i reduced it....[i was trying to extract harmala]

now recently i received what is suposed to be..[ black caapi leaf] ..
[the dried leaf i received leaf apears greenish].. and ...[i did not hard boil it].... i simply heated some water and put..[ a large tablespoon of crushed leaf].. in a tea bag to steep like you would make any tea...

The result was a yellow colored tea.. that ive tryed that seems quite active with dmt...

My question is...?? can leaves from diferent strains of caapi [black..red..or yellow]... produce a diferent colored tea???...

or can is the bolling process posibly with an added acid like vinegar be responsible for the dark red color in the liquid...

all caapi leaf doesnt produce a dark red color does it?

the color that is yellow just has me concerned?
starway6 said:
several years back...I once tryed hard boiling [[for over and hour]..a whole bag of caapi leaf that produced a dark redish liquid that thickened after i reduced it....[i was trying to extract harmala]

now recently i received what is suposed to be..[ black caapi leaf] ..
[the dried leaf i received leaf apears greenish].. and ...[i did not hard boil it].... i simply heated some water and put..[ a large tablespoon of crushed leaf].. in a tea bag to steep like you would make any tea...

The result was a yellow colored tea.. that ive tryed that seems quite active with dmt...

My question is...?? can leaves from diferent strains of caapi [black..red..or yellow]... produce a diferent colored tea???...

or can is the bolling process posibly with an added acid like vinegar be responsible for the dark red color in the liquid...

all caapi leaf doesnt produce a dark red color does it?

the color that is yellow just has me concerned?

I generally end up with a reddish colored end product from both caapi and PHS. However, I do not brew from leaf with the caapi, I'm brewing the actual vine.

Yellow is fine, harmala alkaloids are yellow, and will display fluorescence under a UV light. I have seen cold water caapi extracts which produced a yellowish end product. Red or brown is fine as well, as there is more in the plant material than just harmala alkaloids. Either is pretty normal.



If you search for "ayahuasca and it's recipes" by terence McKenna it's fairly interesting, it's fairly old, so it's not like a guide or anything, but there's some informative content. I transcribed a random selection from the lecture as a full transcription was not available. If you search on YouTube for "terence McKenna ayahuasca and it's recipes" you can hear the whole thing.

in the final evaporation you want to be careful not to boil it too rapidly or the sugars which are cooked out of the ayahuasca will tend to caramelize and make it thick, this does not affect the pharmacology of the ayahuasca but it makes it hell to swallow. If you do it right you will be able to get it to 100mls and it should still pour...it's as thin as water, it won't thicken unless you have boiled it with too hot of flame.

Q: so your not destroying any alkaloids it's just caramelized?

Terence: no, it's more like an aesthetic thing, like you hurried it, and if you are giving it to people who are knowledgeable they will comment on this, the sign of amateurish ayahuasca is ayahuasca thats thick, because it needn't be, those are just sugars, it's not doing you any good.

Terence McKenna; ayahuasca and it's recipes

I have read ..[in more than one post].. that the leaves from B Caapi are just as potent as the vine maybe more so... read below..

Posted : 10/24/2011 10:48:34 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Leaf is about as potent as vine IME. I always add a few big leaves to a brew..but just as an extra admixture I never try to make up for less vine with leaves or brew only leaves etc. I have drunk a tea with a few leaves though as a microdose and it seems as active as vine. I think leaves have no THH and only harmine though.

You would need 50-100g of leaves for a leag only brew I would think..and they are reported to add an extra emetic quality to the tea..I cant say if they do or dont. I add a bit of mapacho to my ayahuasca along with cats claw and chaliponga so I cant say which one makes it more of less emetic.

One hit of leaves from a bubbler will give me a very nice harmala buzz so they are definatily high enough in harmalas.

"if you're worried if you're loved, you need therapy..if you're ready to be light even though everyone hates you, you're ready for yoga"
Here is a little more info on the leaves although they are talking about ..[smoking the leaves].. not drinking it as a tea!..

It would seem that ...[using the tea method]... should be stronger and longer lasting than smoking the leaf...?

here is som e more posts below..

Harmala-content in Caapi leaves? Options

Posted : 2/11/2010 5:30:09 PM

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I just vaporized a small amount of Caapi leaves, not expecting any effects, only to check how the taste is. I was, however, completely taken by surprise by the effects. I feel stimulated in my body and kinda sedated in my mind, and the music is notably wider... This is from maybe 0.1 g vaped!

I thought caapi leaves contain next to no alkaloids... Apparently I was wrong. Does anyone know anything about the usual harmala content in the leaves?

Oneiros Glass
Trippy glass for trippy people.

Posted : 2/11/2010 7:34:09 PM

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They do contain next to no alkaloids, but the little that's present is apparently very active when smoked.

Try smoking passionflower leaves. They contain only a tiny amount of harmala alkaloids, but are AS EFFECTIVE as caapi leaves when smoked.
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Posted : 2/11/2010 7:37:36 PM


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The leaves have been shown to have higher % alkaloids than the rest of the plant excepting the roots.

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Posted : 2/11/2010 7:45:18 PM

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I'm sorry, d*l*b is correct. I was thinking about THH. THH is pretty absent from the leaves and abundant in the root, but harmine is abundant in both.
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Posted : 2/12/2010 5:58:30 PM

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Thank you for that link! It seems that the only alkaloid present in the leaves is harmine. If we assume it was indeed 0.1 g I vaporized, a harmine content of 0.25 to 1.90% would mean I ingested anything between 0.25 and 1.9 mg. Oh my, then the harmala-alkaloids have an extreme potency when smoked! That actually means the potency is nearly comparable to oral LSD. Wow! What is the bioavailability of oral harmala-alkaloids? It must be extremely low...

Posted : 2/12/2010 7:28:23 PM

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Orally you need about 10 times the amount you need sublingually. Apparently harmine is even more active when smoked. Passionflower leaf contains very small amounts of harmala alkaloids, but is very effective when smoked. You don't need much. Apparently most of the harmala alkaloids are destroyed when smoked, so the dose you get from smoking them is even smaller than you think you’re getting.
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Posted : 2/12/2010 7:39:55 PM

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Hmm, very interesting! If some of the harmine is indeed destroyed by heat, this compound is actually comparable to LSD in potency. In what temperature is harmine destroyed? The melting point is 321 C, so I assume this is the temperature needed for a vaporization to be effective. Will this temperature also destroy part of the harmine? Or is it only a direct flame that will destroy it?

Posted : 2/17/2010 9:37:19 PM

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2%? That is ridiculously low. Then it should be around 20% sublingual, if it really is ten times stronger that way. Smoking is what, 80-90%? I really feel it is a terrible waste of good alkaloids to take them orally, if 98% of them just pass through your system... Does it last as long sublingual as it does orally?


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