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First Trip. Eyes. Breakthru.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
First of all, I must express my love for the nexus. Its nice to have a place to share.

Here goes. Swim recieved a text message reading "are you free?" sure. "Are you FREE?" yes. My new found friend of mine then came over and gave swim a couple hits of silver. Spiced lsd, with a drop of meth (For the super MAIO) or something like that. So swim started with 2 hits. Then about 10 mins later, 6 or more hits landed. 8 total. Apparently enough to do the trick :) It was nice at first, then it was like someone had pulled a vail over my head but swim could still figure most of it all out. Which was fucking crazy. There was a guy doing card tricks which were blowing swim's mind. Then swim was jumping on a trampoline to get everything working thru swim's system. Then the chick on the trampoline started to look like a alien. So swim went inside and answered a few questions about how swim was feeling and such. swim started to glow, so swim sat down. The room was nice and white and had the sun shining thru the window. White couch, white floor, white walls. Light started to bounce off of every surface and dance around swim's current reality. On a side note, swim is not sure if smoking is similar to this method. Then my sitter asked swim if swim trusted him. swim answered yes, even though swim's sitter was starting to become very alien like as well. Then swim was directed to close both eyes. Then he placed his hands on my face in a perfect symbolic arrangement and left my body in such a way that the only thing that was holding my physical body in place was his hands on my face. swim wanted to see, swim remember wanting to see the physical world so badly. Then the rush came and swim didnt give a fuck at all. At first it felt like a alien was raping my soul then that feeling went away. At this point everything accelerated so greatly, so peacefully that swim didnt even realise swim was in a different place until swim was accidently communicating with all of these entities from different dimensions. It felt as if a billion infinite souls were giving swim love and giant hugs. The couch kinda ate swim's physical body and became a pod of some sort to help keep swim's body intact and at peace. Nothing can really prepare you for this experience. Not fully anyways. From there swim traveled around exchanging valuable information with everything that was in this space that swim was in. This lasted a quite a while. swim dosent remember 2 mins after swim's comedown but the rest is pretty clear. But there was a really strong alien feeling to the moment right before swim blasted into another dimension. Anyways. Then the remaining trip lasted into the next day, swim almost died from swim's body purging itself constantly, but it wasnt such a bad purging. Then when the sun was comming up swim went outside and this is where it gets fun again! There were giant fractalish vertical eyes looking down at everything. With perfect rainbow glows emmiting from them. Similar to Alex Greys drawings but so very true and perfect. And they were close! tons of em. They werent happy or sad, they just were. At the moment swim was scared of them and thankful of them at the same time. Now swim can see spirts in the sky if swim concentrates for a little bit. At least swim thinks they are spirts, there is something goin on up there for sure. And yeah. Life is pretty fucking sweet.

Peace and love
Has anyone else seen the eyes in the sky. Im very curious about them.

Also, has anyone gotten to the same place thru special lsd?
Wow, SWIM had never done this outdoors. He'll definitely give it a go. The blue sky must look fantastic. He just got his VaporGenie, so at least he will look more distinguished than with the airpipe he used to use.
outdoors is good especially the first snowfall i went and sat in my truck coz my gf hates the smell but its all good coz i can play tunes and relax by myself. the comfort of having your own space is priceless. heated truck, good music, snowflakes and comfort is a good place to be.
hey travinski, i see you live in kelowna...nice to see a fellow BCer, loving the snow down here in vancouver..not much but its white out there right now..think i might do the snow-trip thing tommorow:d
eviljackalope said:
Has anyone else seen the eyes in the sky. Im very curious about them.

Also, has anyone gotten to the same place thru special lsd?

this got me thinking, with psilocybin, which is the entheogen I am most familiar with outdoor at night, I have seen very beautiful complex fractals, like honeycomb superimposed over the ozone. I dont think I have seen eyes in the sky, but I have seen them witheyes closed..Once though, a few years ago a friend and I drank a mushroom tea and were lying out on a trampoline and we both saw hyroglific tablets being presented to us in the sky..never happened again, though I wish it would..
yeah bc, its the place to be im originally from langley been in kelowna for 6yrs now its great. pm me and maybe we can share suppliers and other usefull info like mhrb suppliers and good places to get lab glass, chemicals and such im thinking bout trying fasa but cant find fumaric anywhere even though im kinda busy with my latest experiment. check out ethnogarden they got my stuff to me in less than 24 hrs
On mushrooms I saw some "Alex Grey eyes." I was camping in Kentucky. I kept seeing them open up all over the walls of the tent. I would try to look at them, but they disappeared. They would return whenever I averted my gaze. It was like they were blinking shut when I looked at them. Creepy.
blue_velvet said:
On mushrooms I saw some "Alex Grey eyes." I was camping in Kentucky. I kept seeing them open up all over the walls of the tent. I would try to look at them, but they disappeared. They would return whenever I averted my gaze. It was like they were blinking shut when I looked at them. Creepy.

Haha, talk about tricky. Those eyes are fucking real man. And they dont want you to see them. TRICKY TRICKY TRICKY....

I think we need to show everyone them.
fall back into a giant grid/bed of those eyes...
"Wow's" splintering off into each of the myriad cellular structure!
I am familiar with this "LSD". I quote because it is most likely not LSD at all. If my suspicion is correct it was actually a psychedelic phenethylamine. There are a few different compounds out there. In short it has the hallucinogenic effects of say lsd with the speed effects of amphetamines. DOC DOB DOM DOI for a few. i call them alphabet drugs. Your dealer wouldnt know what he had anyway, unless he synthesized the coumpounds himself or personally knew and trusted the chemist. one should be very careful with these compounds. Common sense would tell you mixing a psychedelic chemical with an upper could be a recipe for disaster. Usually pure lsd (which isnt usually mixed with anything although doses have been found with dob added) Will have almost no taste at all. I had 50 hits of some bitter bitter acid. Needless to say me and a buddy ate about 7 hits each. next day i was fine. my buddy tripped out for over a week with no subsequent dose. he eventuslly couldnt talk and just sat on his couch for about 24 hours straight before going into a seizure and then a coma for about 4 weeks. he came out of it vowing to never take acid again. Just because your guys says its lsd 25 dont make it so. I know there are about 6 forms or attempts of lsd that are not quite right structually but are still active compounds. i like my lsd tasteless.
bonestoner said:
I am familiar with this "LSD". I quote because it is most likely not LSD at all. If my suspicion is correct it was actually a psychedelic phenethylamine. There are a few different compounds out there. In short it has the hallucinogenic effects of say lsd with the speed effects of amphetamines. DOC DOB DOM DOI for a few. i call them alphabet drugs. Your dealer wouldnt know what he had anyway, unless he synthesized the coumpounds himself or personally knew and trusted the chemist. one should be very careful with these compounds. Common sense would tell you mixing a psychedelic chemical with an upper could be a recipe for disaster. Usually pure lsd (which isnt usually mixed with anything although doses have been found with dob added) Will have almost no taste at all. I had 50 hits of some bitter bitter acid. Needless to say me and a buddy ate about 7 hits each. next day i was fine. my buddy tripped out for over a week with no subsequent dose. he eventuslly couldnt talk and just sat on his couch for about 24 hours straight before going into a seizure and then a coma for about 4 weeks. he came out of it vowing to never take acid again. Just because your guys says its lsd 25 dont make it so. I know there are about 6 forms or attempts of lsd that are not quite right structually but are still active compounds. i like my lsd tasteless.

This is interesting indeed. I will have to do more research into this. As for being tastless, this was most certainly tasteful as well as most fractalfully delicious.

SWIM knew for a fact he knew what he had :)
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