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Flashbacks in Reflections and Sex

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I'd like to preempt this by describing what appears to be an area in dmt that exist in our world. Its described by other users as a place where our world looks very vibrant, clean, and "new"...

Motiv311 said:
The cleaner people :

Probably the truest example of prime DMT maddness; I call this energy "the cleaner people" ... I wound't neccesarily consider these situations "entity contact"[...]EVERYTHING looks upgraded/different and ever-changing almost as if you've traversed dimensions or gone to the future 20 plus years. Sometimes if you are in a room, a messy room especially, you'll find it free of clutter in this state. Only a few objects in the room really matter suddenly. They seem sleeker X20 than normal, and often for me personally I'll find brand names either gone or transformed into some sort of ancient heiroglyphs which are much cooler than "Panosonic" or "Samsung" ....
Everything seems much more exciting when DMT gets to this mode, architecture tickles you, man-made items and structures are iconographical and are shown in the very BEST sense of how they were originally intended. In this mode, things are constantly SHIFTING as if someone had their hand on a dial and were fucking with your dimensionallity to demostrate its flexibility and variaty.

It's my opinion that this is how our world actually looks. That everyday objects and structures are tarnished by our conditioning, memories, ego, and linguistic generalizations (grouping things for the sake of easier communication destroys the individualism of separate objects, life forms, etc).

So back to the flashbacks. I get glimpses of the "Clean Space" in reflective objects the familiar swirl and tangle of pastel color and movement is palpable in flashing moments when i see a particularly shiny car or peace of metal and in glass. It happens in non reflective objects less often. It's as if I've torn through the first layer of space, ones own ego, and can see things in their pure form.

Tonight however I was completely taken by surprise. I was transported to the "Clean Place" in the middle of sex. Sometimes during sex my mind will focus souls on what I'm physically/mentally feeling and I'll go "blind". I did this and when I came back my girlfriend's skin had turned from a soft white to a snowy pearl and within it the fractual movements twisted and twirled. Her freckles laid on top of the doorway to the Otherside that resided within her outline. Her eyes became a dark ebony black that I've only seen adorning entities. I was in the "Clean Place" what had started in her had now spread to the whole room.

It was quite amazing but so potent I'm concerned if I had a flashback as intense in any other setting it may be problematic, I only get small ones while driving or when drinking (I don't do both they're separate occasions lol). Anyone have a similar experience? Or at least know of the Clean Place"?
It's not unusual to have sudden, intense, short duration flash backs with DMT at first. It doesn't normally persist though. Try not to over think it.

I had a couple of interesting moments as well.
Northerner said:
It's not unusual to have sudden, intense, short duration flash backs with DMT at first. It doesn't normally persist though. Try not to over think it.

I had a couple of interesting moments as well.

Thanks I wasn't quite sure I've traveled about 11 times excluding sub"breakthough" in 2 weeks.
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