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For Pandora (cat thread)

Migrated topic.
Pandora said:
My friend had a couple catnip plants in his backyard when we were kids and I remember looking out his back door and seeing a sight like this once :lol:

Apparently cats will completely ignore territorial concerns when catnip is involved. And yes, I'm definitely stealing nebula cat :lol: :thumb_up:
I don't have any cats myself, unfortunately, but here is a pic of a friend's kittens being cute! Their names are Leonidas and Maynard! ;)


  • kitties+being+cute+jpeg.jpg
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I am SO happy i revisited this thread. So many great additions to the thread and i especially liked the cat being abducted video. My cat died yesterday and i was worried it would be a while before i found cats so funny again. This thread has affirmed that even tragedy can not negate the amusement experienced whilst perusing through the thread. started at :( and ended at :lol:
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