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free-base psilocin?

Migrated topic.
SWIM knows that mycelium can be potent. One of the most potent experiences he ever had was with mycelium and he's had a lot of experiences with orange sunshine etc. The one thing that he has read though is that mycelium doesn't have any interesting alkaloids until primordia appear. He also said that he did an alcohol extraction from about an ounce of old cyanescens and took a small shot. He had a good experience at first but later got very ill and was afraid that there may have been some other species tainting the collection or something. It also could have been just a reaction to "everclear". He didn't dump the extraction like he felt like doing but now that this thread is going there may be some good reason to try basifying and then evaping it from clean solvent.
Please someone set this myth straight.

I've heard both sides of this, people saying it can be vaporized and others saying it gets destroyed before it is fully vaporized. I myself have tried it on a crude extract at 50mgs without any effects noticed....if it in fact can be done I would be quite interested...plus having a few vials of silly instead of bags and bags of mushies seems like a good thing to me....I'm running out of freezer room!

Moved to Other Entheogens.
I'm still planning on making strong tea out of about 1/2 ounce of Chacruna and then cooking it down to a small amount then...whatever the new term is, we used to say "geezing it" but anyway I'd suck it up into a syrynge with a long curved plastic tube and take it anally. Maybe try it once without some harmaline and once with it. Just be patient long enough for the effects to really be there before trying any more. This could be a kick ass way to get the most out of Chacruna....in a controllable manner.
I do not see what this has to do with free-base psilocin.
And i am also a bit sceptical to taking chacruna that way. I think you can expect it to be uncomfortable taking it that way. If the body doesn't want a certain substance it will just throw it out. You know wich way you may expect it to go, then.
polytrip said:
I do not see what this has to do with free-base psilocin.
And i am also a bit sceptical to taking chacruna that way. I think you can expect it to be uncomfortable taking it that way. If the body doesn't want a certain substance it will just throw it out. You know wich way you may expect it to go, then.

Very off topic, but yeah, it might work, but you are gonna need quite a bit to go where you want. I'm all about rectal administration, but some things don't work well that way...mescaline for example is much less effective taken rectally vs. orally.

back on topic,

Has ANYONE had first hand experience with smoking psilocybin/psilocin?
Well, i was planning to do it this weekend, but i've changed my mind. I realy feel like doing ayahuasca for the weekend now. But i am so definately going to give this freebase mushroom thing a try.
I still got some dried azurescens and some dutch-native ones, and since the substance resembles bufotenin so much, i think i will try to prepare a sort of psilo-yopo with it.
Would Calciumhydroxid destroy psilocybin/psilocin ?
If not maybe one could try a Yopo Tek to yield a Freebase Extr.

The Ethanolic Extract is a salt form of the Psillis , or ?

Shulgin said:
This alkaloid is reasonably soluble in boiling water from which it can be nicely crystallized.

psilocybin is a zwitterion, it cant be freebased, it doesnt work like other alkaloids

it already has a negative and positive, the amine and the phosphoric acid.. Thats why an Acid/Base extraction does not work with it
Yes, psilocybin is a zwitterion but not psilocin. Psilocin (4-HO-DMT) can be freebased just like bufotenine (5-HO-DMT). To freebase psilocybin, you just convert it to psilocin first. Works fine.
69ron said:
Yes, psilocybin is a zwitterion but not psilocin. Psilocin (4-HO-DMT) can be freebased just like bufotenine (5-HO-DMT). To freebase psilocybin, you just convert it to psilocin first. Works fine.

two things about this.. first is that psilocin is quite unstable, so storing it wouldnt be a very easy thing

the other thing (a question) : isnt psilocybin converted to psilocin under highly acidic conditions ? Then why dont simple A/Bs work, given the first step is made with low enough pH? I never did this myself but I heard many people talking about trying A/B and not working...
endlessness said:
First is that psilocin is quite unstable, so storing it wouldnt be a very easy thing

benzyme said:
to make these compounds more stable, use aqueous ascorbic acid (a natural antioxidant) to convert the final product into an ascorbate salt; evap off the water (desiccator would work best)
A/Bs do work for psilocin. Search the literature. Many scientists have isolated psilocin using A/B extractions where DCM was the NPS. The trick is not letting the pH get too high. If it does, it's just like 5-HO-DMT (bufotenine), it gets destroyed. That's probably why many people say A/B's don't work, they did them wrong and destroyed the psilocin.
For a psilocin A/B extraction, in the B stage adjust the pH to 8.5-9.5, and no higher, and very quickly extract with DCM or chloroform.

Don’t leave it in freebase form. As soon as your DCM or chloroform is all evaporated, add tartaric acid and a little water to form psilocin tartrate and let it slowly evaporate. Tartrates are very stable and quickly digested. LSD is usually made into LSD tartrate for that very same reason. Freebase LSD is extremely unstable.

Once you have psilocin tartrate, you store it like that in the refrigerator in the dark in an airtight container. It should last quite a while that way.

Then if you want to freebase it, do that on the day you plan to smoke it.
IV 4acodmt. Just saying. With doses at ~25mg people have reported DMT-like breakthroughs lasting 20ish mins with a strong psilocin trip the rest of the duration. It's on my list of things to do before I die and is one of the few things I'd consider touching a needle for.
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